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  • Banned, was dumping my herbs/ores to a GM!!

    Discussion in 'Ban Section - Ban Reports' started by allendante96, Aug 11, 2013.

    1. allendante96

      allendante96 New Member

      Aug 11, 2013
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      Alright guys, sorry if this is in the wrong section but I want to share my story. A couple days ago I got perma banned (No warnings or previous offenses.) I was so confused to why this happened as I was only running GB at most like 4 hours with relogs and random private profiles. I was only farming in Pandaria and had about ~80 AHs daily. I was always doing BGs and dungeons legitimately on this account too. So, I appealed and got the ban reduced to 72hrs (This is crazy easy I literally didn't even ask they just did it when I mentioned I've played for 8 years.) So, when I get back in the game and message a couple of my bulk buyers, I have an interesting conversation with one of them. It turns out that one of my biggest buyers is actually a GM and even while buying all my stuff and making gold from me I guess he was filing an investigation the whole time, LOL.
    2. zanyyy

      zanyyy New Member

      May 27, 2013
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      Haha, atleast you got your Gold. :D
    3. Overnaturlig

      Overnaturlig Member

      Feb 21, 2012
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      Name this ingame Game master then. Since GM's have a rule stating that they made never let other players know that they are gm's because it changes players view on them ingame and causes ingame rumors and ruins the free gameplay for the game masters.

      I call your story a lie or the buyer is lying to you.
    4. allendante96

      allendante96 New Member

      Aug 11, 2013
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      Idc even if he was lying, the main point of this thread is "I got banned, appealed, got my account back and had an interesting conversation."
      I honestly couldn't give two shits if he's a GM or not, he just said he was. And no, I wont give out his name to a forum full of botters and many many public views. I'm no douche bag
    5. Toney001

      Toney001 New Member

      Oct 12, 2011
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      They still do tell, though.
      I've met a couple GMs in guilds over the years.

      That said, I think it's a bit farfetched to suspect from your biggest buyer.
      I could see if it was a one time thing, but if he's constantly buying from you... he probably leaves his work at the office.

      I just doubt they'd go that far, specially because they really don't need to have a long business relationship with you to tell you're a bot.

      Last night I bought 305 primal diamonds from someone, and he said he makes about that quantity per day. I didn't need much more info to know he's a botter...
    6. Aion

      Aion Well-Known Member Buddy Store Developer

      Jan 18, 2011
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      Dont label people just because you use different kind of stuff, and think everyone with huge quantity of mats do the same lol!
      I have no idea how wide you bot, but try to prospect enough gems for 300+ primal diamonds daily, you will get in troubles!
      The easiest about the primals is what the most ppl do, prospect few stacks, buy lotuses and transmute transmute :D
    7. msn443

      msn443 New Member

      Oct 16, 2012
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      my buyers are Gamemasters too but they never ban me
    8. standza

      standza Member

      Mar 16, 2012
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      I am game master and I know you all. never banned you because I like cheap mats from you. But be careful! You never heard from me this! Dont tell anyone!
    9. wingsta

      wingsta New Member

      Sep 8, 2012
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      It never ceases to amaze me the level of gullibility that some people have, but I had a good laugh at your expense thanks :)
    10. DarkManz

      DarkManz New Member

      Dec 31, 2012
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      I don't usually discuss any of the activity on my accounts here, but suffice it to say that my Ban rate is extremely low, compared to usage. I tend to be very cautious, and at times overly so. My most recent Ban (a Perma that was reduced to a 72 hour rip) had my wheels spinning and resulted in me pulling all of my farmers offline until the release of Farmer Joe, I assumed as many that GB2 was to blame, though I had taken a number of precautions. But something keeps burning in the back of my mind that I cannot quite get past. I usually have a strict regiment for unloading my stock that is patient and washes and rewashes the loot. However A few weeks ago I had a real problem with overflowing stockpiles and no place to put them. I gave in to a whim of responding to a person in trade advertising to buy stacks in bulk, simply COD. I sent 24 stacks of Ore COD. Not much but enough to move some things. 2 days later I received a whisper from the same guy asking if I had more. I told him yes, that I had a few more stacks and he replied "no I mean I am looking to buy a lot, up to 500 or so stacks" I jokingly replied that I did not have that many, but that I had a decent stockpile that I had been saving up (gave him a lame excuse that I was planning on leveling a Blacksmith/Engineer and had been stockpiling), but if the price was decent I would part with my entire stash. The price was pretty good so I told him I had 100 stacks to part with and sent them COD (clearly I have a lot more than that, but this was a good chunk to move and I got greedy). Less than 5 Minutes after collecting the COD cash from this sale The Farm account, and the account that this transaction took place on were banned. The timing was so odd and it kept nagging at me that this sale was the only break from my routine, so I searched Wowarmory for the guy again, and low and behold he no longer existed (he did before the sale, I checked). I still chalked it up to having been flagged using GB2 and just got hit in a wave (the usual accepted answer) but I cannot help but wonder if GMs are doing this now, I have noticed a spike in people in trade advertising to buy in bulk, and it seems to coincide with a spike in Bans. I am probably being paranoid, but it does bother me.
    11. DarkManz

      DarkManz New Member

      Dec 31, 2012
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      I don't usually discuss any of the activity on my accounts here, but suffice it to say that my Ban rate is extremely low, compared to usage. I tend to be very cautious, and at times overly so. My most recent Ban (a Perma that was reduced to a 72 hour rip) had my wheels spinning and resulted in me pulling all of my farmers offline until the release of Farmer Joe, I assumed as many that GB2 was to blame, though I had taken a number of precautions. But something keeps burning in the back of my mind that I cannot quite get past. I usually have a strict regiment for unloading my stock that is patient and washes and rewashes the loot. However A few weeks ago I had a real problem with overflowing stockpiles and no place to put them. I gave in to a whim of responding to a person in trade advertising to buy stacks in bulk, simply COD. I sent 24 stacks of Ore COD. Not much but enough to move some things. 2 days later I received a whisper from the same guy asking if I had more. I told him yes, that I had a few more stacks and he replied "no I mean I am looking to buy a lot, up to 500 or so stacks" I jokingly replied that I did not have that many, but that I had a decent stockpile that I had been saving up (gave him a lame excuse that I was planning on leveling a Blacksmith/Engineer and had been stockpiling), but if the price was decent I would part with my entire stash. The price was pretty good so I told him I had 100 stacks to part with and sent them COD (clearly I have a lot more than that, but this was a good chunk to move and I got greedy). Less than 5 Minutes after collecting the COD cash from this sale The Farm account, and the account that this transaction took place on were banned. The timing was so odd and it kept nagging at me that this sale was the only break from my routine, so I searched Wowarmory for the guy again, and low and behold he no longer existed (he did before the sale, I checked). I still chalked it up to having been flagged using GB2 and just got hit in a wave (the usual accepted answer) but I cannot help but wonder if GMs are doing this now, I have noticed a spike in people in trade advertising to buy in bulk, and it seems to coincide with a spike in Bans. I am probably being paranoid, but it does bother me.
    12. Toney001

      Toney001 New Member

      Oct 12, 2011
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      People buy mats in bulk simply because it's profitable. Not as profitable as botting them, but better than getting banned over and over.

      Honestly, I'd buy, easy, 500-1000 stacks a day if I had a steady supplier as I don't bot anymore. I stopped when they re-did flightor and made it utterly terrible (I still have all my farming accounts untouched waiting for a non-fail bot).

      I don't know if GMs are actually "baiting" people, I'd imagine it's more likely that they're just monitoring C.O.Ds.
      That'd actually explain why I never get more than one batch per seller (I'm often on the lookout on trade chat).
    13. DarkManz

      DarkManz New Member

      Dec 31, 2012
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      I agree completely, and to be honest I am still more inclined to believe it was GB2 that got me either via reports or Gm investigation. The honest answer is I don't know what caused it, no one really does except the GM responsible. I have several long term buyers that I move a lot more volume to daily than this deal, but I don't COD those deals. I also usually dabble with the the trade chat bulk buyers but in very limited quantities and COD runs (another suspicious paranoya of mine is that they have a built in trip wire on the number of CODs) At any rate I stepped outside of my comfort zone with this first time buyer and got popped. Literally doubling my total Bans in 3 years using Multiple accounts. But the way the conversations went, the timing and everything else just really stands out at me.

      Let me put it another way, baiting a seller into selling contraband to an undercover investigative force is such a powerful tool at isolating and identifying "illegal" sellers that Law enforcement agencies world wide use similar tactics with huge success rates. I don't see it as too far off base to suspect Blizz uses similar proven tactics.
    14. Toney001

      Toney001 New Member

      Oct 12, 2011
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      It could be blizzard just stepping up, for sure.

      I only bot the AH these days, and it's been about a year since I stopped "farming", so I don't know their current ban habits (though I've always been good at eluding them).

      I was actually thinking of re-subbing one of my old farming accounts to test the waters.

      I still think it all comes down to keeping a low profile (which doesn't mean bot for just a few hours, but learning to not attract attention).

      We'll see...
    15. Crazyness85

      Crazyness85 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      It is a interesting story to say the least, but in all reality think of a GM as your local cashier at your local store. I am using this analogy because the two professions are probably paid similarly. Blizzard is just like any other company these days "cheap". I would be shock beyond words if I ever found out that blizzard is paying these GM's overtime to put in long hours for a single or say 3 or 4 investigations to some big suppliers. OR on the other side of the coin that these GM's would on their own, off the clock do these types of investigations. Once their scheduled shift is over they are out of the building and thinking of anything at all besides work.
    16. stelios21

      stelios21 New Member

      Oct 3, 2012
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      My dad was GM in Blizzard for 4 years. Also my mom used to cook cookies bringing them over the known molly bad trip when they were botting through the french blizzard's building. It is worth mentioning that they stopped botting when GB2 became much worse, due to the change made by developers. My dad is now a supervisor in Blizzard working overnight most of the day to detect people that use the bot, stealing all the mats to transfer them through my guild bank ( so we cannot get detected, you see how smart we are right) to my botting accounts. I am also waiting for Farmer Joe cause Farmer BoB hasnt brought any spectacular to the community
    17. A1l3n

      A1l3n New Member

      Apr 17, 2010
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      This is a pile of BS since GM's can't tell people in game that they are GM's. How do I know this? My ex best friend works for blizztard and his brother does to. I use to raid with them from vanilla all the way up till cata. I kept the fact that I botted from them for a while but was drunk and told my friend. Needless to say we are no longer friends. Since I apparently compromised his job and could have gotten him fired since hes a tier two. But every other friend I have now bots and we have a great time. I would post there names on here for blizzard to read. But blizzard dosnt even own the company that hires and employs the GM's. At least the one in Austin, Texas. But that could have changed in the last 3 years of not talking to them.
    18. ak2015

      ak2015 Banned

      Jul 16, 2013
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      I agree 100% That GMs are trading with others to get the idea of who are botters... people automatically assume bulk items sold to a person automatically equal to a bot. Then again what makes you say the GM's cant just look at your account, like lets be honest they can see what you have in an account and patterns of stuff in their. It may be we all are overthinking, but the fact being that we COD or f2f trade now is the real indicator of these large sum of golds being traded that really triggers the bans not the fact we trade with a single person. I may be wrong but I am sure COD trades are not safe anymore and that F2F is the only way to go!
    19. standza

      standza Member

      Mar 16, 2012
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      I am Drakenari and I was banned lot of you! Watch yourself we are watching your every step!
    20. wizfor

      wizfor Member

      Mar 8, 2013
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      fucking blizzard why do they care. they are loosing $15 a month on potentially lots of accounts. ex if i loose an account i worked hard on, i'm going to quit ALL my accounts.

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