for all that have problems - actually all my bots cant start ( >65 ), i am really sorry. I am on that, i wounder as we have servers online - why it doesnt work for some. Its sunday so expect us to be a bit slower than usually.
I can now log in with HB, but that doesn't help me much, as I have no working custom classes for, still gives the HTTP failure.
Diddn't he say he was on it ? It's not the end of the world that you can't bot for a couple of hours or even a couple of days, instead of posting this kind of posts maybe you should go outside for a change, because it wont help bossland go work any faster. Just have some patience .... !
of the 3 auth servers, only one replies to pings (, the other 2 seem to be unreachable. Any actual communication with this server does not get past the syn -> syn,rst
I think it may be time to reconsider how you do your auth. The worst part of it is, the forums are so publicly open that whoever is actually doing this is wanking over these threads.
gee, what are people gonna do if the bot has downtime during the 4.0.1 transition to WoW for a few days... or when cata is released etc...
Using something you paid for does not imply you are a 'fan'. Are you a fan of windows just cuz it's the mainstream OS, are you a fan of 'women monthly products' just cuz they are needed once per month ?
The whole point is, for me atleast, I'm botting as much gold and as I can ready for cata. When cata is released I plan to play legit for a while.
how much gold do you think you gonna need for cata... to fly in azeroth is 250g - other than that, you aquire gear by questing etc....