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Honorbuddy v2.5.7496.650

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problem always are money:D
if the product are sellable (even not fix to end) they making new product to sell and around. Testing and bug discover programists drop to users:D
They have no time to fix it because they create new product - NO - they create new money.
If not for human greed we could fly into space for free :D

Thats why each program dosent work in 100% like should:D

With grettings
Still problems with navigation in some instances.

For Example Blackrock Depths and Spire.

Simply sitting there without anything in the Log.

With RunlikeHell Behavior or normal RunTo.

Clean installation without any Plugins and deleted meshes folder, same result.

Switching back to version 644 and it is working without any problems.


Download the zip files. The updater was implemented because of people whinging about having to download the latest version manually. Lazy/entitlement bastards imo but there it is. If you have the zip files and create new folders for fresh installs with each new updates, if shit doesn't work you can always use what you have been using. If your to lazy or stupid to copy settings/routines/plugin folders, manually *shudder*, then oh well.

That's not to say i think Boss should let releases slide just to fix little things but that break bigger things as side effects. Just that people need to learn how to use their own brains. "I am a paying customer and i expect perfection damnit!!" So do i but i also know, and have known since the days of WoW# and OB and Glider , that's not going to happen. If you don't and can't accept that fact...then maybe botting isn't for you.

HB makes it easy. Download the zip files...yes it says preferred version is the installer....again that's for idiots.

Not trying to be a dick or harsh but it is what it is.
don't expect fixing anything. devs are busy in winterbuddy

For the records, there have been 6 people working on Honorbuddy on a daily basis since a year, and there are still 6 people people working on it.

We are doing weekly releases for Honorbuddy. Missing a week for a release doesn't mean that we stopped working on it. Actually its just the opposite, it means that we are working even harder on it and we need to test it more then a week to make a new release.

As a side note, we just finished implementing Native Flying to the whole quest bot and other common parts of it. Vendor/Repair runs are now done with Flightor. GB2 profiles will now be able to use Flightor for the mail/repair runs. We have also fixed bunch of other bugs that have been around for a long period.

If you want to compare how much work is being put to Honorrbuddy, you can check the Minor build versions of the release. For example:

Honorbuddy 2.5.7434.647 -> Honorbuddy 2.5.7487.648

7487 - 7434 = 50 commits have been done between these two releases. And here is an example of a merge collected in 3-4 commits : http://db.tt/jty1ibtO

Please stop making assumptions on things that you have no idea. We are working hard on Honorbuddy and we will continue doing so.
Bot does not want to take the gryphon between Ebon Hold and Death's Breach in the DK starting area. Tries to run directly to the next location it needs and ends up face smashing walls.
Bot does not want to take the gryphon between Ebon Hold and Death's Breach in the DK starting area. Tries to run directly to the next location it needs and ends up face smashing walls.

Same problem. I have posted log in kicks questing as I thought it was a quest profile error.
It wont use Gryphon in DK start area with this release nor with the beta either.
For the records, there have been 6 people working on Honorbuddy on a daily basis since a year, and there are still 6 people people working on it.

We are doing weekly releases for Honorbuddy. Missing a week for a release doesn't mean that we stopped working on it. Actually its just the opposite, it means that we are working even harder on it and we need to test it more then a week to make a new release.

As a side note, we just finished implementing Native Flying to the whole quest bot and other common parts of it. Vendor/Repair runs are now done with Flightor. GB2 profiles will now be able to use Flightor for the mail/repair runs. We have also fixed bunch of other bugs that have been around for a long period.

If you want to compare how much work is being put to Honorrbuddy, you can check the Minor build versions of the release. For example:

Honorbuddy 2.5.7434.647 -> Honorbuddy 2.5.7487.648

7487 - 7434 = 50 commits have been done between these two releases. And here is an example of a merge collected in 3-4 commits : http://db.tt/jty1ibtO

Please stop making assumptions on things that you have no idea. We are working hard on Honorbuddy and we will continue doing so.

No assumptions, just what I see.
The number of commits you make says nothing, sry. It's the quality of changes made that count. And atm you have an awful quality control. The last few "releases" you made have been betas. nothing more. a release must not have the same bugs as the release before. Since weeks, turnin in of multiple quests at the same questgiver is unfirm, sometimes it works, most of the time not. autoequip is not reliable, rolls nonsense.
Stop adding new features, make the existing work!
Hm, bot runs around and not attacking mobs that should collect! dont even target them. upload a log when i get home.
For the records, there have been 6 people working on Honorbuddy on a daily basis since a year, and there are still 6 people people working on it.

We are doing weekly releases for Honorbuddy. Missing a week for a release doesn't mean that we stopped working on it. Actually its just the opposite, it means that we are working even harder on it and we need to test it more then a week to make a new release.

As a side note, we just finished implementing Native Flying to the whole quest bot and other common parts of it. Vendor/Repair runs are now done with Flightor. GB2 profiles will now be able to use Flightor for the mail/repair runs. We have also fixed bunch of other bugs that have been around for a long period.

If you want to compare how much work is being put to Honorrbuddy, you can check the Minor build versions of the release. For example:

Honorbuddy 2.5.7434.647 -> Honorbuddy 2.5.7487.648

7487 - 7434 = 50 commits have been done between these two releases. And here is an example of a merge collected in 3-4 commits : http://db.tt/jty1ibtO

Please stop making assumptions on things that you have no idea. We are working hard on Honorbuddy and we will continue doing so.

Thanks for the efforts! I think most people are just tired of seeing the same bugs release after release. I do agree that maybe we should squash the bugs before adding new things unless the new things squashes the bug... lol I have just about stopped using the bot because of all the bans. I don't bot for profit I bot to not do the mundane things like farm and it seems a lot of people are being banned.
If you guys are working SO hard on HB, why is quest bot useless?
6 months ago, you could do 85-90 practically afk with most classes. Nowadays, it's bug after bug after bug after bug.

I can't go more than 10 minutes without having to intervene in some way.
It's very disheartening.
hi devs!
is there any chance to make detect priest going stealth by HB API.?
Now can be tracking event using LUA... and it slowwwwwww
hi devs!
is there any chance to make detect priest going stealth by HB API.?
Now can be tracking event using LUA... and it slowwwwwww

Dont believe everything thats written into the internetz. ;)
It can be done. And: no, listening at the combat log also is not slow. :)
If you guys are working SO hard on HB, why is quest bot useless?
6 months ago, you could do 85-90 practically afk with most classes. Nowadays, it's bug after bug after bug after bug.

I can't go more than 10 minutes without having to intervene in some way.
It's very disheartening.
I have to agree with you. I've quit using quest bot to level my toons. I've started just grinding dungeons (not using dungeonbuddy, but doing them with Tyrael and LazyRaider) because quest bot has gone downhill, regardless of how much the developers have tried to fix it.

I feel sorry for them because all the work they put into trying to fix the bot (questing bot, that is) isn't paying off. It seems that as soon as they fix one bug, four more crop up to break things. :(
"Stuck keyboard" effect in HB. i.e. sometimes bot bugs out and keeps permanently running to some direction even if I stop HB. I have to completely shutdown HB for this issue to disappear.

Probably same bug causes camera angle to rotate to the side, again if some keyboard key is stuck.

These issues happen a couple of times per day, havent noticed any connection to specific quest or location.
For the records, there have been 6 people working on Honorbuddy on a daily basis since a year, and there are still 6 people people working on it.

Same 6 people in that year, or 6 people always but the members have changed ? It is quite clear from the releases there has been a personnel or process checking change within the team, neither of which have been good for HB. Bugs hang around longer and longer, things that worked perfectly break and never work the same again.

As other have pointed out, please fix what was once perfect as a priority. I remember seeing a youtube video when questing was first added to HB (been a user since it was GB), it handed multiple quests in perfectly, it doesn't now. It used to pick the correct upgrade for your class when handing in quests, it doesn't now. I am sure I don't have to list them all, they should be written in a file that all the devs have and work towards eradicating them.

I still use HB and do daily, but I have to sit in front of my PC and watch everything like a hawk because of the silly things it does now, not quite what I would do previously. The old girl ain't what she used to be, lets hope she returns to her former glory sooner rather than later.

Other things that drive me nuts is getting stuck on corners, fences, trees, rocks, poles, barrels etc! Stands there running in place looking stupid and botish and then as if to make you look more like a bot, backs up and runs into the same damn thing!

Also the walking up a small hill, falling off the hill by walking to close to the edge and then rinse and repeat over and over and over and over and over ... I mean come on put someone on leveling a toon from 1 and watch how many times it runs into walls and crap when it goes to stormwind!
Other things that drive me nuts is getting stuck on corners, fences, trees, rocks, poles, barrels etc! Stands there running in place looking stupid and botish and then as if to make you look more like a bot, backs up and runs into the same damn thing!

Also the walking up a small hill, falling off the hill by walking to close to the edge and then rinse and repeat over and over and over and over and over ... I mean come on put someone on leveling a toon from 1 and watch how many times it runs into walls and crap when it goes to stormwind!

This is one of the reasons that keep getting people banned the most.
There's absolutely ZERO effort put into making the bot look less bottish.

I remember when Raphus was working on BGBuddy.
I was beta testing with multiple accounts, and I told him this: "it works great, but right now when two of my toons join the same BG, they stick out like a sore thumb. If you don't change this, you're just replacing one bot with another bot that has the same problem".

The rest is history.

I'll be honest, of all the "first party" features, Singular has come a long way in the last two years, but everything else has gotten worse, except maybe AB that doesn't get stuck in invisible walls anymore, but it's still MASSIVELY inefficient.

That said, I do not count ProfessionBuddy among this, as it didn't start as a first party feature, and it hasn't needed tweaking other than random fixes which were done promptly by HV as needed.
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