I got banned yesterday and appealed immediately after, this is the answer I got. What are your thoughts? Greetings X, Your account was suspended due to use of third party programs, which is against the Terms of Use: Blizzard Entertainment: World of Warcraft Terms of Use When running, the World of Warcraft client may monitor your computer's random access memory (ram) and/or cpu processes for unauthorized third party programs running concurrently with World of Warcraft. An unauthorized third party program as used herein shall be defined as any third party software, including without limitation any addon or mod, that in Blizzard Entertainment's sole determination: I. enables or facilitates cheating of any type; II. allows users to modify or hack the World of Warcraft interface, environment, and/or experience in any way not expressly authorized by Blizzard Entertainment; or III. intercepts, mines, or otherwise collects information from or through World of Warcraft. In the event that World of Warcraft detects an unauthorized third party program, Blizzard may a) communicate information back to blizzard entertainment, including without limitation your account name, details about the unauthorized third party program detected, and the time and date the unauthorized third party program was detected; and/or b) exercise any or all of its rights under section 6 of this agreement, with or without prior notice to the user. The use of such programs or files is clearly unfair to the World of Warcraft community playing regularly and is not tolerated on our servers. Following a review of your case, we can confirm that such program has been used on several occasions by your account, and that the subsequent action taken is appropriate. We would not look to enter into any further communications on this issue as the matter is now considered closed. If you wish to review our current Rules and Policies, they can be found at: https://eu.battle.net/support/en/article/100644 Blizzard Entertainment: World of Warcraft Terms of Use Regards,
No need changing anything, beside the safety botting guidelines, but instead check all the previous threads here, commenting quotes of the Blizzard TOU. Blizz will never check outside its namespace in the RAM, neither will check the running processes in the task manager, when they are not directly injected in the blizzard's own namespace. Do not ask me why, but instead ask the Blizzard's army of lawyers and legal representatives, which recommend them do NOT do it, or feel the wrath of the customers and the governments
Three accounts bans ... The don't say but i get 3 differents message after appealling and the GM say 3 times diffeents things but he cleary say that's sure of him ... Account 1 : " En effet, nos outils nous indiquent qu'un programme tier a ?t? utilis? sur votre compte." => In fact, our tools indicate a tier program has been used on your account. Account 2 : "Je vous invite ? ne plus automatiser les mouvement de votre personnage," => I encourage you not to automate the movement of your character, Account 3 : Classic Message
its normall you can change this by deleting the Utils folder then u wont see that anymore but nothing to worry about the wowbrowser but if you delete Utils folder in wow you wont see it anymore its just aplayer report and the botter botted for to long with public profiles and gm inspected him the bot is all fine. he should make his own profiles
far spread missinformation, that blizz isn't reading ram. they do, and they are allowed to do. there is no law in the world, that forbids them to scan your ram, hd and cpu after you allowed them to do so. and you allowe it by accepting the tos.