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  • TuanHA Shaman - The Ultimate Experience

    Discussion in 'Archives' started by tuanha, Aug 3, 2013.

    1. tuanha

      tuanha Well-Known Member

      Nov 29, 2011
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      There a HB bug that think you can not cast Lightning Bold while moving, I made a work around code with it in last few rev I think it work now.
    2. OhaiDur

      OhaiDur New Member

      Aug 2, 2013
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      Hey been running this in Bgs for a while, Works pretty well, Would love too try it in arena, ive emailed you about that, I have couple suggestions though, How about adding some option for Ancestral swiftness, For example, If we are -30% and Healing stream is on CD we Ancestral Swiftness a Hex onto the guy beating on us with his DPS stick, If our Current target is at -30% Windshear is on CD we Ancestral swiftness Hex the healer, If our Target is on -30% and our partner has CCed the healer we Ancestral swiftness an Elemental blast, "30%" is just an example ofc thse would be user set %'s, Anyway just some food for thought.
    3. tuanha

      tuanha Well-Known Member

      Nov 29, 2011
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      Alright I have for the past couple hours been testing this routine :D First I would like to start out by saying what a great job you did. This is another home run by Tuan!

      Here are the issues I am currently facing with this and I hope the log helps. Before I go into detail I want you and everyone who reads this to know as a disclaimer and I understand this is in beta. This is why I am testing it.

      //First of all, thank you oriie for a long and detail constructive feedback <3

      #1 The routine in the past lfr or instances I have done has not casted 1 totem as in healing(our current #1 heal) which is a big dip in hps. There is also to my knowledge no button for auto cast mana tide totem.
      //Not sure which revision you are using, newest revision have 3 options
      //Healing Stream Unit | HP [Number][Number] - CR will drop Healing Stream Totem when x unit hp blow y percent
      //Healing Tide Unit | HP [Number][Number] - CR will drop Healing Tide Totem when x unit hp blow y percent
      //Mana Tide Totem Mana Below [Number] - CR will drop Mana Tide Totem when your mana below x percent

      #2 Sometimes it can feel sluggish for example person A gets damaged 2 seconds go by person A gets healed.
      //I'll inspect that

      #3 Unleashed elements for healing is only meant for 2 things, an "oh shit" moment or right when the tank takes a big amount of damage followed by a greater heal, or right before a healing rain to increase its potency by 30%. currently it is using unleash elements as it comes off cooldown.
      //Look like I need improve the code right there, I have no clue Shaman PvE healing, never play the class since Cata.

      #4 Not once in lfr or instances did it cast a healing rain, in fact in most cases it spammed chain heal which is a nono as you'll see later in this post i ended almost all fights with no mana.
      //Chain Heal Unit | HP [Number][Number] - CR will drop Chain Heal Unit when x unit hp blow y percent
      //Heaing Rain Unit | HP [Number][Number] - CR will drop Heaing Rain Totem when x unit hp blow y percent
      //This part it's all about setting, not code. If you lower Chain Heal setting like [3] unit below [50] and and raise Healing Rain setting like [3] unit below [90] CR will cast Healing Rain more often and that save mana. I have no clue on PvE healing so the setting not yet optimal and TBH I run OOM a lot last few dungeon run.

      #5 I looked and I understand from when you were building your shadow priest that there aren't going to be many option buttons for a while but don't forget an auto dispel button currently it is not dispelling :D
      //Purge have 2 logic:
      //Purge Important Buff Mana Above [30 default] this almost PvP spell that purge some important spell like Icy Veins, Hand of Freedom from player when your mana above 30%
      //Purge Any Buff Mana Above [70 default] this will purge ANY buff on enemy PLAYER if you have more than 70% mana. This on lower priority when no one below 70% HP.
      //These 2 spell only work on PvP, I'll make it work on PvE in coming svn update.

      #6 I tried to use the auto racial button( I dont personally have auto cooldowns turned on for raids or instances so I can coordinate when to use them in accordance to the fight) anyways the auto racial button was not working.
      //Not sure what your racial because I only test on Taurent Warstormp and Dwarf Stoneform and both work.

      #7 I believe it was in you're holy pally routine that you had the handy button called, in so many words (keep mana) (don't keep mana) I'd like to see this return because again like I said before spam chain heal is good for oh shit but not good for when the party is taking moderate damage.
      //They are involved into heal balancing slider

      //CR fully support "Lightning Bolt Glyph Restore Mana" This important for resto to regain mana by using that glyph and attack boss with Lightning Bolt to get mana back.

      other then those seven things I found this routine to be near perfect in its beta! Amazing job Tuan and amazing job to whoever was involved! Shaman everywhere thank you!

      Here are the last two instance/lfr stats that I did, Unfortunately the instance isn't as in depth as the lfr but I think you'll get the picture.
      ilvl 511 Resto Shaman

      Instance Overall HPS 21,107 with no deaths

      LFR Overall HPS 51,732 at (27% healing done)

      Boss#1 43,304 with 27% mana left
      Boss#2 57,482 with 2% mana left
      Boss#3 57,525 with 5% mana left

      Thanks again, I will be testing Enhancement spec tomorrow and post!
    4. tuanha

      tuanha Well-Known Member

      Nov 29, 2011
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      I got you, Shaman need a lot more tweak for PvP... But I would like to hold PvP logic untill 5.4 as the season ending soon and I don't want to screw ppl using my Monk/Paladin CR :D
    5. OhaiDur

      OhaiDur New Member

      Aug 2, 2013
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      Ofc i understand that ^^, Was just some suggestions for the future of the shaman CC, Also i notice it doesnt use Unleash weapon, infact non of the shaman routines use it as elemental, is this somehting you will be adding in the future, would be a hell of an addition.
    6. tuanha

      tuanha Well-Known Member

      Nov 29, 2011
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      No, i've added Unlease Elemental as Ele shaman. That spell is bad in PvE so CR will not use it. However CR will use it in PvP as you can still do damage while moving instead of waiting deliberately for Lava Surge proc.
    7. tuanha

      tuanha Well-Known Member

      Nov 29, 2011
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      New rev improved Resto healing.

      Add option to Unlease Life before Healing Surge/Greater Healing Wave/Chain Heal/Healing Raid.

      It's important to have [Glyph of Telluric Currents] because Shaman go OOM really quick without it.

      GIVEMEANAME Active Member

      Dec 17, 2010
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      upgraded to all, now ive seen this;
      hoping a priest comes along;

      tuanha ftw - thanks bro
    9. xLegendx

      xLegendx Active Member

      Apr 25, 2010
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      Awesome stuff TuanHA :p
    10. dumars

      dumars New Member

      Apr 17, 2012
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      Hi folks.

      I just want to report that it is going very well, actually a bit above judgment expectations I had.

      I am a gladiator paladin and thought to try to play on old my shaman. (not even fullgeared, 307k hp rshaman)

      Installed SVN, updated, used the standard pvp helper settings

      How it went for us, I will let the picture speak for itself


      PS: The current public release do not fully support arena, I'm using his test arena version.
    11. oriie

      oriie New Member

      Oct 28, 2012
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      Looks like I will have to do some more testing, thank you for getting back to me :D will hold off on enhancement for today and further test pve resto!
    12. OhaiDur

      OhaiDur New Member

      Aug 2, 2013
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      Wow is all i can say on the Ele Arena Enabled (Got the Arena test version from Tuanha) So i have a 90 Ele shaman that i never play, Got this on it, Grabbed my friend on his newly 90 priest and went and did some 2s, We went 25 wins, 4 loss and are currently 1900 rated and 2k+ mmr. This will be well worth the wait when its fully released in 5.4

      The only things i could see going wrong, i had ground traps enabled and it never grounded any hunter traps, its also a little bit slow sometimes using lava surge proccs, it pauses sometimes before using it for a sec, other that even as a Beta product it feels very polished and does the job nicely
    13. ridder654

      ridder654 New Member

      Aug 2, 2012
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      not dismounting with bgbuddy.

      Attached Files:

    14. 1198Corse

      1198Corse Member Legendary

      Jul 27, 2011
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      Tuanha I am an owner of all your SE routines, and love every single one I have tried. I have hit 1900+ on both MW and WW using your CR with slight tweaks and obviously my own movement in 2s. I am very excited to try this one, but currently it is not working. I am leveling (and plan to multi-box up to 5 shamans) but the zip file has nothing pre-loaded for the SVN. I have downloaded it three times, on various days. It gives me the option to upgrade to working copy, but then gives an error saying it is not an outdated copy.

      When I try to load it up in game as a two Lv 54 Ele shamans it simply spams the HB window saying PvE ele is not supported. I have no doubt that is simply due to it not being the 'up to date' version, but is it possible you can PM or email me the SVN info so I can just load it straight from there? Great work, keep it up!

      EDIT: I updated my version of Tortoise and that resolved the issue. I just updated and will give it a try tonight.
    15. Mario27

      Mario27 Banned

      Jan 15, 2010
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      time to gear up my shammy healer im mostly using the holy paladin of tuanha special edition but shammy seems to be mutch better for arena healing but my paladin is also full geared but i wil maybe wait to 5.4 because paladins can fear players in 5.4 also:) so they wil be more viable
    16. PsychoSTyle

      PsychoSTyle New Member

      Jun 13, 2010
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      holy viable? :DD
      Holy Paladins 5.4 - Gutted - Paladin - Arena Junkies
    17. Mario27

      Mario27 Banned

      Jan 15, 2010
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    18. TTupaT

      TTupaT New Member

      Oct 17, 2012
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      Hello everyone, I have a fairly powerful computer: intel i7 processor, 8 GB ddr3 ram, nvidia gts680 2 GB. If you use all of the profiles I have a problem with the FPS. Especially it is reduced in the city and 25 man raid. How do you solve this problem? Without Honor Buddy I have 60 fps to 25 people RAID at maximum graphics settings
    19. pyshkash

      pyshkash New Member

      Jun 21, 2011
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      if u use Tyrael try to disable framelocks
    20. TTupaT

      TTupaT New Member

      Oct 17, 2012
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      once off

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