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  • [PLUGIN] Pokebuddy - Gotto kill em all!

    Discussion in 'Uncataloged' started by maybe, Oct 26, 2012.

    1. Yuudas99

      Yuudas99 New Member

      Aug 17, 2013
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      Hello, LOVE your plugin. In a few days ive levelled 10 pets to 25, and gained near to 30 levels. But i have a small question about this, ive tried using 10,15 and 20lvl skills but i cant get my pets to use those. For some pets it would be quite vital to get these skills into use, so is it even possible at this stage to make bot use them? Is there some setting ive missed.

      Thanks in advance.
    2. toliman

      toliman Member

      Jun 20, 2012
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      was sure i covered this earlier, yep, skip to the end of this post, which covers the step by step.

      essentially, stop HB, switch to pet journal, change the skill layout, switch to HB & open Pokeh settings, refresh the pet info, save the pet info inside pokehbuddy, make the logic changes, save again. this should "bake" the changes into the settings per pet.

      there's not really a quick way to do this, but you only need to do it once or twice.

      i suppose, if you're "collecting 'em all", most of the pandaren captures will be 21/22, which means less manual re-writing of files... (a very thin silver lining ...)
    3. justicero

      justicero Member

      Dec 25, 2011
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      Hi again,

      I tried any sort of combination seems it doesn't work.
      I will tell you the short story.

      Find a low populated realm.
      2 accounts each one with 3 pets, let's say lvl 25 lvl 12 and lvl 13.
      Pet battle via pvp pet battle que. ( you have 99% chance to meet each other if you use same realm same faction).
      Each time i want to start with lvl 25 pet and stay with that one on both accounts.
      I don't want lvl 12 or 13 pet for any of the accounts to be involved in battle because they will lvl up and in next que they won't meet each other....
      Lvl 25 pets will cast a low ability which make a small dmg for each account, also they are setup to forfeit when hp it is at 50% for example and the other account at 60% in this way i make the battle to be longer than 1 minute to get char lvl ( in that way i control the winner) / done this already.
      My main problem it is after a while i end up meting my lvl 25 pet from 1 account with the lvl 12 / lvl 13 pets from other account which again will mess up everything.

      Thank you in advance.
    4. toliman

      toliman Member

      Jun 20, 2012
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      Win trading like this, is ... going to be difficult.

      the problems are

      1. you can't forfeit and get XP,

      2. you can farm the legendary PvP achievement with auto-forfeit's, but it will take ... 10,000 rounds for both accounts. roughly. and there's no counter visible, from what i understand, you just have to wintrade for days past the 1000 mark.

      you can take turns or break it up over days, etc.
      it won't get you the brutal/trainer title achieves, or the direhorn, those require a full 25 team in the "find battle" pvp queue ... and there's 4 achievements that use the PvP Queue.

      but if you just want the regular win achievements, this would be the way to get it i suppose.

      i can think of 5-6 achieves doable, mostly the win 5 rounds/ 10 rounds without a pet dying achieves, and the 10/50/250/1000/5000 battler achieves.

      3. the win trade won't work unless you make a certain number of rounds, pass counts as a round in this example, passing all turns on low level pets/high level pets is also a strategy i suppose...

      4. you don't need a lot to make win trading work, you don't even need Pokeh.
      i.e. put A next to B, run 2 macros/plugins on each. A asks, B accepts.

      the details are on [Achievement] Farm PVP Pet Battle wins for achievements. (requires 2 accounts)

      5. if you backtrack in this thread, you can find an old wintrader plugin that just does this.

      6. i suppose you might have 2 line logics, i don't know how the forfeit rules work for time ...

      here's a "don king special", i.e. they'll start to fight each other, then give up entirely once they've taken 1 or good 2 hits

      on the lvl 25, let's say a direhorn ... (castspell 3 if health is above 80, forfeit if health is below 81)
      for the lvl 10 pets, (swapout if health is above 80, forfeit if health is below 81)

      then, wait for one or the other pet to die horribly.

      set those logics up on both toons, and RNG will make one win, and one lose, without it being too predictable.
      if you're noticing A lose more often, change the numbers to 70/71 or 50/51 or 30/31 as needed.
      if the win isn't counted, adjust the health on both pets down to 40/41 or 20/21 to make them fight longer.

      one should forfeit first, so you won't get XP for the ringer pets, just a long drawn out show with no purpose. Just like the WWF ...
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      and part 3,
      in pokehbuddy, under the advanced tab, change the level slider from -10 to 10, that's it.
      it should always start with the high level pet, change to 30 or 50 if you're concerned.

      7. unless you're facing an enemy that can disable/sleep your first pet. e.g. there's like 8 of them that can, and are used a ton in PvP for this purpose against direhorns, etc.

      this should be expedient, and handle the first minute problem of forfeits not counting wins/losses in fights < 1 minute.
    5. samstag

      samstag Member

      Jan 7, 2011
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      First of all, sorry for my bad english :)

      I have a little problem.
      I was farming the Kun-Lai Runt

      Now i would like to do Pet Battles with this pet.

      I would like to cast Frost Shock to get the debuff Chilled on the enemy. Than he should cast Deep Freeze for the 100% stun.

      Then on the 3rd round he should cast Frost Shock again, and so on....

      But it wount work.

      Can someone help me please?

      Also i do not understand what i have to do, that the bot tracks debuffs un the enemy?

    6. maybe

      maybe Community Developer

      May 15, 2010
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      View attachment 102019
      Try this little doodle... put it in HB\Plugins\WinTrader
      You will need 2 HB folders, for each char that you're using to win trade.
      You will have to hardcode the opponents pet names (Pet#1, Pet#2, Pet#3 in the file)
      For the account that has to lose, press the WinTrader settings button ONCE

      Put both characters in 1 party. Press start on both HB's.
      Now type something in partychat and it should go. (if it doesnt, try on the other toon)

      As long as the pet in the 1st slot is a lvl 25, you shouldnt be getting XP on the other pets.

      Oh and you dont need pokehbuddy for this to work. It will only screw things up.
    7. change1378

      change1378 New Member

      Feb 8, 2011
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      thanks for the reply maybe; i ran into another problem.

      I made a condition in the default logic under advanced settings like this: SWAPOUT MyPetLevel ISLESSTHAN 25 $ PetHP ISLESSTHAN 90

      but now when i try to run it, all i get is

      [PB] Attempting to load 28586221, if not existing, reverting to species Darkmoon Cub
      [PB] Doing Logic
      [PB] Attempting to load 28586221, if not existing, reverting to species Darkmoon Cub
      [PB] Doing Logic
      [PB] Attempting to load 28586221, if not existing, reverting to species Darkmoon Cub
      [PB] Doing Logic
      [PB] Attempting to load 28586221, if not existing, reverting to species Darkmoon Cub
      [PB] Doing Logic
      [PB] Attempting to load 28586221, if not existing, reverting to species Darkmoon Cub
      [PB] Doing Logic
      [PB] Attempting to load 28586221, if not existing, reverting to species Darkmoon Cub
      [PB] Doing Logic
      [PB] Attempting to load 28586221, if not existing, reverting to species Darkmoon Cub
      [PB] Doing Logic
      [PB] Attempting to load 28586221, if not existing, reverting to species Darkmoon Cub
      [PB] Doing Logic
      [PB] Attempting to load 28586221, if not existing, reverting to species Darkmoon Cub
      [PB] Doing Logic

      i have the 28586221 file under the petsettings folder, but its as if pokebuddy cant or wont read that file. any tips?
    8. maybe

      maybe Community Developer

      May 15, 2010
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      Probably my fault, but PetHP should be Health(THISPET).
      If that doesnt solve it, post your default logic xml & the pet xml.
    9. change1378

      change1378 New Member

      Feb 8, 2011
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      you're a goddamn genius. next paycheck you're having a pizza on me.
    10. change1378

      change1378 New Member

      Feb 8, 2011
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      personally i use 2 ringers and 1 pet to be leveled. (must get the plugin called pet swapper)

      then i add this custom rule as the first rule in the default logic.xml file (in the pokebuddy folder)


      then at the top left of "advanced settings" in pokebuddy settings i make sure i load the default leveling settings. (choose default leveling and hit load preset button)

      it's been going flawless for the past 5 hours.

      P.S. i like to use the "only use favorites as ringers" and use clockwork gnome/kun lai runt as my ringers. they hit hard and keep themselves healed.
    11. maybe

      maybe Community Developer

      May 15, 2010
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      Guys, im doing some heavy work on the plugin atm.
      Building a lot of new cool features, not gonna spoil the surprise yet though.


      Any really pressing matters that i missed? Bugs, requests, anything?
    12. maybe

      maybe Community Developer

      May 15, 2010
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      Oh i think i fixed the endless swapping bug, might need more testing though...
    13. samstag

      samstag Member

      Jan 7, 2011
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      First of all, sorry for my bad english :)

      I have a little problem.
      I was farming the Kun-Lai Runt

      Now i would like to do Pet Battles with this pet.

      I would like to cast Frost Shock to get the debuff Chilled on the enemy. Than he should cast Deep Freeze for the 100% stun.

      Then on the 3rd round he should cast Frost Shock again, and so on....

      But it wount work.

      Can someone help me please?

      Also i do not understand what i have to do, that the bot tracks debuffs un the enemy?

    14. maybe

      maybe Community Developer

      May 15, 2010
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      I dont have that pet so i cant help you.
      But go into a pet battle manually. Cast Frost shock and go to the logic editor. Select the pet & click refresh.
      Press Enemy buffs. There should be only one number in the list on top. doubleclick it.
      In the dropdownboxes select "CASTSPELL(2)" "HASENEMYBUFF(X)" "EQUALS" "false"
      Press finish, and move it up in the list.
      Now in the dropdownboxes select "CASTSPELL(3)" "HASENEMYBUFF(X)" "EQUALS" "true"
      Press finish, and move it up in the list.
      Press save.

      U should be fine now.
    15. LifëbloomSR

      LifëbloomSR New Member

      Mar 1, 2013
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      Hello, i've tryed everything you've said but it's not working
      When i open my Plugins i have Pokehbuddy and PetArea enabled
      Using GatherBuddy2
      When i open Pokebuddy
      ImageShack? - Online Photo and Video Hosting
      ImageShack? - Online Photo and Video Hosting - As you can see i did put PvPPetBattles every 1-2 mins, but still this bot won't be sitting and PvPing, he will move to profile zone example Krasrang Wilds, i hope that you can help me because it's more simpe i just want bot to afk somewhere and do PvP Pet Battles without moving.
      Just to add also if i put pvp every 1-2 mins, how can i run it to just pvp Honorbuddy says that it REQUIRES profile to work..
    16. blablub

      blablub New Member

      Dec 1, 2012
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      pet area defines where he has to go depends on the level of your lowest pet (just started using it 2 days ago so i might be wrong).

      one thing that i have noticed:
      if your 3rd pet is low hp, it will swap again the other 2 in, and they will die.
      not sure if i did something wrong, just ran with default settings.
    17. LifëbloomSR

      LifëbloomSR New Member

      Mar 1, 2013
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      Hmm Bug ? I did never mention that i just want to know if it's possible that my bot just do PvP PetBattles not to level em, it's easy to level but i want to do 3x 25 lvl pets vs 3 x 25 lvl pets PvP For achievements :)
    18. maybe

      maybe Community Developer

      May 15, 2010
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      Just put the botbase on Combatbot... should stop the flying.
    19. maybe

      maybe Community Developer

      May 15, 2010
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      No its a bug im afraid, one i thought i fixed.... *sigh* will do a more drastic method...
    20. samalone

      samalone New Member

      Apr 7, 2012
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      I am in need of reclarification of certain sliders do? HP FACTOR ADVANTAGE FACTOR and DISADVATAGE FACTOR and LEVEL difference factor

      can someone tell me how to adjust these if I want to have 2 level 25's level a level one and just let the level one hit the opponent once and then swap it out as fast as possible.

      Thanks alot guys for doing so much work!!!

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