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    Discussion in 'All in One' started by wulf, Aug 30, 2013.

    1. xsilverdicex

      xsilverdicex New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Code a spirit check into the cr and have it alter the settings based of the person's spirit on load you could just do like three settings

      User has less then 4k spirit - apply less then 4k values
      User has greater then 4k but less then 7k spirits apply 4-7k settings
      User has greater then 7k spirit - apply maximum settings

      Of course the values are made up above, but hey this would allow it to work better for everyone out of the box. Let's face it most people using this know stuff all about there class and what to adjust lol
    2. Frayman

      Frayman Member Legendary

      Apr 5, 2013
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      I like that Idea, if its easily done.
    3. DOS74

      DOS74 New Member

      Dec 30, 2012
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      Did Blizzard ever offer you $$$ for this info? :)
    4. Xcesius

      Xcesius Community Developer

      May 1, 2011
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      Yes, you're all getting banned now. Nah, just kidding.. It's a statcounter to see how many is using the routine :)
    5. nomnomnom

      nomnomnom Well-Known Member

      Feb 18, 2011
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      Put on your tinfoil hat please!

      Edit: It's actually quite offensive, your remark. Wulf has put COUNTLESS of hours into this project, do you honestly think he'd resort to actions like that? Could show him a bit more gratitude.
    6. bennyquest

      bennyquest Community Developer

      Dec 6, 2010
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      Spirit values vary by healers. My priest with 12k spirit has a combat regen of 12k my shaman with 5k spirit has 12k combat regent. That and once again this is a raiding cc not a lowbie cc.

      Sent from my DROID RAZR using TheBuddyForum mobile app
    7. bennyquest

      bennyquest Community Developer

      Dec 6, 2010
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      I want to see a log as well, just the HB log will tell me enough. You more than likely had competent healers with you.....

      What everyone needs to know about oracle is. If a target needs healing, if the target needs healing and oracle starts to cast...it will stop it if another healer snipes a heal in mid cast. Oracle is smarter than any other cc out there. Yes it would be possible to add some stuff in to make it fully automated.....that is not the point.
      Sent from my DROID RAZR using TheBuddyForum mobile app
    8. xsilverdicex

      xsilverdicex New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      I thought most of the other more popular healing cr's used the same if target has been topped up mid cast, then cancel cast logic... Or is oracles more advanced somehow?
    9. xsilverdicex

      xsilverdicex New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Could detect, regeneration rather then spirit......regardless this is a pretty powerful project for the healers out there if they know how to edit the settings for there class.

      Leaves does how ever still heal more efficient then this for me on my druid though, I'm sure it's just a setting I have over looked, or a bug not complaining though
    10. CynnerDev

      CynnerDev Member

      Aug 3, 2013
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      Yeah I tried in LFR after is wasn't performing as good in hToT. I had my normal members asking me if I was feeling okay because my healing was a lot lower than the usual.

      Also, I'm going to do some more testing and run another program in the background to log some information and give me a rundown of what it's doing. I mean, it seems very great it's logic is good and I really like the idea of how it manages over-healing and mana conservation. So this alone will likely make it shine. I will take a bit of time to sit down and fine-tune my CC more than I have and hope it'll make a difference.

      I really admire the work, I hope I haven't came across as ungrateful.
    11. zeldrak

      zeldrak Well-Known Member

      Oct 25, 2010
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      While I agree with this idea, and I also know nothing about coding, I will say it "sounds" simple in theory, but the actuality of it could be very difficult and tedious. I say this because of what benny said below, and that's that each class's spirit gives them a different regen rating, so you would need different settings for each class for each spirit rating, based on the theoretical numbers you gave.

      I also have one of each healer type. While using my HPally in LFR I saw at #2 in HPS for a long while, then finally sat at #1. It was using all spells for healing, whereas TuanHA's likes to use a so-called Eternal Flame blanket method of healing. The later conserves mana very much, but the overhealing is almost equal to healing done. Oracle's overhealing was at 13% while HPS was around 35%, so the overhealing vs healing done is very, very good.

      I would support this idea, and it's something I wish the developers would support. However, as they've said, it's a raiding routine and not an "overall healing routine", sadly. It CAN be, but it's mainly geared towards raiding. So, I doubt they will consider making all those settings tables to be based on spirit ratings of the various healer types.

      Also, certain classes have better mana-regen methods than others. I refuse to lie and say that I know how to play any class by hand. I'm one of those players that needs to L2P his class for each character I load. I've become extremely HB dependent. I rely heavily on the bot and community made routines to play my toons for me, while I just run around. I used to be a macro player. What I mean by that is that I made macros for DPS rotations and tank rotations, I never played a healer because I couldn't macro heal rotations, so I stayed away from them. When I found HB I ventured out into all branches of the game, making 11 toons, and playing all facets of each toon. I have some tanks, some DPS, and some healers.

      For me it seems that Shaman have the best mana-regen though, with Telluric Currents. While healing I can spam Lightning Bolt while doing nothing else and bring my mana back up. It's great. I can agree with the idea of basing settings on a spirit rating though, but I can understand that not each toon will work out, so you'd need spirit ratings for each healer type, which means you'd have multiple settings tables based on spirit types, which could end up generating 20+ settings tables to load from. It could get very confusing and frustrating. But, for those of us that aren't 500+ iL yet, or have JUST come back to gaming and enjoy healing, it would be a nice perk to have a routine that "sort of" gives us settings out of the box based on our spirit rating/mana-regen, especially if we have absolutely no idea how to play a healer anymore, or ever, lol.
    12. deeluxejon

      deeluxejon Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      My question to you is did you often overheal? How many times did you run low on mana in normal encounters and lastly were you always top heals? And as always a log helps lots to figure out if it's a you thing or an us thing. Did you change any of the settings for Oracle?
    13. nomnomnom

      nomnomnom Well-Known Member

      Feb 18, 2011
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      For everyone complaining about low healing output - Explain how it feels different. If you take your class seriously, you know whats going wrong just by looking at it.

      The code behind this project is amazing, stunning from a developers point of view. But wulf needs your help to actually make it rock in all specs. Thats why its open beta. Just stating "output is low" isnt sufficient.
    14. CynnerDev

      CynnerDev Member

      Aug 3, 2013
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      Well, I only started using HB recently. I am a very efficient healer and can heal nearly as good as the CC's I use. I've ran a priest for many years and healers almost since 2005. I'm not saying it's bad, it's very good. The overhealing was lower but not so much lower than I gasped and felt I found the holy grail. I have no issues with mana, unless things get very rough which usually means a wipe anyway.

      I'm going to do some more testing tonight and will report back after changing a few things with percentages and the way I have the CC configured.
    15. bennyquest

      bennyquest Community Developer

      Dec 6, 2010
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      once again you fail to put a log up....

      Just for my viewing pleasure....I just tested disc again....for about the millionth time loaded it up out of the box tried 5-6 different LFRs to get good healer and fail healer combination.

      here is the result from a good healer fight to a bad healer fight.

      first one is off of durumu, we had competent healers and all live through the maze phase.....overhealing was about normal expected for the classes. Number 2 on heals was a disc priest as well....he was also number 1 on over heals where I was number 6. the number three on overheals was a spriest.... Durumu, is a very low damage taken fight outside of the maze phase...then again most times it is unhealable when people eat disentigration beam.

      Jinrok....while I know this is a healing taken buffed fight there is a reason, there is a shit ton more damage. we two healed most the fight seeing as the other 4 healers died after the first lightning....I ended the fight with around 50% mana. top overhealing was a holy priest that died right after first lightning storm....we had fail dps and went through all four of them.

      I know this is LFR and no we did not base all of our testing off LFR. But this is really leading back to the if you cannot help us make it better by explaining what is diferent or what is not working or NOT POSTING A LOG. then expect your comment to get overlooked.

      Not trying to be rude....just honest.

      Attached Files:

    16. Ruinit

      Ruinit Member

      Nov 1, 2010
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      Testing with a holy pally in very low LFR it's very mana efficient but I am also running 5 in heals? 526 Holy so I usually run first. I noticed that it never once casted holy light is this intended? Also would be nice if it judged and hammer of wrath when able. Maybe I have it set up a bit wrong but I thought I would ask.

      Attached Files:

    17. bennyquest

      bennyquest Community Developer

      Dec 6, 2010
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      With the smart healing by oracle there is a Heals per mana setting and a Heals per second setting. So it actually choses the best heal for the job, IE most mana effective, closes to health deficit and that nature. Granted I am with you and would like to never have to touch a setting because the routine adjusted or everything, I just feel like that is an extreme amount of work to be had for any Combat routine.
    18. bp423

      bp423 New Member

      Oct 21, 2012
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      I must say this CR is absolutely incredible for my monk. top on the meters for LFR/Normal/Heroic.

      See the attached meter from Heroic Primordius.

      Attached Files:

    19. wulf

      wulf Community Developer

      Dec 29, 2010
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      People of the Community

      This is not a "this healing CR is better than this healing CR" please don't be trivial. If you do not have intelligent, constructive criticism with data (log file, recount screens, WoL screens, etc) to back it up then do not waste your time posting as I will not respond.

      The minimum information I need to help me better understand how Oracle is healing for you is;-

      1. Ilvl: example: 500+
      2. Talents: Talent Calculator
      3. Encounter: Jin'rokh the Breaker, 25m LFR

      Bullet point summary of what Oracle isn't doing AT ALL example:
      • Not casting spirit shell on groups 2-5
      • Not using Holy light when target is < x percent
      • Not automatic casting Lightspring/Lightwell
      • No selective healing like just heal tanks
      • Priest - No Mass Dispel
      • Not blanketing the raid with Eternal Flame

      Bullet point summary of what Oracle is doing wrong example:
      • Blowing cool downs on trash
      • Not using Prayer of healing on cool down
      • Not using XXX spell enough
      • Using XXX spell before BBB Spell

      If you could attach Recount/Scada screenshot with healing Done and Overheals that would be a great help.

      A reminder

      Settings are there for you to tweak, I do not Raid *at all* in a full time guild, thus I rely on my testers and the testing I do in LFR with my 480+ toons.

      My advice is, Turn the settings Up! go crazy..set MAX_AOE_HP to 99% and URGENT_HEALTH_PERCENT to 60 and then go in and turn up all the settings so it starts throwing out heals like a two dollar hooker.

      Save those encounter settings, distribute them to the community. Just Posting "it heals less than XX cr" is not helpful at all.


      If you want to be put on the Oracle wall of shame for posting retarded comments that are not helpful feel free to post away :) You will be ignored.

      Most of all have fun with it, I'm here to help you but you need to help me help you ;)
    20. ski

      ski Well-Known Member

      Feb 12, 2010
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      That's all me.

      (just kidding, I'm useless)

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