So I'm trying to figure out which bags I should use. I'm planning on doing herb/mining farming and I was thinking of doing two herb bags and two mining bags, but I've noticed the green gems from mining don't go into the mining bags.. With that said, I'm thinking of trying Icecrown, would it be more beneficial to do 2 mining bags, 1 herb and one 20 slotter (to accommodate the green gems)? Or how does everyone else do it for efficiency?
I do the 2x32 slot Herb Bags and 2x32 Slot Mining Bags, and when it goes to bank (have mine set to go to the bank and deposit), ill catch it and add in the gems, its not that big of a deal if i miss it. I just get it next time, or just hearth and go empty.
lootfilter!!!!! I just have lootfilter delete all the green gems, make sure i start out with 1 of each blue gem and bam using 4x32slot mining bags on one toon. I dont like doing split mine/herb as I feel it goes WAY slower than doing 100% herb and 100% mine. I have farmers running same profile and they never compete because of that.
Good point, I'm sticking to one for now but I was thinking of doing that, or just doing one in Icecrown and one in Sholozar. I have lootfilter though! I'll try that out