Just wondering if you have an update on when we could expect the public release to be updated? I'm not whining and complaining... just asking. The 5.3 version still works fairly well for rep grinding on Timeless Isle. Thanks for all your hard work, and for all the great CR's you have released!
Tuan, thank you for your epic CR! Could you please pay attention on hunters tracking? internal static void UpdateStatus() ... Lua.DoString("RunMacroText(\"/run SetTracking(6,true)\")"); //Track Hidden ... First, this command is hard-coded, so the user must turn tracking off again and again. And second, 6 does tracking animals (not hiddens) in Russian wow client Happy coding!
The CR is attempting to kill quest givers every time (updated to rev 2) Also, sometimes the CR seems to stop and not do anything, except attack with the pet only. EDIT: Just figured that if you target the enemy while they're Line of Sighting you, then try and attack them, that's when the CR doesn't do anything except pet attacks. It appears that's the system you put in place to detect friendly mobs? If it can't get a shot off then don't attack mob?
slightly of topic but as i will be using this routine next season it seems a valid place to ask it. So which spec will be most viable with this routine come s14 OR will it be more comp dependent? As for 2s i will be playing with a ret friend or a resto druid as for 3s no idea at all atm. Gutted that i did not level up my hunter a lot sooner as the 2 days i got to use it at 90 bm was amazing. I have learned me lesson now tho almost every class at 90 or 2-3 levels away so i don't miss out again! Thank you for any reply's
Hi! LF cmavo87 and his opinion about 5.4 pvp Hunters. Iam interested opinion exp 2,2k+ players too - ofc like always and like me almost glad In weekend i will be tested (spec, talents, glyph, pets) this CR and write my opinion next week. My first think after patch - big nerf hunt Tuan make Warrior! u get a lot of money because he is OP now like a long long time ago
5.4 version from your site requires password when clicking class config button, i then enter the username and pw that i use for the SE SVN updates, but it says tis the wrong pw/username, whats up with that? Awesome routines btw
Keeps asking for username/pass everytime i start HB, and when it targets something outside of range it runs to it and follows it without attacking it -_- using 5.4 from tuanha.biz
Some weird behaviours from pet attack. Stops attacking until pet has reached its target. Still not interrupting with silencing shot as MM View attachment 1124 2013-09-17 07.56.txt
Dear TuanHa we have problems with autoattack and quest profiles, bot just dont attack mobs and use only pet;(
same here mate, sometimes it runs fine, then it goes through a phase of just trying to send pet and spamming kill command
The bot randomly stops attacking in middle of raid, and then when I try to play by hand, StopCastingCheck comes up and stops me from casting Cobra Shot. Seems like it happens after Burst Mode is OFF this thing comes up.