rename the "wow-64.exe" in your wow folder to "wow-64.BAK" (or whatever you want to name it) and your usual exe will start the x86 again. somehow even when starting the x86 exe it forces the wow client to load the x64 exe if you do not rename it. after evey patch (yes, even the small ones) the game writes a new wow-64.exe that you have to rename again in the case of a wow update....
i had honorbuddy up and running for several hours, after the update no mather what i start i always starts in x64.... and the path i had in honorbuddy.launcher is now of course running x64 instead of 86, and no mather what i change i get x64
Hi, GyldeN, Make certain you are using the right version of Honrobuddy: [Official] Honorbuddy Update Status - Patch 5.4 (Build # 17371) Use this procedure to launch: HelpDesk: You have not selected a valid instance of WoW to attach to! If no joy, we will need to see a full log file to assist you further: Ref: [Guide] How to attach your log cheers, chinajade