CHANGELOG Code: + API - WoWUnit.GetAuraById added, you can now lookup auras both by id and name. + API - Vendors.ForceRepair/Sell/Mail/Train added - Setting any of them to true [excluding Mail] will force a run to begin (assuming the current context allows it - e.g. once combat/BG ends) FIX - Closest NPCs are not determined by the path length, and not vector length. This means NPCs with no path to them, are excluded. (e.g. NPCs in Thunderbluff) FIX - AutoEquip logging exception fixed - should work properly again. CHANGE - Looting uses the old behavior now instead of the eventBased one so we can work on it quietly until it works properly. ADDITION - If multiple CCs for the current character class are detected, a selection window will show, allowing the user to select the CC they wish to use. For Bugreports! Make sure you make a new account unless you already got one:
That selection window is a great idea! Now we can just throw them all in the same folder, much easier, thanks!
Thanks for the next (test)release. Works great so far but there are still issues I already mentioned. I didn't expect that they will be fixed with this release, but: I'm not going to repost all issues again I reported here and I'm pretty sure they are now lost in space. No dev is ever going to look into this thread again. My problem: I'm waiting for at least 3 weeks now to get my bugtracker account activated and posting inside this threads is the only way to report issues at the moment. I asked 2 members of the dev-team and both redirected me to Bossland, since he is the only one who has access to the bugtracker activation. So I did and I'm still waiting. Overstrained? It's not your fault, that my mail provider seems to block your boardmails/domain and I already changed my details on all active accounts (board/shop etc). But please! Finally help me getting the bugtacker account activated. This is my last attempt.. Until then, I'm not going to report or release anything again.
Dunno, why they did. I would prefer some kind of stable releases with new goods, like improved antistuck, stuck detecter, improved walk and stuff. I often see my bot is stuck anywhere since no profil is perfect this more than one time happens but it also looks bloody suspicious. It's like I always need babby sit him. It happens already several times I came back and saw my bot stucking in a tree, or in a water construction jumped around or walked in a circle like a stupid.
if you want to help the stuck part doesn't lie in the bot itself but in the mesh that the bot uses. Post where it is, screenshow hotspot location etc, so MaiN the navigator man of all can solve it. instead of complaining