I wanted to ask where exactly is winterbuddy's stage of development. Atm there is just 1 profile that people can use in order to level from 1 to 10 as kick stated at the early august days we need to wait a couple of months in order to have a full 1-60 support well a couple of months is about now . After the 30th of september that the promotional price ends will you guys release a more stable version of the bot lets say a step from Alpha to beta? I am sorry guys that i am doing too many questions though i bought the bot now that has the promotional price but i dont want to end up with a bot that will not be supported or the support(profiles-full functionality will take too much time), if that is the case no hard feelings but i will have to buy another bot untill you release the full functionality one.
well i will just compare it with honorbuddy and i will say a bunch. 1)no full quest support to 60 2)not even grind support 3)no proffesion support I know that the lack of profiles make all the problems though we dont buy a bot to develop it we buy it to bot with it The only thing that can do somebody with the bot atm is to level untill 10 and nothing else. Note here that the majority of the user base (i am your supporter in demonbuddy and honorbuddy as well) dont develop profiles but they pay for a full product at least with profession-grind support with a descent combat routine I personally would love an auction house bot too but as far as i know you dont develop that kind of functionalities
ad 1) The Quest Profile should get you to 15 without any issues, there is still a Stop command on the Troubled Times Quest i think. And from there to lvl 55 is a bunch of stuff, so just remove the Stop before Troubled Times and give it a go. ad 2) Grinding is fully implemented but you probably have to make your own profile for it. ad 3) Profession is something i look into just not sure how feasable it realy is. I see your point about profiles. When you have notes for the Combat Routine let me know
I will give it a go with the quest profile as you said cheers for the tip. The major problem as you already understand is the lack of profiles, usually that is done by the community but in the case of the neverwinter the community is small or unexperienced that is causing a major problem to the development of the community, no profiles no new people etc etc. The only solution i can see is together with the development of the bot is to give a little push to the profile creation either with a set of plugins or addons like in honorbuddy or some help by the devs with creating some basic ones for starters. The creation of profiles and the active support of the bot like that will grant you more sells of the bot , the buyer cant evaluate a program that hasnt the tools to use with. All this suggestions come with no bad blood but with the eager to see the community here at winterbuddy to thrive. P.S sorry for the bad use of english language
1. Incomplete mesh for navigation server (indoor location) 2. API documentation 3. Profile documentation (XML schema at last, you support team just point me to kick profiles and learn by examples) 4. Profiles (said before) This made me to fill a Paypal case for refund.