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  • HB ARCHIVES: Honorbuddy Profile Pack--DO NOT DELETE!

    Discussion in 'Archives' started by chinajade, Sep 8, 2013.

    1. tigerlady3012

      tigerlady3012 New Member

      May 7, 2013
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    2. tumbum

      tumbum Active Member

      Mar 17, 2011
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      Quest: Gardener Farm and the Watering Can

      Toon just stay infront of the NPC after interact with him to start this event. Doesnt start to run to the places and use the Watercan.

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    3. broozah

      broozah New Member

      Sep 21, 2013
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      Hi Kicks,

      I have a problem where I cannot start questing in Sithilus. When I start HB and load your profile (Sithilus), it takes me to Un'Goro Crate and clicks on an NPC trying to pick up a quest I've already completed.

      I followed the steps Tony suggested in http://www.thebuddyforum.com/honorb...125595-honorbuddy-npc-interaction-issues.html which was to clear the cache and disable add-ons however it's still an issue.

      The quest that it's trying to pick up is called "The Dunes of Sithilus". I installed Quest Completist and it show's that I've already completed the quest.

      Log file

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    4. Wullie

      Wullie New Member

      Jun 8, 2013
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      Just thought I'd take a look at this one, since I recently submitted a fix for this quest, and confirmed it tested and working, as it worked flawlessly for me, so it got my attention when you reported it not working.

      Having a look at your logs, there's nothing that jumps out around the time when it's failing at the quest, however, there seems to be a load of errors early on in the log file, specifically when it appears to be loading some of the "utility" quest behaviors. I'm no expert on this (hopefully chinajade or another dev can cast their more experienced eyes over it), but I would guess that some of the required behaviors for this quest, specifically the UseItemOn CustomAction failed to run correctly due to these earlier errors.

      Perhaps a fresh install may help.

      I've another toon who'll be through here in next few weeks who I can test again with to be sure.
    5. Wullie

      Wullie New Member

      Jun 8, 2013
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      Are you certain you're using the latest updated Kicks profiles from the SVN?

      Your logs suggest your using the rather old Rev: 2737

      Try updating and see if this remedies your issue.
    6. Sucubich

      Sucubich New Member

      Dec 29, 2012
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      Ok so I have the latest SVN Update for Kick's Leveling profiles. But for some reason when I die it does not want to release spirit. Here is a log. Please help!

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    7. broozah

      broozah New Member

      Sep 21, 2013
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      Yes I already updated Kicks profile - it says it's at revision 2765. I even downloaded Kicks profile into a brand new directory and tried that. After doing so, I'm still having the same issue using the Sithilus profile. It's constantly clicking on an NPC in Un'Goro Crater trying to pick up a quest that's not available.

      Attached latest log file View attachment 4352 2013-09-29 15.26.txt
    8. broozah

      broozah New Member

      Sep 21, 2013
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      For some reason, even though I've updated the profile, it's still showing as 2737.......
    9. Wullie

      Wullie New Member

      Jun 8, 2013
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      Looking at the wowhead notes for that quest, it appears to be a breadcrumb quests to lead you to Silithus, and there also seem to be some other breadcrumb quests that can lead to this chain from different locations, presumably as there are different areas you can level up in before coming here.

      It looks like you've been using a different profile pack before switching to Kicks, and although this is generally supported, you should be prepared for anomolies like this. You may have picked up the other breadcrumb quests from different locations, or jumped ahead and done the rest of the chain.

      In the first instance, check if you have either of the following in your log, as they will prevent you picking up the quest in Un'Goro:

      Warchief's Command: Silithus! - Quest - World of Warcraft
      The Sands of Silithus - Quest - World of Warcraft

      If you have either in your log, then abandon them, hopefully that sorts it. Otherwise, I suspect you've already completed the quests following this in the chain, and that is the reason you can't pick it up.

      I would recommend the following change to the profile. 1-58 Horde Line 8519 Current:

      <PickUp QuestName="The Dunes of Silithus" QuestId="28859" GiverName="Zen'Aliri" GiverId="38269" X="-7461.412" Y="-1528.385" Z="-268.8134" />
      Recommended change. Please note this is a blind fix:

      <If Condition="!HasQuest(28527) &amp;&amp; !HasQuest(28856) &amp;&amp; !HasQuest(28528) &amp;&amp; !HasQuest(8280) &amp;&amp; !IsQuestCompleted(8280)">
      <PickUp QuestName="The Dunes of Silithus" QuestId="28859" GiverName="Zen'Aliri" GiverId="38269" X="-7461.412" Y="-1528.385" Z="-268.8134" />
      This will ensure that we don't have any of the other breadcrumb quests, and that we've not completed the followup, before trying to obtain this quest. To completely tidy this up, we should probably also change the hand-in logic to check and try to hand in the other quests if we have them, however worse case scenario the user is sees the bot stopped next to a NPC with a quest to hand in so it's an easy and obvious remedy for them.

      Hope this helps.
    10. broozah

      broozah New Member

      Sep 21, 2013
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      I've only ever used Kicks profile. I was manually leveling the character up while the devs were making updates to the new version release of HB.

      I think that is the reason why this is happening.....I had completed "The Dunes of Sithilus" while I was manually leveling the character.

      We'll at least I know for sure I've completed ALL the quests that fall under the quest chain that "The Dunes of Sithilus" was part of
      I will make the recommended changes and let you know how I go.

      Thanks for the follow up.
    11. Wullie

      Wullie New Member

      Jun 8, 2013
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      Hi again,

      Questing in Kun-Lai/VoEB. Level 90 Horde.

      Kun-Lai profile.

      Guess with all the changes in 5.4 there were bound to be a few quests get borked.

      A Witness to History - Quest - World of Warcraft

      This quest is currently set to complete using the following (Line 2788):

      <TurnIn QuestName="A Witness to History" QuestId="31511" TurnInName="Zhi the Harmonious" TurnInId="59905" X="1215.917" Y="1041.448" Z="425.9666" />
      Zhi the Harmonious - NPC - World of Warcraft

      Zhi the Harmonious is no longer in game as of 5.4, and causes the TurnIn behavior to go a bit crazy seems to think it's stuck where the NPC should be, and just endlessly runs the stuck logic causing it to walk back and forth around where the NPC should be (Doesn't actually seem to be a mesh issue, rather a bug cause of the NPC not being there - perhaps worth further investigation).

      Madam Vee Luo - NPC - World of Warcraft

      Madam Vee Luo in Shrine of Two Moons (For Horde anyway) now completes this quest.

      Please update that line to the following:

      <TurnIn QuestName="A Witness to History" QuestId="31511" TurnInName="Madam Vee Luo" TurnInId="62996" X="1700.95" Y="893.58" Z="470.98" />
      Please note that the Alliance version of this quest (A Witness to History - Quest - World of Warcraft) will also need changed, and is now handed in at (Matron Vi Vinh - NPC - World of Warcraft). I don't have any Alliance toons to test with so can't give coords, sorry.

      The Horde fix is tested and working

      I suspect that there may be a few other issues around this area because of the changes, so will clear up what I can as I go.

      Many thanks :)
    12. Wullie

      Wullie New Member

      Jun 8, 2013
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      This next one I was hoping for a little guidance on...

      It's long (at least for last 6 months) been the case that the InteractWith type CustomBehaviours *dont* complete when the bot is still in combat (at least a lot of the time anyway - not sure exactly when it does and when it doesn't). I'm presuming everyone is aware of this. It can cause issues where it'll run to items to try and interact with them and fail and blacklist them.

      Perhaps this is by design, perhaps it's a bug, I'm not totally sure.

      Depending on the character and the combat routine this can be more or less noticeable when questing. Those with pets probably notice this a lot more.

      For instance I'm using Singular with a Demo Warlock. Am not completely sure how the interaction happens between the questing profile and the combat routine, but I'd guess there must be some sort of "priority" in there, and once a threshold is reached the CR allows the bot to continue doing questing stuff, while the pet fights the mobs. This is a really great idea, as it's exactly how a real player would play, and I've got to say it gets the balance right in most cases - eg the damage to do before it lets the pet "deal" with the mob(s) and continues doing it's next quest related thing.
      However, where it falls down a lot of the time is that it'll run around trying to interact with items and failing because it's in combat. It seems to often blacklist the items and run off to the next, which in fact causes the questing to take longer than if I had just waited till combat completed before doing anything.

      Sometimes this can be a complete AFK breaker. For instance in Kun-Lai profile, Line 2806:

      <If Condition="HasQuest(31453) &amp;&amp; IsQuestCompleted(31453)"> <!-- H - In from right side -->
      				<CustomBehavior File="UserSettings" PullDistance="1" />
      				<RunTo X="1864.344" Y="2018.345" Z="454.1613" />
      				<CustomBehavior File="WaitTimer" WaitTime="2000" GoalText="Waiting for agro to clear {TimeRemaining}" />
      				<RunTo X="1864.344" Y="2018.345" Z="454.1613" />
      				<CustomBehavior File="InteractWith" MobId="215382" ObjectType="GameObject" Range="8" WaitTime="0" X="1864.515" Y="2020.56" Z="455.668" />
      				<RunTo X="1866.205" Y="2055.865" Z="455.6911" />
      		<TurnIn QuestName="The Shado-Pan" QuestId="31453" TurnInName="Shado-Master Chong" TurnInId="60161" X="1866.205" Y="2055.865" Z="455.6911" />
      				<CustomBehavior File="UserSettings" PullDistance="15" />
      Now, in this case the InteractWith is to open a door. We're just ran through a heavily mob populated area, and chances are we're in combat. I certainly was. This means the door doesn't get opened and the bot just stands there. Of course, a stop-start would remedy it as the InteractWith would be called again and most likely this time we're out of combat.

      Unless there is an up and coming fix to the in-combat issue then I'd recommend the following changes (Also done the Alliance counterpart here):

      <If Condition="HasQuest(31453) &amp;&amp; IsQuestCompleted(31453)"> <!-- H - In from right side -->
      				<CustomBehavior File="UserSettings" PullDistance="1" />
      				<RunTo X="1864.344" Y="2018.345" Z="454.1613" />
      				<CustomBehavior File="WaitTimer" WaitTime="2000" GoalText="Waiting for agro to clear {TimeRemaining}" />
      				<RunTo X="1864.344" Y="2018.345" Z="454.1613" />
      				<While Condition="Me.Combat">
      					<CustomBehavior File="WaitTimer" WaitTime="2000" GoalText="Waiting for combat to clear {TimeRemaining}" />
      				<CustomBehavior File="InteractWith" MobId="215382" ObjectType="GameObject" Range="8" WaitTime="0" X="1864.515" Y="2020.56" Z="455.668" />
      				<RunTo X="1866.205" Y="2055.865" Z="455.6911" />
      		<TurnIn QuestName="The Shado-Pan" QuestId="31453" TurnInName="Shado-Master Chong" TurnInId="60161" X="1866.205" Y="2055.865" Z="455.6911" />
      				<CustomBehavior File="UserSettings" PullDistance="15" />
      			<If Condition="HasQuest(31455) &amp;&amp; IsQuestCompleted(31455)"> <!-- A - In from right side -->
      				<CustomBehavior File="UserSettings" PullDistance="1" />
      				<RunTo X="1864.344" Y="2018.345" Z="454.1613" />
      				<CustomBehavior File="WaitTimer" WaitTime="2000" GoalText="Waiting for agro to clear {TimeRemaining}" />
      				<RunTo X="1864.344" Y="2018.345" Z="454.1613" />
      				<While Condition="Me.Combat">
      					<CustomBehavior File="WaitTimer" WaitTime="2000" GoalText="Waiting for combat to clear {TimeRemaining}" />
      				<CustomBehavior File="InteractWith" MobId="215382" ObjectType="GameObject" Range="8" WaitTime="0" X="1864.515" Y="2020.56" Z="455.668" />
      				<RunTo X="1866.205" Y="2055.865" Z="455.6911" />
      		<TurnIn QuestName="The Shado-Pan" QuestId="31455" TurnInName="Shado-Master Chong" TurnInId="60161" X="1866.205" Y="2055.865" Z="455.6911" />
      				<CustomBehavior File="UserSettings" PullDistance="15" />
      For this particular one I flew back to then other side of the mob heavy area, and kicked it off again, to ensure it was tested when in combat. Worked perfectly.

      Let me know your thoughts as to whether individual fixes like this are the way you'd like to address this or not.

      Hope this helps!
    13. Wullie

      Wullie New Member

      Jun 8, 2013
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      Questing in Kun-Lai. Level 90 Horde.

      Quest: A Line Unbroken - Quest - World of Warcraft

      Gets stuck in this loop *after* doing the initial interactwith, which causes the mob to disappear. The objective shows as completed, so I suspect that it's simply not registered the objective as completed quickly enough, and then got stuck in the loop.

      			 <While Condition="!IsObjectiveComplete(1, 30715)">
      				<RunTo X="3112.531" Y="2939.607" Z="496.6286" />
      				<CustomBehavior File="ForcedDismount" />
      				<CustomBehavior File="InteractWith" MobId="61808" X="3112.531" Y="2939.607" Z="496.6286" />
      I've added a WaitTime and since it's in a loop anyway, set "WaitForNpcs" to false, to prevent it getting stuck in a 2nd "hit" of this InteractWith *after* the first one worked.

      Please change to:

      			 <While Condition="!IsObjectiveComplete(1, 30715)">
      				<RunTo X="3112.531" Y="2939.607" Z="496.6286" />
      				<CustomBehavior File="ForcedDismount" />
      				<CustomBehavior File="InteractWith" MobId="61808" X="3112.531" Y="2939.607" Z="496.6286" WaitForNpcs="False" WaitTime="2000" />
      Thanks :)
    14. genzzz

      genzzz New Member

      Sep 30, 2013
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      Hi, can we repport bug we see here ?
    15. Wullie

      Wullie New Member

      Jun 8, 2013
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    16. amputations

      amputations Active Member

      Jan 6, 2011
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      Just loaded the questing-profile up on my 88 monk in Kun-Lai and its working perfectly, thanks for the continued support and great work put into this Kickazz!
    17. Baaatzi

      Baaatzi Member

      Nov 3, 2012
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      is there any possibility to use the profile with the current german version of honorbuddy?
      i get the message that the questing behaviors can not be found...

    18. crispybacon

      crispybacon New Member

      Mar 8, 2013
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      You need the questing bot for kicks profiles. The german version doesn't have the quest bot.
    19. Wullie

      Wullie New Member

      Jun 8, 2013
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      Questing with Townlong Steps profile. Level 90 Horde.

      Line 965:

      <While Condition="!IsObjectiveComplete(1, 30890)">
      				<RunTo X="1258.207" Y="2411.045" Z="334.2922" />
      				<CustomBehavior File="InteractWith" MobId="61378" GossipOptions="1" WaitTime="1000" X="1258.207" Y="2411.045" Z="334.2922" />
      				<CustomBehavior File="UserSettings" PullDistance="25" />
      This results in the following endlessly in the log which requires user intervention:

      [Ref: "[N - Quest] 89-90 Townlong Steppes [Kick] ($Rev: 2761 $)" @line 967]
      [14:12:47.129 D] Activity: Moving to hunting ground waypoint 'hunting ground center'
      [14:12:56.657 D] Activity: No viable mobs in area.
      [14:12:56.664 D] [InteractWith-v719(debug)] No viable mobs in area.
      Excluded Units:
          Scout Wei-Chin [ExceedsCollectionDistance(100.0, saw 113.0)]
      It appears to be a case of a copy-paste foobar from the previous objective, having the exact same coords which are incorrect for this objective.

      It should be changed to the following:

      			  <While Condition="!IsObjectiveComplete(1, 30890)">
      				<RunTo X="1337.38" Y="2357.22" Z="332.73" />
      				<CustomBehavior File="InteractWith" MobId="61378" GossipOptions="1" WaitTime="1000" X="1337.38" Y="2357.22" Z="332.73" />
      				<CustomBehavior File="UserSettings" PullDistance="25" />
      Tested, confirmed to be working.

      Hope this helps.
    20. Rækwon

      Rækwon New Member

      Nov 11, 2012
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      Hi, first of all, thank for getting my toon until level 66 pretty much without any troubles. I have encountered the problem I'll explain furhter a few times while leveling this toon, but I usually got around it by completing a few quest by myself or something like that, then I came here and read a bit of the thread and I figured out that reporting the bug/asking for help is the best thing to do.

      After the character dinged 66 the bot decided to go to Nagrand and pickup quests at the maghar outpost in Garadar. It picked The Impotent Leader, but then I stopped the bot since I figured out he had 3 completed quests from Terrokar he didn't turn in. I turned them in manually, put the toon back to Garadar and started honorbuddy again.
      The bot then decided he had to talk to Warden Bullrok to pick up Proving Your Strength. The problem is that the NPC is Unfriendly, as all the Mag'har are at first!

      I hope that the problem was not me doing the turn in manually, but I figured out he was going to skip them because he dinged 66 and Terrokar was his zone no more! I thought "damn! those exp can help, why skip it?!". Also, as I mentioned earlier, this kind of problem (looking for a quest pick up from an NPC which had no quests) has happened at least a couple of times during the levelling and without my "help".

      What do I have to do now anyway?

      thanks in advance

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