Just a simple, friendly question to honor buddy team. Will we / you going to be down for 2-3 days with the new maintenance that Blizz releases 02.00 EU time tonight? Your beloved Forvirrad
stuck stuck stuck.... thats whats honorbuddy is all about atm. SAD DEVS... I think you dont even have a clue what is going on with you broken movement und useless unstuck routine. Whith how many accounts you test the leveling profiles? 1? terrible release after 5.4
These issues can't be an HB problem, even though a number of people are reporting them. I've ran Tyrael, Questing, LazyRaider and DungeonBuddy this week already. Something must be going on with your install, missing required .NET or something.
Any one who used DB AFK even when it was running its best has a ban wish (like a bot death wish). I love the thing and all the respect to H.V. but funny things happen with it from time to time and ya better be around to react.
The only wing you shouldn't AFK with DB, besides the SoO ones until they are thoroughly tested, is The Forgotten Depths in ToT. All other wings were AFKable as a DPS.
Never ever before thats they came around and telling you to upload logs or reinstall HB without any plugin and so on. HB is going to die with this devs. Sorry but since last release the bot is crashing and stucking all the time. Yesterday ive deleted all logs and the bot want start up so i get the logs back and all is running fine. Its just useless right now.