I think cata is gonna ruin wow... i mean the new talent tree is crappy at best. your thoughts on beta?
I think it is going to be shit as well, why couldnt they just make a new continent and leave the beautiful classic ones. Because new continents are always more exciting than modified land.
I think you miss the point of the whole idea of the Sundering. As for Cat, anything that makes the game more casual friendly and less 'I have no life and am still a virgin but my GS is HUGE' then I'm all for it. WoW has become far too elitist. I'd like to see people actually doing some raiding rather than grinding once they hit 80. Levelling is dull and the grind once you get to endgame to get geared is super dull. Tbh as soon as Guildwars 2 hits then I'm leaving WoW. This bot has kept me playing (or not shud i say!) otherwise I would have left months ago.
I love the New Ogrimmar and the water.. and flying.. but all its gunna do is have people level to 85.. then fly straight back to dalaran
Wrong, wrong and wrong. There is no portals in dalaran and shatrah anymore, you wont go back there, tho they added auctions in them. New zones are nice, 90% stuff is totally new. So far most heroics are quite hard(aoe is nerfed at all in general or on some pack if you do aoe you just die, you need to use cc on trash, most likely blizzard will nerd them later, but for few months should be fun i guess) compared to WOTLK and with rated bg and some stuff... basically overal WOTLK was total fail, cataclysm most likely will be best expension, only problem may be for you, that you are playing game for 5 years perhaps and 5 years is a long.. perhaps you need some change, tho playing GW2 i think you wil play that 3 monthsm not more . In the end most guys will play cataclysm, unless you started to play real life.
Are you serious? If anything, WoW has became way too dumbed down for downies. I mean you can kill bosses with shit dps and there are no strategies because - apparently - "casuals" don't know how to play. Hint, casual doesn't equal retard.
You guys are crazy, Cata is going to bring WoW back, the original zones were the best and the new zones are so sick. Raids are actually going to require some coordination unlike ANY Wotlk raid. I mean honestly you can pug to LK ????
The same with me. Guildwars 2 comes out, and i am only using wow to sell gold. I am so excited about that game <3
U kinda act like u would be a total expert, but u r not because Wotlk was no fail at all and will stay the coolest expansion. The worst one is BC, the atmosphere is too much fantasy
I pug 11/12 practically every week for both ICC10/25... It's rather sad tbh. I personally hate it when they're dumbing everything down more and more. I mean I look and see everyone with level 80's just running around and shit, and it reminds me of how much work it once took to reach the level cap in vanilla/BC. Now anyone can just make an 80, and it only takes around 2 weeks to level a toon to 80, and then maybe another week to gear that toon for icc (You can get your full set of t9 in 2 days ffs, along with heroic frostwing weapons/trinkets/whatever).
These people will never listen Gimik . Everyone that sits in this thread saying Cata will break WoW, is people that CANNOT adapt to changes. Cataclysm reflects Vanilla WoW in so many ways. People sit here and are like WTF HOW I DO SHIZZLE NOW? NO AP? WATTAHELL? You guys are all casual whiners that just want stuff to be pugged, it kills me lol.