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    Discussion in 'Archives' started by bobby53, Nov 19, 2012.

    1. ghost

      ghost New Member

      Apr 8, 2012
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      What Class+Spec are you?: Elemental Shaman

      What 'context' is the bot in? (Instance, BG, Normal): Normal

      What level are you?: 85-90

      Have you made any modifications to Singular?:no

      What time (HH:MM:SS) or LogMark did your issue occur? 10:21:45

      What happened (be specific)? the CR keeps casting spiritwalker's grace everytime its off cooldown for no reason, wether its fighting a mob or mounted or flaying in the air it will stop doing everything else just to cast that.

      Did you attach a complete debug log? (choose one: YES or YES) YES

      Attached Files:

    2. eksaro

      eksaro Member

      Feb 17, 2010
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      What i can read out of the log it isnt Singular that set the pull distance to 0 yds, its the questing profiles, which is normal for some quests.

      "[14:01:36.642 N] [Singular] attention: Pull Distance set to 0 yds by Questing, Plug-in, Profile, or User".

      This happend alot on my hunter as well, however i didnt die because of it :p I dont think there is anything you or the Singular developers can do, since its embeded in the profile. You can edit the profile your using, but then the bot will fail at completing the quest.
    3. bobby53

      bobby53 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      odarn, Thanks for the post with debug log! The only additional info needed is when the problem occurred. The easiest way to indicate that is with a LOGMARK. For details, see Reporting Bugs [CLICK HERE]. Thanks again for the post and good luck with your Singular toon, Bobby53
    4. bobby53

      bobby53 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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    5. bobby53

      bobby53 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      eksaro, Absolutely. If you could be a little more specific and follow the steps in Reporting Bugs I'll be happy to look at why it isn't using PW:S in Combat for you. Additionally, the issue you reported is about behavior that occurred at a specific time. Please see the Reporting Bugs post where it describes how to add a LOGMARK to your log so I know specifically when the issue occurred for you. Thanks and good luck with your Priest, Bobby53
    6. bobby53

      bobby53 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Singular does not care what the Pull Distance is -- it is only letting the user know because it affects how other components react (Questing, Grinding, etc), and typically that reaction (not attacking, not moving to a mob, not pulling, etc.) is blamed on the Combat Routine. So even though Singular doesn't care, it reports the change to the user since most changes to it are done silently and being aware of this value helps in determining why your character is behaving the way it does. It isn't an error, unless you are in a situation where you want to attack and then it becomes one. Either way, it equips you with the information you need to post to your profile or botbase author regarding the issue. Thanks and good luck with your Singular toon, Bobby53
    7. SoulPdx

      SoulPdx Member

      Jan 19, 2012
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      Hey bobby I just wanted to hop in here real quick and throw out a quick suggestion on the shaman. I've noticed it only in Ele shaman rotations currently. But the CC will throw down a grounding totem to absorb the next cast from a mob but will then go ahead and wind shear the mob anyways. This situation is while questing and the mob usually dies before the grounding totem is actually used. It's not a big issue but maybe throw in a check for the grounding totem if possible? or maybe set the wind shear for if Grounding is on cooldown. I know that if there is 2 mobs present then that makes logical sense. But I would rather have the grounding absorb the cast and let my cast complete. Rather then stop casting and sheer. No log just because I know it's really not going to acomplish anything.
    8. Avez

      Avez New Member

      Jan 7, 2013
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      I'm having an issue when doing a fresh install of honorbuddy. If I use the default version of singular it logs in just fine. As soon as I replace the default singular folder with the new singular it gives me errors and honorbuddy crashes telling me "Can not load any routines for this class" and forces me to exit.

      I've also tried on a death knight with the same result.

      View attachment 2896 2013-10-03 02.49.txt
    9. bobby53

      bobby53 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      SoulPdx, Thanks for the post!
      A log is your way of letting me know how important an issue is to you. For a longer description on that point see Bobby53's Standard Request for More Info [CLICK HERE].

      That's a good point regarding the Wind Shear and the presence of a Grounding Totem. I'll add a check in the next release so that interrupts are suppressed if your toon is a Shaman and your Grounding Totems exists. This will affect all Shaman interrupt spells so Wind Shear, War Stomp, Quaking Palm, and Solar Beam. Thanks for the post and good luck with your Shaman, -Bobby53
    10. bobby53

      bobby53 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Avez, Thanks for the post and my apologies for the issue. An HonorBuddy API that has existed for quite awhile and Singular uses was renamed. This breaks any existing components (Singular included) that reference that API. There are better ways to handle this type of change when managing an API used by other components (for C#, System.Obsolete comes to mind) but sometimes immediate change is necessitated which causes breakage like you are encountering. To fix this error for the HB download, it appears the copy of Singular that is bundled with HB was also modified so it would call the API by the new name. However that change is not present in the version you download from the forums. So for now I am removing the .ZIP from the first post. A new version will be available later today. Use the copy of Singular bundled with HB until a new version is available from the forums. Thanks for making me aware of the issue, -Bobby53
    11. odarn

      odarn Banned

      Jun 20, 2013
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      I have edited all puldistances out, and the problem is still happening. I have checked and rechecked. Here is the edited profile. I hope you can find something i have overlooked.

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    12. odarn

      odarn Banned

      Jun 20, 2013
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      toon keeps dying because it leaves the fight before the mob is dead, goes to do other quest, aggro'es, leaves, goes to do other quest, aggroes... and dies. logmarks provided.

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    13. bobby53

      bobby53 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      odarn, Thanks for the post. However I need a debug log and a specific description of when the problem occurred (a specific timestamp or preferably a LOGMARK.) See the steps in Reporting Bugs [CLICK HERE] for details. The Pull Distance can be set by anything ( user in Settings & Tools, the BotBase, the Quest Profile (by either Quest Behavior used or with embedded code), Plugin, etc. Without a "debug" log file I have no way of knowing what caused it to be set to 0 in your case, only that by the one line copy/paste that it was set to 0. If you feel you commented out all embedded code in the profile that directly sets Pull Distance, then most likely its a Quest Behavior that profile is using. Although Singular is informing the user the Pull Distance was changed, this isn't a Singular issue Thanks and good luck with your toon, Bobby53

      Edit: My recommendation is that you post in the HonorBuddy Support thread. They will be able to assist in triaging what component is involved and get you in touch with the correct support people.
    14. bobby53

      bobby53 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      odarn, Thanks for the post. Unfortunately this is a partial log file that does not contain any debug info. Am happy to help, but will need the info specified in Reporting Bugs [CLICK HERE]. As for the behavior described in leaving before mob is dead, that is a Questing BotBase or Quest Behavior issue. The Combat Routine (in this case Singular) is basically a slave. When a component wants to kill something, it adds it to the targetlist then invokes the Combat Routine. If the character is leaving in the middle of a fight and moving on to the next quest in the middle of a fight, that is behavior due to another component. If you post the details mentioned in the link I provided, I'll be happy to look at it further. Thanks for the post and good luck with your toon, Bobby53

      Edit: My recommendation is that you post in the HonorBuddy Support thread. They will be able to assist in triaging what component is involved and get you in touch with the correct support people.
    15. bobby53

      bobby53 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      ghost, Thanks for the post and my apologies for not replying sooner as I appear to have missed this one. I'll run my Shaman for a couple minutes and see if it occurs, but if not I won't be able to research further based upon the info provided. The log attached is a partial log and does not contain debug info necessary to follow why it thought it was needed. For steps on submitting an issue, please see Reporting Bugs [CLICK HERE] so the detail necessary for me to research is available. Thanks for the post and good luck with your Shaman, Bobby53
    16. odarn

      odarn Banned

      Jun 20, 2013
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    17. odarn

      odarn Banned

      Jun 20, 2013
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      In this log. the toon starts dead, rez and dies again because of its behavior. Afterwards it gets lucky because the pet can finish the mobs al9one. I hope the log contains enough info and logmarks. Thank you for your time.

      Attached Files:

    18. Avez

      Avez New Member

      Jan 7, 2013
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      Thank you for looking at my issue and the advice. Look forward to it being functional again, nice job as always.

    19. bobby53

      bobby53 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      odarn, Thanks for the log. The purpose of the logmarks is to provide a reference point for you to describe what happened at that point in time without having to remember a specific timestamp, etc. You describe the toon starting off dead, rezzing, and then dieing again. Those are normal things that will happen. What I need is for you to describe what was happening at LOGMARK #1. Was it at that exact moment that it ignored the character it was fighting and left? Adding logmarks to the file you submit is a great start, but I also need your description of what was happening that made it worth your time to add a LogMark at each point. Thanks, Bobby53
    20. odarn

      odarn Banned

      Jun 20, 2013
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      I will have to do it in general terms: each time the toon displayed the behavior I was talking about, I logmarked the file. That is, each time it left a fight before the mob was dead. Very often, maybe not in this log, the toon ends up fighting 4 or more mobs, all almost dead. The pet, when it cannot finish a mob quickly, also jumps to the next mob that is attacking the toon. So, it is really no normal process of dying, but the result of a malfunction in the routines which has appeared with the new patch.
      I also noticed that it will only do that if it trying to finish another quest first.. It seems to consider the mobs it is fighting as a distraction that must be ignored as soon as possible. So say it must gather quest items or free npc's, that is then what it will try to do, leaving the fight too soon.

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