Hmm further testing has been done... the pvp rotation in battlegrounds is improved. In arenas, not so much. Is it supposed to follow the same routine in bgs and arenas? View attachment 12588 2013-10-03 09.58.txt Arena View attachment 8084 2013-10-03 11.52.txt BG
wintraders... i wish always face with blood dks in arena... just piece of cakes... But there is none at EU servers
Only I have a problem with the resurrect? character does not want to lift the body. TuanHA SpecialEdition Pal and DK
It's not wintrading. They win by default because they can just do two 1v1s and never die. They split the healer from the dps and slowly wear the dps down. I faced them and lost.
Yeah, double blood DK are insane atm in 2v2. I've lose a few at 1900 rating. They just don't die, they can't kill us but after 15 min, they always have "The Crown Choose You" buff. I guess I need more logic to help double blood DK soon. Something like Death Coil heal with Glyph, Death Coil heal when friend use Lichborne is definitively needed. It's a gay combo anyway xD