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  • Notice of license termination

    Discussion in 'Ban Section - Ban Reports' started by Galendracos07, Oct 4, 2013.

    1. Galendracos07

      Galendracos07 New Member

      Jul 31, 2013
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      My main (only) account was banned today for error 202 botting/cheating. I got a 72 hour ban a couple months ago for botting. Since then, I have not botted, not one time. I sent an appeal and basically said as much, that since the 72 hour ban I haven't done any botting whatsoever. All they have to do is look and see that I haven't. I guess they can ban you for whatever they want, but seems kind of a crappy thing to do since I did what they asked. I did make a pretty inflammatory forum post, I wonder if that had anything to do with it. I have 375 days played on this account, getting banned is will probably be the best thing that ever happened to me, but it's disturbing to go out this way. I will keep you posted on the results of the appeal.
    2. tifreak

      tifreak New Member

      Jun 20, 2011
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      Activison Blizzard is a whore :) Thats the reason why i dont buy any other game from them :)
    3. bugstaz300

      bugstaz300 New Member

      Jan 21, 2012
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      Join the club yesterday at 1050pm I got my license wow account ban. I wish I knew how it really happen. I'm guessing a person reported me which is funny I've had the bot for a long time and never an issue. Oh we'll it happens people are dicks for reporting. I was 2,000 coins away from trinket and third toon was about to turn 90. If I get another account should u use a different email address? Maybe create new gmail as we'll?

      Anyone have an extra account they want to give away.
    4. rwinger84

      rwinger84 New Member

      Sep 12, 2012
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      Lastnight at 8pm est I got my account banned. This was the 2nd one within a year to get hit. I appealed it and was able to get it down to a 72 hour.
    5. bugstaz300

      bugstaz300 New Member

      Jan 21, 2012
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      Does anyone go back to biting after getting account back.

      I appealed mine this morning if I get it back i plan to bot only when I'm awake so I can watch it
    6. rwinger84

      rwinger84 New Member

      Sep 12, 2012
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      I only bot when I am at my computer working where I can watch it at all times and I still go hit. I will bot but I think I am going to create another account not linked to this one.
    7. Chesnut817

      Chesnut817 Member

      Nov 7, 2012
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      Why are people dicks for reporting you .?
    8. bugstaz300

      bugstaz300 New Member

      Jan 21, 2012
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      I guess they have every right to report boting. I use to once hate boting people but oh well part of the price for boting. I think the only way you can get caught is if someone reports you otherwise everyone with honor buddy would be ban.

      Anyone recommend a safe website to purchase a 90 toon?
    9. Galendracos07

      Galendracos07 New Member

      Jul 31, 2013
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      Ban Upheld. Everything I said in my ticket was the absolute truth. This an account with 7 years and hundreds of hundreds of dollars spent on faction and server changes. Well over 350+ 24 hour days played, and 13 90's. I think one of three things are at play here:
      1) Last two weekends I grinded AV for full Tyr gear on my monk....almost every game I did the same thing, run to tower point as fast as I could and cap it, something that was needed. A player reported me and my paths being similar enough through 100 or so AV's that they think that I am botting
      2) I got reported and they saw evidence from before the 72 hour ban and say I'm guilty because of that, or don't care that it was before the punishment they gave me (which I did not challenge)
      3) Over they years I have written many tickets and forum posts where I just SHIT ALL OVER BLIZZARD, including one last week on how broken and unfun pvp had become due to Sr. Pvp doucher Molina or whatever the f his name is and they just wanted to be rid of me and used my previous botting to justify it. That's the only thing i can think of because since the 72 hour ban honorbuddy is not even installed on my machine, I didn't want to take any chances on losing my main. Keep in mind my best friend who has not been caught yet bots 10/12 hours a day every day (mostly farming and rotation helper) and has for months before I bought honorbuddy 8 months ago. Hope this info helps.

      I just submitted a ticket but it is not showing up on support tracking so I am resubmitting this in case I made a submission error on the first one.

      My account license has been terminated for error 202 which is apparently botting/cheating. This is surprising and very upsetting. I received a 72 hour ban a few months back for using third party software. Since the ban, I have not done anything whatsoever that would be considered cheating or manipulating the game. So please, I am begging you, closely review whatever evidence led you to believe that I was doing this on this account, and you will see that I did not/do not do anything like that. All I do is play a lot and spend a lot of money on server and faction transfers to play with my friends for the many years I have had this account. There has been a mistake, I haven't done what I appear to be accused of, and it is very upsetting. Please take a look at whatever evidence makes you think that I did this and you will see it is not the case. I do not, nor will I ever cheat or manipulate the game. Respectfully, Will

      13 hours ago
      Customer Service Representative

      An additional review of the action has been completed. We have confirmed our initial findings, and the action will not be reversed or changed.

      We understand that you may still have concerns regarding the action, but we must reiterate that it was taken to address a violation of the Terms of Use and End User License Agreement (Blizzard Entertainment:Blizzard Legal Documentation), which all players accept before logging into the game.

      We understand that these policies may seem harsh, but they are in place to ensure that every player is able to enjoy their time in our games. Thank you for respecting our position.
    10. wowstargate

      wowstargate New Member

      May 2, 2010
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      I Cannot Stress This Enough.....

      Don't Bot On An Account You Care About Losing

    11. lilsavalex

      lilsavalex Member

      Dec 14, 2012
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      You admitted that you have not botted since the last time you got banned.
    12. Windows

      Windows New Member

      Nov 27, 2012
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      He said he did NOT bot on it since the 72h ban he received months back
    13. Galendracos07

      Galendracos07 New Member

      Jul 31, 2013
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      Yes, Windows...that is in fact the entire point of this thread. I am beyond devastated, and I was hoping that maybe helping/informing others might help me feel less so. However, unlike most "guy bots and gets the ultimately penalty stories", I HAVE NOT BOTTED SINCE MY 72 HOUR BAN. And unlike most people who say that, it is actually true. So, I don't know what to make of that, but if I still had my account and was reading another guy posting this, and I had ever botted on my main ever, I would be pretty concerned. But Blizzard does not have to explain themselves so I will likely never know what evidence if any existed made them think that I was botting post warning which I did not even consider doing, much less do.
    14. Galendracos07

      Galendracos07 New Member

      Jul 31, 2013
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      Yes, I did admit to using 3rd party software prior to my 72hr ban, which I didn't figure was much of a confession since they banned me for it. I included it in hopes that if they were using evidence from before that time for this permanent ban, they would realize they had already punished me for that and that I had not done it since then.
    15. Windows

      Windows New Member

      Nov 27, 2012
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      You can still get it unbanned by calling them and telling them about this.

      Thinking about that now, I don't know if it still works, but it's worth a shot. You have nothing to lose.
    16. Galendracos07

      Galendracos07 New Member

      Jul 31, 2013
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      It says that phone and live chat are "not available for this topic" They don't want to deal with irate customers they're already flushed down the toilet I guess. I guess I will call the general customer service number at some point, so they can tell me to "get bent" one last time.
    17. Galendracos07

      Galendracos07 New Member

      Jul 31, 2013
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      Here is my 2nd appeal and response below for giggles. Pretty much reckless faggotry on my part, but I was really pissed and wanted to let off some steam. Think a 3rd appeal has a chance? LOL

      I cut and pasted the .txt file as follows

      Dear Blizzard,
      (You may want to re-read my previous ticket on this same issue, or my references to the CSR "Thumb-dick Thyorrke" may not make sense to you)

      Well, I guess I might as well drive the last nail in the coffin you fucks built for me. You see, the license termination of my account that took away over 350+ 24 hour days played from my life over the past 5+ years would be easy to take if I HAD ACTUALLY DONE WHAT YOU FUCKING ACCUSED ME OF!!! The very first thing I did when I received my 31 July ban for "exploitive behavior" was rip that shit off my machine, in order to avoid the very scenario which has now inexplicably happened. So that's how I know that the CSR Thumb-dick Thyorrke is lying, incompetent, or most likely both. But since you lower life forms don't have to provide the evidence, or answer for your gross buffoonery except through these tickets that you probably barely read (if you can read), I guess I'll never know if you just didn't look (thanks for the boiler plate answer to an issue that erased six years of my life on the last ticket btw, I appreciate the effort you cowardly fucks) or you are looking at activity from before the ban which I was already punished for and corrected, or activity that looks like bot activity, like the 100+ AV's THAT I FUCKING GRINDED THE PAST TWO WEEKENDS, and mistaking it for bot activity.....or you're just incompetent and don't give a flying fuck about flushing an account down the drain that has generated hundreds and hundreds of dollars of revenue for your pathetic company. But what I do know, with a great deal of certainty, is that I ABSOLUTELY, POSITIVELY, HAVE NOT BOTTED OR EXPLOITED IN ANY WAY SINCE MY PUNISHMENT. IN FACT, IT IS QUITE FUCKING IMPOSSIBLE.
      So, since I now have no hope of this being reversed, let me enlighten whatever chimp at blizzard reads this. I'm sure you take great pleasure in the fact that you hurt me, and believe me you did, but not near as badly as I am going to hurt you. I have owned every blizzard game on console or computer since WCII, but I will never buy another. I work in the video game industry, and I will talk down your games, your company, and recommend your competition to anyone who will listen for the remainder of my days. Unlike the many people who probably threaten that, I mean it and will religiously do it. Remember, I played your shit game for over a year (that's a year in front of the computer playing it, not a year calendar time) so I know something about perseverance. I don't know if you guys are keeping up on current events, but you are hemorrhaging subs at an alarming rate, and I am in a position to know. The death knell for WoW has long since tolled, and you can?t un-ring the bell.
      In the finest homage to trade chat, and my last communication with you on this issue, may I please say that I hope you, and especially your loved ones, die horribly in a fire with their mouths open screaming your name.

      P.S. EAT A DICK :)

      Xjindar the DK


      Customer Service Representative

      ****Notice of Account Closure****

      Account Action: Closure
      Reason for Action: Exploitation Policy Violation - Unapproved Third Party Software

      I've read the .txt file you sent, and after a thorough investigation, we have found that a player of the account listed above has used unauthorized game modifications.

      The use of these modifications violates the World of Warcraft Terms of Use. We ask that you take a moment to review these terms at Blizzard Entertainment:World of Warcraft Terms of Use.

      You may not use cheats, bots, mods, hacks or any other software designed to gain an unfair advantage in World of Warcraft.

      Furthermore, the use of these types of programs has a tremendous negative impact on the game and other players. This impact can take many forms including an inflated game economy and server instability.

      This World of Warcraft account has been closed by the Account Administration staff based on a review of the account and all related policy violations.

      This action has been taken in accordance with the Terms of Use and our In-Game Policies (http://us.blizzard.com/support/article/policy). Any recurring subscriptions on this account have been suspended to prevent further monetary charges.

      Only the Account Administration department can address disputes or questions you may have about this account action. To learn more about how we are able to assist you, please visit us at http://us.battle.net/support/en/art...whttp://us.blizzard.com/support/article/21505.

      In summation: I agree with the poster in this thread (or maybe it was another I read) that admitting botting at any time is a low percentage play and a bad idea. Good luck to you!

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