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  • [Azyul Project] Dungeon Farming, Gold Farming, Mount Farming, Transmog Farming, and more!

    Discussion in 'Farming' started by EchoTiger, Feb 26, 2013.

    1. Bejk

      Bejk New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Dude this is a great idea!
      You guys are awesome :D

      As for the problems I was having on the north wind drake farm, the targeting and attacking of the gales are fixed now, thanks!
      But the bot still fights the last boss untill 30% ish of its hp and then jumps of the edge of the platform, ends up at the entrance and keeps running of that platform to get back endlessly.
      I will try to post a log when time allows it, but Im currently extremely busy.

      thanks for all your hard work, I hope my donation got you some pizza and expensive coffee or something :D

      Kind regards!
    2. Madske

      Madske New Member

      Oct 27, 2012
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      Hello guys, I'm having problems with the Scarlet Monastery profile, I can't get it to AOE pull and kill off bigger groups at once. Does anyone have suggestions as to how to fix it?
    3. EchoTiger

      EchoTiger Official Profile and Singular Developer Staff Member Moderator

      Nov 28, 2012
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      All combat is handled via your Combat Routine. Not by the profile code.
      In order for you to get a AoE pull you'd have to either get a Combat Routine designed to do that -- or re-code the profile to disable your Combat Routine's control so you can manually script out a custom combat route that spams AoE via Macros.
    4. Madske

      Madske New Member

      Oct 27, 2012
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      Sorry for asking in wrong thread then EchoTiger.
      And I am sorry for asking again in the wrong thread, but I am really confused by this :p
      So in order to make AOE pulls, I would have to modify a Combat Routine, like Singular?
    5. EchoTiger

      EchoTiger Official Profile and Singular Developer Staff Member Moderator

      Nov 28, 2012
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      It would be a more "global" solution if you prefer using purely AoE during dungeon farm(s).
      Try looking at Singular's core code for your class - it should be easy enough for you to read so that you can re-create a AoE spam.

      Even if you've never programmed before, a lot of the code may be readable to you.
      Just replace names with names, and you've got it. If you don't know what something is, don't touch it. xD

      Just remember to make a backup! ;P

      Or, if you don't want to mess around in that territory, you could try looking around in the user-submitted forums for a Combat Behavior that does something similar to this.
      If you can't find one, I'm sure someone would be willing to make you one. I would - but I'm just too busy with all of my other projects at the moment.
    6. Madske

      Madske New Member

      Oct 27, 2012
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      The problem I have is not that the bot is not using AOE spells, the problem is that it won't pull as many mobs as I desire before killing them off. I've heard much talk about a behaviour called RunLikeHell where the bot should body pull all mobs at hotspots before killing them. Do you know how I make use of this?
      I would be very happy not having to look at code, I just tried to and I can feel a headache beggining :D
    7. happyfriet

      happyfriet Active Member

      Jan 14, 2013
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      Does this use botbase dungeonbuddy or grindbuddy ?
    8. EchoTiger

      EchoTiger Official Profile and Singular Developer Staff Member Moderator

      Nov 28, 2012
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      Oh yea.
      Well the problem is. Currently all Instance Grind profiles are only designed to run the dungeon at a "Normal" pace in normal difficulty.
      They aren't optimized for gold farming -at all-.

      I'm working on a new system called the "Detection Diamond" that lets you choose how you want the bot to run the dungeon before it enters the dungeon.
      One option on the Detection Diamond is the "GPH Optimized Run."

      The GPH (gold per hour) Optimized Run is designed for high mob pulls (using RunLikeHell) and quick runs.
      Only one profile at the moment has the "Detection Diamond" feature in it and that's the new Grim Batol profile that was released about 7 hours ago.
      The only issue is, this profile is VERY gear-demanding. You have to be level 90 with "decent" gear. It's also recommended that you run it with a hybrid melee class or a strong hybrid caster.

      Here's a link to my post which details the "Detection Diamond" in depth.


      It uses the Questing botbase.
      DungeonBuddy and GrindBuddy aren't designed to do this.
    9. Madske

      Madske New Member

      Oct 27, 2012
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      The new system sounds real nice - and advanced as ****!
      Would it be difficult to modify a single profile, let's say your profile for either of the SM instances so that it uses runlikehell to pull the mobs?
    10. EchoTiger

      EchoTiger Official Profile and Singular Developer Staff Member Moderator

      Nov 28, 2012
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      Nah, not at all.
      Let the bot run the dungeon normally - click the small tab on Honorbuddy that says "Info"
      After you click that tab you will see information about the bot as it's operating.
      Beside "Goal:" it should tell you which coordinates the bot is currently navigating to.
      Simply write down // Copy+Paste the coordinates you want to "RunLikeHell" on.

      Example: X="10" Y="20" Z="30" runs into a big pile of mobs, then the next coordinate right after X="20" Y="30" Z="40" runs into another big pile of mobs.
      Copy those two down.

      Once you get the coordinates you want, - open the Scarlet Monastery profile with a text editor and use CTRL+F to find the coordinates in the profile.
      After you find them, just wrap them in the RunLikeHell behavior.

      <RunTo X="120" Y="210" Z="305" />  <-- Pulls a lot of mobs
      <RunTo X="140" Y="220" Z="310" />  <-- Random navigation
      <RunTo X="160" Y="230" Z="305" />  <-- Pulls more mobs
      <CustomBehavior File="RunLikeHell" AllowCombat="false" >
         <Hotspot X="120" Y="210" Z="305" />  <--Pulls a lot of mobs
         <Hotspot X="140" Y="220" Z="310" />  <--Random navifation
         <Hotspot X="160" Y="230" Z="305" />  <--Pulls more mobs
      Notice <RunTo is replaced with <Hotspot
      Simple as that.

      After the bot reaches the last coordinate in the RunLikeHell wrap - it will start attacking.
    11. Madske

      Madske New Member

      Oct 27, 2012
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      Cool going to try this right now.
      Thanks alot for the help man, it's much appreciated!
    12. QuaLiT1

      QuaLiT1 Member

      Aug 12, 2011
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      I started right now Grim batol profile in Stormwind. He?s traveling on flying mount to the north, Ill babysit it, report at the end

      PS: Rogue 90 - 505 iLevel (Gems & Enchants)


      Okey, go to start in GPH mode:

      -[Profile Message]: GPH Optimized run-type activated.

      -3 Firts pulls done, but my rogue its taking a lot of dmg, finish the pulls with 20-30% hp. , Singular CC dont spam fang of knives propper config by default, I?ll try improve this to see if take less damage.

      -4 Pull Die, and resurrect on angel, like I say go to try config singular CC (for that I love my special tuanha routine :( ) ,

      - I changed priority AoE spells 4 to 2, and fang of knives 4 to 2, maybe with that START using the Crimson tempest + fang of knives combo. I follow editing post when res. sickness disappear

      [Profile fail:] After 10 mins of wait angel , he rest , and cast mount, but dont do anymore just stay on site in info says "moving to hotspot" but dont do it, I stop, and start again at the door of grim batol.

      -The profile autoOff now :S

      UserDialog-v501(timer expired) @line 416]: [Attention Required...] You must choose your run-type.
      To do so, walk at least 5 yards (three running steps) in the direction you wish to choose.
      Walk FORWARD for a GPH optimized run.
      Walk LEFT for Heroic Difficulty.
      Walk RIGHT for Normal Difficulty.
      Once you choose something, push "Continue". If nothing is chosen within 25 seconds, I will run a Normal dungeon. 
      Disposition: Continuing profile due to Profile Writer request
      Bot Stopped! Reason: Nothing more to do. Stopping bot.
      I Take forward like before, but now dont found.

      -Close and open honorbuddy, found again, lets go try another rushtime:
      -[Profile Message]: GPH Optimized run-type activated.

      -Okey GPH test aborted with the rogue. on 4 pulls dies vs 13-14 npcs , impossible for him, go to test normal mode with same rogue, and this night I?ll try the GPH mode with a Monk/pala/Dk , and report the results.

      Grim batol Normal mode profile - Rogue 90 505 iLevel : 169 Gold (selling all to vendor) . 21 minutes to finish it (With singular CC, that its really bad because take a lot of time to enter in combat, bad rotations, no use crimson tempest)

      This night test GPH with DK :)
    13. Madske

      Madske New Member

      Oct 27, 2012
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      Okay I've modified your profile Echo, and it runs through the instacne smoothly now :D

      Is there a way to link the two profiles for SM that you've made, so that it runs both before resetting?
      Sorry for being a pain in the ass, but I really want this to work :D
      Again, thanks alot for all your help!
    14. EchoTiger

      EchoTiger Official Profile and Singular Developer Staff Member Moderator

      Nov 28, 2012
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      Thanks for the detailed report! This is what I like to see.

      The profile fail with the bot resurrecting at the angel you ran across has been noted once already during testing.
      I'm working on a fix for it as we speak. :3

      As far as the GPH run being a bit "too hard" I'm looking into changing the mob pulls, and better optimization.
      I also may make a "lite pull" version of it. This current version being the "heavy pull."
      So far only my DPS/Tank Monk has been the only character I have to completely finish the run. She has iLvl 458.


      Yea, shouldn't be too hard.
      Just copy the instance-nav code from one of the other SM profiles and paste it after the first instance-nav code.

      Ctrl+F for Enters instance in the Profile.

      I'm going to use the "Scarlet Monastery" profile as example here:

      		<RunTo X="2912.714" Y="-802.7842" Z="160.333" /> 
      		<CustomBehavior File="MyCTM" X="2918.915" Y="-801.9002" Z="160.333" /> <!-- Enters instance if not already inside -->
      		<CustomBehavior File="WaitTimer" WaitTime="15000" />
      	<!-- Begin Instance Grind -->
      	<If Condition="(Me.ZoneId == 6109)" >
      		<CustomBehavior File="Misc\InstanceTimer" Timer="Start" /> 
      All of that is the code for the bot to enter the Scarlet Monastery instance. Then all of the <RunTo codes after is the code for the bot to navigate around the instance. It stops at </If> which that's where the instance navigation ends.

      If you copy all of that down to the </If> then all you'd have to do is just paste it under the </If> in the Scarlet Halls profile.
      Once the bot finishes Scarlet Halls, it go directly to Scarlet Monastery and run it.

      You may want to remove <CustomBehavior File="RunMacro" Macro="/script ResetInstances()" /> from the code of the first dungeon that's ran.
      That way it doesn't reset in-between dungeons.
      Madske likes this.
    15. ajc82388

      ajc82388 New Member

      Sep 11, 2012
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      maybe im a little confused right now, but i was using your profile for grim batol and lightning halls, and it works fine
      the only problem is that singular sucks balls.
      i switched to Tuanha's profile bc of all the good things i had heard, and it rapes mobs in there with my protection paladin.
      Singular does not use half the combat skills and AOE that tuanhas does.
      But the bot does not move, I have to manually move it while using anything else other than singular, right?

      nevermind im an idiot, apparently there is a "full afk" option on Tuanhas CR.
    16. EchoTiger

      EchoTiger Official Profile and Singular Developer Staff Member Moderator

      Nov 28, 2012
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      Lol, everything working fine then?

      When we make these profiles, we use Singular since usually that's what the average person will be using.
      I personally don't use the bot aside from making profiles, so I'm not entirely familiar with any other combat routine aside from Singular.

      As far as the Grim Batol run - any suggestions you may have?
      I may be adding a Lite version of the gold run as the fourth DD option. Pulls smaller packs of mobs, but does the same thing.
    17. ajc82388

      ajc82388 New Member

      Sep 11, 2012
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      jk after trying with Tuanha's routine it doesnt work.
      Such a shame.. i really like the profiles too.. but singular just sucks so hard at everything...

      Edit- It works OUTSIDE of the instance using Tunha's CR. It sells, repairs, moves, all that stuff.
      Once it gets inside the instance, bot just stays idle and does nothing unless I manually run around and agro mobs for it to use the CR on (tuanhas)
    18. EchoTiger

      EchoTiger Official Profile and Singular Developer Staff Member Moderator

      Nov 28, 2012
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      Huhm, that's strange.
      I'd have to look into the routine to see if it has anything shut-off switches or anything that would cause it to stop movement inside of an instanced location.

      Are you Horde? Just curious because the Horde vendor/repair/mail hasn't been tested.
    19. ajc82388

      ajc82388 New Member

      Sep 11, 2012
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      yeah im horde
      basically, your profiles would be 100000000% better if they could some how work with a different CR then singular. I Just tried doing GPH optimized on grim batol using singular CR so i could be 100% afk, and i literally WATCHED it not cast a single spell/ cooldown/ AOE spell/ ANYTHING for like 10 seconds straight, and then it died.
      I could pull a pack of mobs twice that size, and use tuanha's CR and survive.
      So sad :(
    20. EchoTiger

      EchoTiger Official Profile and Singular Developer Staff Member Moderator

      Nov 28, 2012
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      I'll speak to some of the developers to see what I can figure out.
      Edit: What class are you? Protection Paladin?

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