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  • Botting 24/7 on same account but different chars? Safe or not?

    Discussion in 'Honorbuddy Forum' started by tednet, Oct 8, 2013.

    1. tednet

      tednet Member

      Mar 14, 2010
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      I use gatherbuddy for a few hours a day on my account, but the other time I am logged of completely.

      Is it safe to bot another char on the same account during the downtime or do you think blizzard logs the time spent logged in on an account, rather than on chars?

      Anyone have experience with this?

    2. nvmax

      nvmax Member

      Oct 31, 2012
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      Im pretty sure they go by the account not toon, if your account is logged on for 24 hrs straight im sure you will be banned extremely fast. never bot more then humanly possible.
    3. shorty8769

      shorty8769 New Member

      Jan 14, 2012
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      i have been botting in bgs on my lvl 90 dk to get all of his honor gear but in the down time i have been leveling my rouge but with that being said i do quest,random bgs,dungeon farming and say random things in guild chat atm im running around 22.5 hours per day
      fixing to start on my mages honor gear,while i get the last 1.5 levels on my rouge the i will start leveling another toon while i farm honor on my rouge. from past exp. as long as you swap around what you are doing every few hours and take breaks(coffee,bio,ect) and talk to people in bgs(/i lets getter done or some other bs ) people dont look at you as much
      mainly player reports have been my issues in the past
    4. Botanist

      Botanist Banned

      Oct 20, 2010
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      Ultimately, no one knows how or what Blizz looks for or if they even look. Common sense dictates that if they do monitor and record player activity, that information would only be available a short time. Simply put, you can't monitor and record player actions for 6 million people indefinitely. That amount of data storage would be incredible and a serious waste of resources. The question is how often does the info reset if in fact they monitor it.
    5. 3dman

      3dman Member

      Aug 11, 2010
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      im running 6 accs 24/7 same toons al lthe time :) if u do it for profit do it hard imo :)
    6. randomstraw

      randomstraw Community Developer

      Jul 17, 2012
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      as safe as botting is.

      i could rant anytime someone asks for safety. /out
    7. BubbaDad

      BubbaDad Member

      Jul 29, 2013
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      In the opinion of a newbie botter I agree with Botanist. The data stream is enormous and to keep track of all activity of all accounts would be a serious misuse of resources. Sorta like the NSA spying on citizens monitoring email and such. The amount of people and super computer time they use is staggering. The amount of data to sift through and resources needed would bankrupt them, slow the servers to a crawl and seriously piss people off.

      So the bottom line is take on only as much risk as you are willing to, understanding that your account is forfeit once you start bottling on it.

      Its a good day to die!!!
    8. tednet

      tednet Member

      Mar 14, 2010
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      so, basically all player reports lead to a ban, so it doesn't matter if you've been botting for a few hours or for a few weeks non-stop?
      Anyone been botting (relatively recently) 24/7 for a long time and has not experienced any repercussions at all?
    9. ieatpork

      ieatpork Member

      Nov 9, 2012
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      Personally, I play a lot of World of WarCraft. I have three screens and three accounts. I play my mage legit, and let the other two farm for money to fund my legit playing. They farm as long as my mains on. Which is probably around 11-14 hours a day. Take that for what it's worth and interpret it yourself.
    10. 3dman

      3dman Member

      Aug 11, 2010
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      i have had 6 accs now running for 24/7 for a long time. I stopped using gathering as the main source for gold. At the end when i used gathering it seemed that it didnt matter if i ran 10 or 5 hours even with private profiles and random hot spots generators i still got banned so i switched tactics.
    11. Dimsal

      Dimsal New Member

      Oct 2, 2011
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      Yes. I've been botting on my 90 DK 24/7 for 3 days now without monitoring it (I'm at work now and I'm sure it's running just fine at home). It's running archeology bot in a phased pandaria without any other players or NPCs.

      The only downtime it had the last 3 days was from last night when servers went down until I woke up before going to work this morning I put it back on.
    12. Hat 1

      Hat 1 New Member

      Dec 11, 2012
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      I say if a player reported one toon at all then yes you will be banned for sure

      As for the server knowing about it well who knows how this is done

      Player reports will get you banned no matter what because if they look at how long you were logged into the server then it will say you were running a bot
    13. bandr1411

      bandr1411 New Member

      Mar 2, 2013
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      They would go bankrupt looking at log files? wth are you talking about? They can easily have a program that puts people who have been logged in for 20+ hours in a different file and it would be recorded. They also have auto ban systems for outrageous amounts of times spent online. But your lack of knowledge about a "super computer" made me laugh so i thought i'd comment back to you.

      And player reports don't usually cause a ban because blizzard rarely looks at them. It's based on their auto ban systems which are heavy on grinders and people who bg for crazy amounts of time. I was banned for botting gatherbuddy for about 70+ hours. The way i do it now is most of the time the bot will turn off in the night and that's your down time. If it does not turn off at night you should turn it off when you wake up and let it set for a while. I turn mine off then go to class for about 3 hours come back and start it up again.

      There is no real way to prevent getting banned it's really random. Some people are more lucky than others, but of course you signed up knowing the risks so a ban should not come as a surprise.
    14. razer

      razer New Member

      Apr 29, 2012
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      With the meshes not working right I sure as hell wont be AFK. In the last few hours the mesh system has gotten dumber and dumber for questing.

      But also blizzard would have a autoban feature with all that money im sure they would have one. They would not waste GM's lives with making them search every toon. Also its quite easy to make a monitor for how long a account has been logged in but who says the ban system is fast it maybe fucking slow as dog shit and that is why people get banned after a while of doing 24/7.

      I have 5 accounts and never had one banned mine you I used to multibox 5 - 10 accounts and got so many reports in BG's and had more GM talks then anyone who has botted, 2 suspensions for buying a shit ton of gold but other then that nothing, ever since I got HB I have only botted as long as I can stay awake for I may play it way to safe but I know IF they do have a system for botters and bans I know I will look as human as any other real person.

      P.S I love hate mail!

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