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  • [A1 Inferno]FallenDev's, Bossqwerty-spiced FoM zorked edition -> MP10 E-skipping

    Discussion in 'Archives' started by zorked, Oct 6, 2013.

    1. zakne11

      zakne11 New Member

      Jan 11, 2013
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      zorked but you have idea why yellow and blues female are unatacked with turned off blacklist tag?
    2. zorked

      zorked New Member

      Mar 23, 2013
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      Thanks for these hints (and the flowers of course ;) ).
      I will delete the Blacklist from the starter.xml since there's no purpose in having two blacklists in there... Also the bulls got the ID 3337 if I am not mistaken. Simply comment out the blacklist entry commented as Bulls :D in the FoM.xml file and you should kill the bulls again. (this -however- might result in lower iph since your bot needs to waste a lot of time on those high hp mobs.)

      Regarding the wardenskipping: My bot does not attack it due to Eliteskipping, but thanks for the ID. I'll add it to the list - though with comment tags wrapped around. Don't want to tell every second poster here that he's got to comment that Blacklistentry out to be able to also get a few keys :D
      As of now I think it's some general Trinity behaviour. Since .6 (or so) I observed that elites are often treated as normal mobs and only attacked when enough "trash" is around to meet the minimum mob size requirement. But that may be due to me only recently switching to 7+ minimum mob count...
    3. zakne11

      zakne11 New Member

      Jan 11, 2013
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      maybe thats the reason, after change to attack females only noticed single yellows. and a lot of less theath in deacying from elites and random mobs
    4. g00fy_goober

      g00fy_goober New Member

      Jun 17, 2012
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      Thanks for your response zorked, i switched over to endless decaying profile which I planned on doing today anyway, and ill let you know what i find/see. Should be fun, decaying was always my fav place to do :)
    5. zakne11

      zakne11 New Member

      Jan 11, 2013
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      farm information ( when gathering npc sno gathered some stuck information near farm fience maybe someone will find any idea how to save that some seconds)

      [16:17:32.138 N] [QuestTools] Gizmo ActorSNO: 115908 Name: Wall_Feilds_MainC1_TrOut-7655 Type: Destructible Radius: 5.56 Position: x="1698" y="488" z="0" (1698, 488, 0) Distance: 103 Animation: Wall_Fields_MainC1_TrOut_idle AppearanceSNO: 62100 has Attributes: Level=63, HitpointsCur=981668463, HitpointsMax=981663744, HitpointsMaxTotal=1065353216, ScreenAttackRadiusConstant=1114636288, TurnRateScalar=1065353216, TurnAccelScalar=1065353216, TurnDeccelScalar=1065353216, UnequippedTime=1, CoreAttributesFromItemBonusMultiplier=1065353216,

      [16:17:31.911 N] [QuestTools] Gizmo ActorSNO: 60665 Name: WoodFenceE_Fields_trOut-7577 Type: Destructible Radius: 10.61 Position: x="1839" y="542" z="0" (1839, 542, 0) Distance: 78 Animation: WoodFenceE_Fields_trOut_Idle AppearanceSNO: 60664 has Attributes: Level=63, HitpointsCur=981668463, HitpointsMax=981663744, HitpointsMaxTotal=1065353216, ScreenAttackRadiusConstant=1114636288, TurnRateScalar=1065353216, TurnAccelScalar=1065353216, TurnDeccelScalar=1065353216, UnequippedTime=1, CoreAttributesFromItemBonusMultiplier=1065353216,

      [16:17:31.204 N] [QuestTools] Object ActorSNO: 60671 Name: WoodFenceE_Fields_trOut_Btm-6925 Type: ServerProp Radius: 10.55 Position: x="1824" y="542" z="0" (1824, 542, 0) Animation: Invalid Distance: 63.9 has Attributes: ScreenAttackRadiusConstant=1114636288, TurnRateScalar=1065353216, TurnAccelScalar=1065353216, TurnDeccelScalar=1065353216, UnequippedTime=1, CoreAttributesFromItemBonusMultiplier=1065353216,

      [16:17:30.995 N] [QuestTools] Object ActorSNO: 60870 Name: WoodFenceC_Fields_trOut_btm-6841 Type: ServerProp Radius: 10.55 Position: x="1794" y="542" z="0" (1794, 542, 0) Animation: Invalid Distance: 37.8 has Attributes: ScreenAttackRadiusConstant=1114636288, TurnRateScalar=1065353216, TurnAccelScalar=1065353216, TurnDeccelScalar=1065353216, UnequippedTime=1, CoreAttributesFromItemBonusMultiplier=1065353216,

      npc for farm event

      [16:17:29.668 N] [QuestTools] Unit ActorSNO: 81980 Name: NPC_Human_Male_Event_FarmAmbush-6827 Type: None Radius: 6.48 Position: x="1768" y="556" z="0" (1768, 556, 0) Animation: OmniNPC_Male_HTH_town_idle_01 has Attributes: Level=63, TeamID=1, NoDamage=1, HitpointsCur=1260175350, HitpointsMax=1260175350, HitpointsMaxTotal=1260175350, IsNPC=1, NPCIsOperatable=1, BuffVisualEffect=1, ScreenAttackRadiusConstant=1114636288, TurnRateScalar=1065353216, TurnAccelScalar=1065353216, TurnDeccelScalar=1065353216, UnequippedTime=1, CoreAttributesFromItemBonusMultiplier=1065353216,

      mpc for event crypt 2

      [17:02:59.118 N] [QuestTools] Unit ActorSNO: 76907 Name: FamilyTree_Daughter-24150 Type: None Radius: 6.93 Position: x="595" y="579" z="-5" (595, 579, -5) Animation: OmniNPC_Female_floating_crying_01 has Attributes: Level=63, TeamID=1, NoDamage=1, HitpointsCur=1241544459, HitpointsMax=1241544459, HitpointsMaxTotal=1241544459, IsNPC=1, NPCIsOperatable=1, BuffVisualEffect=1, ScreenAttackRadiusConstant=1114636288, TurnRateScalar=1065353216, TurnAccelScalar=1065353216, TurnDeccelScalar=1065353216, UnequippedTime=1, CoreAttributesFromItemBonusMultiplier=1065353216,
    6. grindman002

      grindman002 Member

      Jan 28, 2013
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      I started using this yesterday at first I don't know what was wrong with it. It would do nothing but run to entrance of crypts then sit there until game timed out, after I restarted D3 and DB it seemed to get fixed though. Now I have been running this profile for about a day and I can say i like it a lot good work lots of IPH and GPH(i got 3M gold overnight with salvaging items).

      this has to be wrong but the thing on DB says that I stashed 20,085 items and salvaged 520 pretty sure thats incorrect but still funny too see.
    7. zorked

      zorked New Member

      Mar 23, 2013
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      Ok, I'll implement an optional Decaying lvl2 event part (so you just have to remove comment tags and it starts the event ;) )

      I still don't like the farm though maybe I'll do the same there but the farm also has many spawnpoints
    8. black.gintama

      black.gintama Member

      Jan 5, 2013
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      can you post some log stats with each profile to see difference between them?
    9. immortalhz

      immortalhz Member

      Jun 9, 2012
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      This Decaying works fine for me.

      Attached Files:

    10. vdro

      vdro New Member

      Oct 26, 2012
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      for me now everything is fine :)
    11. zakne11

      zakne11 New Member

      Jan 11, 2013
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      zorked you have to put coordinates to use that npc? or it can be done like
      -see npc > talk to it

      i think it will be the same like with chest 2 spawns but same sno

      thx for optional upgrades ;)
    12. zorked

      zorked New Member

      Mar 23, 2013
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      Hmm ... starting the Decaying lvl2 Event results in many many stupid things :D

      Don't know if I can get it to work properly ^^
    13. zakne11

      zakne11 New Member

      Jan 11, 2013
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      hehe ok, np. will try copy my self some from rixx profile there seems it working
    14. grindman002

      grindman002 Member

      Jan 28, 2013
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      [14:31:18.354 N] Demonbuddy v1.0.1446.317 started
      [14:31:21.439 N] Logging in...
      [14:31:22.192 N] Attached to Diablo III with pid: 4640
      [14:31:22.195 N] Flashing window
      [14:31:25.704 N] [AutoEquipper] Initialized.
      [14:31:25.705 N] [AutoSkilled] Initialized
      [14:31:26.437 N] [GearCheck] Enabled! Now able to evaluate DPS and EHP!
      [14:31:26.437 N] [QuestTools] Plugin v1.3.9 Enabled
      [14:31:26.447 N] [Trinity] Loading Global Settings, You can use per-battletag settings by removing the Trinity.xml file under your Demonbuddy settings directory
      [14:31:26.552 N] [Trinity] Configuration file loaded
      [14:31:26.559 V] [Trinity] Using Trinity Unstucker
      [14:31:26.572 V] [Trinity] Reset bot TPS to default
      [14:31:26.580 N] [Trinity] ENABLED: Trinity v1.7.3.4 now in action!
      [14:31:27.370 N] Current bot set to Order Bot
      [14:31:27.370 N] Loaded profile Fallen Decaying Crypt
      [14:32:20.029 N] Loaded profile Fallen Profile - zorked edition
      [14:32:22.247 N] Chose Trinity as your combat routine.
      [14:32:22.384 N] Loaded profile Fallen Profile - zorked edition
      [14:32:22.512 N] [Trinity] ItemRules is using the hard rule set.
      [14:32:22.513 N] [Trinity] PICKLOG = Rare 
      [14:32:22.513 N] [Trinity] KEEPLOG = Rare 
      [14:32:22.513 N] [Trinity] RULEPATH = C:\Users\notyour\Desktop\bots\Plugins\Trinity\ItemRules\Rules\hard 
      [14:32:22.514 N] [Trinity] ... loaded: 13 Pickup rules
      [14:32:22.514 N] [Trinity] ... loaded: 0 Identify rules
      [14:32:22.515 N] [Trinity] ... loaded: 0 Salvage rules
      [14:32:22.515 N] [Trinity] ... loaded: 64 Common Keep rules
      [14:32:22.515 N] [Trinity] ... loaded: 1 Magic Keep rules
      [14:32:22.517 N] [Trinity] ... loaded: 205 Rare Keep rules
      [14:32:22.520 N] [Trinity] ... loaded: 175 Legendary Keep rules
      [14:32:22.520 N] [Trinity] ... loaded: 0 Set Keep rules
      [14:32:22.520 N] [Trinity] ... loaded: 8 Macros
      [14:32:22.520 N] [Trinity] ItemRules loaded a total of 445 Hard rules!
      [14:32:22.520 N] [Trinity]  _______________________________________
      [14:32:22.520 N] [Trinity]  ___-|: Darkfriend's Item Rules 2 :|-___
      [14:32:22.520 N] [Trinity]  ___________________Rel.-v
      [14:32:22.520 N] [Trinity] ItemRules is using the hard rule set.
      [14:32:22.520 N] [Trinity] PICKLOG = Rare 
      [14:32:22.520 N] [Trinity] KEEPLOG = Rare 
      [14:32:22.520 N] [Trinity] RULEPATH = C:\Users\notyour\Desktop\bots\Plugins\Trinity\ItemRules\Rules\hard 
      [14:32:22.520 N] [Trinity] ... loaded: 13 Pickup rules
      [14:32:22.520 N] [Trinity] ... loaded: 0 Identify rules
      [14:32:22.520 N] [Trinity] ... loaded: 0 Salvage rules
      [14:32:22.520 N] [Trinity] ... loaded: 64 Common Keep rules
      [14:32:22.520 N] [Trinity] ... loaded: 1 Magic Keep rules
      [14:32:22.521 N] [Trinity] ... loaded: 205 Rare Keep rules
      [14:32:22.524 N] [Trinity] ... loaded: 175 Legendary Keep rules
      [14:32:22.524 N] [Trinity] ... loaded: 0 Set Keep rules
      [14:32:22.524 N] [Trinity] ... loaded: 8 Macros
      [14:32:22.524 N] [Trinity] ItemRules loaded a total of 445 Hard rules!
      [14:32:22.575 N] Waiting 3.8 seconds before next game...
      [14:32:26.441 N] Creating new game. Params: [Act:A1 Difficulty:Inferno Quest:136656 QuestStep:-1 ResumeFromSave:True IsPrivate:True Handicap:10]
      [14:32:30.903 N] Loaded profile Fallen Profile - zorked edition
      [14:32:31.045 N] [Trinity] New Game - resetting everything
      [14:32:31.087 N] GameChanged. Clearing actors
      [14:32:31.118 N] [Trinity] New Game - resetting everything
      [14:32:31.135 N] ProfileOrderManager.OnGameJoined, Reloading profile.
      [14:32:31.273 N] Loaded profile Fallen Profile - zorked edition
      [14:32:31.273 N] Game joined, Resetting profile caches.
      [14:32:31.285 N] ========== Grid segmentation resetting!!! ============
      [14:32:31.285 N] ========== Grid segmentation resetting!!! ============
      [14:32:31.490 N] [Trinity] Starting up Generic Cache Manage thread
      [14:32:31.490 N] [Trinity] Starting up Generic Blacklist Manager thread
      [14:32:31.577 N] -=Fallen (zorked)Run Now Starting=-
      [14:32:32.696 N] Forced townrun initiated! Reason:No time for in-farm Townruns :)
      [14:32:32.697 N] [Trinity] Looks like we are being asked to force a town-run by a profile/plugin/new DB feature, now doing so.
      [14:32:32.719 N] [Trinity] Action is: NULL
      [14:32:34.324 N] [Trinity] Action is: NULL
      [14:32:41.897 N] Opening salvage window
      [14:32:45.959 N] Opening stash
      [14:32:47.132 N] Loaded profile FoM+Decay zorked edition
      [14:32:47.248 N] In Town?
      [14:32:50.823 N] Using Waypoint Waypoint_Town-9 Number:7
      [14:32:58.683 V] [Trinity] Barbarian_WrathOfTheBerserker being used! (Scavenger_B)
      [14:33:30.269 N] #1: Going South ... East :P
      [14:33:30.484 N] [Trinity] [TrinityMoveTo] Started Tag; x="2019" y="1013" z="0.1"  name="South East Point" questId="1" stepId="0" worldId="71150" levelAreaId="19952"
      [14:33:38.322 N] Player died
      [14:33:38.348 N] [QuestTools] Player died! Position=<2262.712, 1128.251, 0.1000002> QuestId=72801 StepId=36 WorldId=71150
      [14:33:38.357 N] [Trinity] I'm sorry, but I seem to have let you die :( Now restarting the current profile.
      [14:33:38.501 N] Loaded profile FoM+Decay zorked edition
      [14:33:40.501 N] ProfileOrderManager.OnPlayerDied, Resetting caches.
      [14:33:40.501 N] ========== Grid segmentation resetting!!! ============
      [14:33:40.505 N] Clicked revive button
      [14:33:43.860 N] Loaded profile FoM+Decay zorked edition
      [14:33:46.700 N] [Trinity] Items may need repair, now running town-run routine.
      [14:33:46.796 N] [Trinity] Waiting for town run timer
      [14:33:50.117 N] Using town portal
      [14:34:19.400 N] Using town portal
      [14:34:22.971 N] Using town portal
      [14:34:46.860 N] Loaded profile Fallen Profile - zorked edition
      [14:34:48.841 N] Waiting 3.7 seconds before next game...
      [14:34:52.628 N] Creating new game. Params: [Act:A1 Difficulty:Inferno Quest:136656 QuestStep:-1 ResumeFromSave:True IsPrivate:True Handicap:10]
      [14:34:56.894 N] Loaded profile Fallen Profile - zorked edition
      [14:34:57.018 N] [Trinity] New Game - resetting everything
      [14:34:57.035 N] GameChanged. Clearing actors
      [14:34:57.086 N] [Trinity] Action is: NULL
      [14:34:59.838 N] Opening salvage window
      [14:35:02.790 N] Opening stash
      [14:35:04.002 N] -=Fallen (zorked)Run Now Starting=-
      [14:35:05.112 N] Forced townrun initiated! Reason:No time for in-farm Townruns :)
      [14:35:05.113 N] [Trinity] Looks like we are being asked to force a town-run by a profile/plugin/new DB feature, now doing so.
      [14:35:05.344 N] Loaded profile FoM+Decay zorked edition
      [14:35:05.456 N] In Town?
      [14:35:09.090 N] Using Waypoint Waypoint_Town-9 Number:7
      [14:35:18.515 N] [Trinity] Waiting for Barbarian_WrathOfTheBerserker 1!
      [14:35:18.651 V] [Trinity] Barbarian_WrathOfTheBerserker being used! (Goatman_Melee_A)
      [14:35:32.862 N] #1: Going South ... East :P
      [14:35:33.077 N] [Trinity] [TrinityMoveTo] Started Tag; x="2019" y="1013" z="0.1"  name="South East Point" questId="1" stepId="0" worldId="71150" levelAreaId="19952"
      [14:36:23.230 N] [Trinity] Blacklisting target FleshPitFlyerSpawner_B ActorSNO=4153 RActorGUID=2107048069 due to possible stuck/flipflop!
      [14:36:39.518 N] [Trinity] [TrinityMoveTo] tag finished: Within path precision x="2019" y="1013" z="0.1" 
      [14:36:39.605 N] #2: Going North... first Decaying check
      [14:36:39.628 N] [Trinity] [TrinityMoveTo] Started Tag; x="1802" y="604" z="0"  name="North East Dungeon Check" questId="1" stepId="0" worldId="71150" levelAreaId="19952"
      [14:37:45.635 N] [Trinity] [TrinityMoveTo] tag finished: Within path precision x="1802" y="604" z="0" 
      [14:37:45.652 N] #3: Dungeon Check (North)
      [14:37:45.760 N] JACKPOT! Decaying found! (North)
      [14:37:46.304 N] Interacting with object g_Portal_ArchTall_Orange-4098
      [14:37:49.523 N] ========== Grid segmentation resetting!!! ============
      [14:38:47.527 N] Loaded profile Fallen Decaying Crypt
      [14:38:54.513 N] Interacting with object g_Portal_ArchTall_Blue-6117
      [14:38:55.617 N] Interacting with object g_Portal_ArchTall_Blue-6117
      [14:38:57.734 N] ========== Grid segmentation resetting!!! ============
      [14:39:03.080 V] Path generation failed! Couldn't find valid start point!
      [14:39:03.317 V] Path generation failed! Couldn't find valid start point!
      [14:39:04.352 V] Path generation failed! Couldn't find valid start point!
      [14:39:05.383 V] Path generation failed! Couldn't find valid start point!
      [14:39:06.407 V] Path generation failed! Couldn't find valid start point!
      [14:39:07.428 V] Path generation failed! Couldn't find valid start point!
      [14:39:08.409 V] Path generation failed! Couldn't find valid start point!
      [14:39:09.096 N] [Trinity] Your bot got stuck! Trying to unstuck (attempt #1 of 15 attempts) Act="A1" questId="72801" stepId="36" worldId="71150"
      [14:39:09.096 V] [Trinity] (destination=<1780, 605, -0.09477663>, which is 18.78062 distance away)
      [14:39:10.842 V] Path generation failed! Couldn't find valid start point!
      [14:39:11.869 V] Path generation failed! Couldn't find valid start point!
      what would be causing it to do this it ran through about 1/4 of the crypt then went out of the crypt and started doing this.
      using 1.2 non maxed crypt edition.
    15. zorked

      zorked New Member

      Mar 23, 2013
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      It seems that Trinity lost it there. The Trinity-Explorer seems to not find the exit. I don't know if a profile can handle situations like that.
    16. zorked

      zorked New Member

      Mar 23, 2013
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      hrmm ... I'll look into rrrix' profile. You mean the Act1 profile, eh?

      ?dit: ok, found something ... tested it, works - somehow- but I see no gain in doing the event :D There's minimum loot/reward, it eats up farming time and starts the next run in a few seconds.

      There's a lot of Bat-event handling in rrrix A1 profile too ... I'll see to implement those as an option aswell.
    17. grindman002

      grindman002 Member

      Jan 28, 2013
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      ah ok it did seem to fix when i just restarted. I also just noticed that the maxdecaying profile when i ran it it found crypts in the north then ran to the south to look for it then just left game. even though it was like oh crypt found checking south for another chance at finding it.
    18. zakne11

      zakne11 New Member

      Jan 11, 2013
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      at mp8 its easy 1 elite drop for monks, but its not inmportent, propably more lines will make more problems
    19. vdro

      vdro New Member

      Oct 26, 2012
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      otal tracking time: 6h 23,00m 12s
      Total deaths: 18 [2,82 per hour]
      Total games (approx): 78 [12,21 per hour]
      Total XP gained: 0,00 million [0,00 million per hour]

      ===== Item DROP Statistics =====
      Total items dropped: 10586 [1657,45 per hour]

      thats ok :)
    20. zorked

      zorked New Member

      Mar 23, 2013
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      I don't have that problem. Can you reproduce it and provide a log? ... The bot seems to be either distracted by something or simply unable to enter :/

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