it happens only if: we enter for example 3s arena, auto focus ON, when gate open i have set focus healer manually(macro set), we are in not combat, iam in camouflage run to focus and iam open fight by the scater after then trap not works. if i start or somone else fight and after them i use scater all are OK. traps works in key binding tab2 too, in web warp too allways works byt not in the specific situation. maybe its something in loop dps cr?. i like start scater but i cna start sleep too or somone else can make first cc. but i like scater+trap+sleep in begining only more skilled ppl don use always trap after scater but in fights is good still changing logic. Who knowns? no one only i known after X will be trap. edit: key binding trap are fantastic can be used after others team members cc too if target dont move to continue chain - its power full
why? because: e8400+4gb ram+ win xp+ gt9800 ddr3+monitor full hd (almost all chinese hardware) thats why OFF :O i dont have money to buy new pc now. I can`t use with ON fps drops too much. edit: iam glad that i have.
Played this routine to the higher 1800's low 1900's in 2's and 3's. Could easily push for 2k+ if I invested more than an hour at a time for games. Thanks. Playing survival using my own interupt scatter trap, pet stun and wyrvren sting. Favorable comp is holy priest ,hunter in 2's and priest hunter, dk in 3's
DPS (BM) comparison updated @
Hey TuanHA. Plz add something new: At the moment u only can save scatter trap a healer when.... Binding Shot is on melee (Warrior... Shaman for example) and get instant explosive trap... Can u add plz Binding shot on melees instant explosive to get save Stun on melee then... scatter trap heal (no safeguard or grounding for example).
thx for this but this CR are prio PVP and show me any CR pve who are the make in 1 day +2k in arena - for me NO exist- olny this SE. If even Tuan CR have -5% PVE dps thats its amaiznig in PVP i dont saw better CR than Tuan CR for PVP. For me diferences for the best CR and Tuan CR in pve are to small to take it to the head. (fighting with boss are shit). I can say this CR are amaizing in pvp (i not found better) and realy good in pve too. Show me the best pve CR who can works like Tuan CR in pvp too/ - for me no exist. But thx for comparsion. Do pvp comp. - with who CR you get higher rat???? ansver is only one with Tuan CR If You wonna compare just say PVE or PVP.
for me no sens. You have in advanced tab2 keybinding exp trap. in arenas no make sens (you should do dmg and cc others). in rbg maybe (if You in attack on bases/flags - in this situation just use TAB2 bind) but most hunter are def bases when its no sens make this.
Its called Cross CC mate... if do not cc warri/enhancer u never will trap healer on high rating... they get every trap... u need to stun them with binding shot+explosive (explosive trap with glyph makes them fly away when triggered.... so binding shot will them stun).... then is best time to trap healer with scatter before when other enemies cant get ur trap!
Dunno why but my hunter on 80 lvl questing in hijal starting to attack all horde and ofc guardians just kill me... How to stop dat? SPecial edition.
im having difficulties with survival routine ever since 2 piece tier 16 it appears to not use rapid fire (after the initial) despite the reduction in cd that 2 set gives. is rapid fires rotation on a set time base and therfore cannot be called upon until the original cd timer comes up? im finding myself manually using RF whenever its up but i swear the rotation breaks as soon as i do this is just a general inquiry i will post a full log when i am able but is this a known issue that i haven't been able to find?
Anyone else having the problem with Hunter Routine where it stops attacking if you get cc'd or switch targets? I am using latest Rev. with Tyrael latest Rev. Framelock @ 30 TPS. Using same settings I used to get 2350 / Duelist last season. I just played 4 games and in 2/4 games the CC just stopped working, I noticed it once when I switched targets and the other time was cause I got cc'd (stunned). When I came out of the stun my Hunter was just standing there, not attacking or doing anything. I got cc'd again, and when I came out of it the bot started working again... I have the same problem with DK sometimes, when I get cc'd or switch targets the bot stops working, but normally I just have to switch targets AGAIN and it starts kicking in again. Haven't seen Hunter CC this bad ever Can't attach the log because the file is too large (27mb) and can't attach the .rar (invalid file ????), but this is appearing a lot: [12:52:22.338 D] System.Exception: Only part of a ReadProcessMemory or WriteProcessMemory request was completed, at addr: 00000028, Size: 8 at GreyMagic.ExternalProcessMemory.ReadByteBuffer(IntPtr addr, Void* buffer, Int32 count) at GreyMagic.MemoryBase.Read[T](IntPtr addr) at Styx.WoWInternals.WoWObjects.WoWObject.get_Guid() at Styx.WoWInternals.WoWObjects.WoWObject.Equals(WoWObject other) at Styx.WoWInternals.WoWObjects.WoWObject.Equals(Object obj) at System.Collections.Generic.ObjectEqualityComparer`1.Equals(T x, T y) at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2.FindEntry(TKey key) at TuanHA_Combat_Routine.Classname.CanUseCheck(WoWItem ItemName) at TuanHA_Combat_Routine.Classname.UseTrinket() at TuanHA_Combat_Routine.Classname.Pulse() at Loader.Loader.Pulse() in c:\Users\xxxx\Documents\Honorbuddy\Routines\TuanHAHunterSpecialEdition\Loader.cs:line 191 at Styx.Pulsator.Pulse(PulseFlags flags) at Styx.CommonBot.TreeRoot.() at Styx.CommonBot.TreeRoot.() Guessing this is to do with HB not being 100% working at the moment?
Hadn't used my Huntard since patch dropped so I decided a few minutes ago to roll with him. I downloaded the new update for the paid version and this is my results for my first bg Did I mention how much a friggin love you Tuanha? Also, used the settings and macros from front page. Lets just say I was pissing off a few warrnerds and a derpknight because of cc that three of them would continually stalk me only to lose miserably. I couldn't believe how fast it was working. Those macros + a trap plugin i made worked to perfection!