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  • [Azyul Project] Dungeon Farming, Gold Farming, Mount Farming, Transmog Farming, and more!

    Discussion in 'Farming' started by EchoTiger, Feb 26, 2013.

    1. Kaelhoel

      Kaelhoel New Member

      Sep 15, 2013
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      Oh bloody doh... Thanks mate!
    2. EchoTiger

      EchoTiger Official Profile and Singular Developer Staff Member Moderator

      Nov 28, 2012
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      Gotta be that CTM coordinate. I'll poke around at it sometime today.


      Awesome! Glad everything worked out for you. :3


      Yep, some profiles require the behaviors to work and some don't.
      Anytime it says "Unable to parse While behavior" or anytime the bot just stops, it's because of a missing behavior.
    3. Kaelhoel

      Kaelhoel New Member

      Sep 15, 2013
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      I'm running through the Black Temple farm now. Fury warrior ilvl480

      On High Warlod Naj'entus, my character only starts attacking the boss when his shield is up. When the boss removes his water shield, my dude stops attacking again. Which means that he does 0 damage and dies, horribly. :) I've tried with lvl85 DK, lvl90 prot paladin and lvl90 Fury warrior now, same thing happens.

      On Supremus my Fury Warrior stands in blue fire and does not use any special attacks. Not sure if this is only a Singular issue, or whether its profile based..

      On Shade of Akama the bot at first doesn't attack, because it's out of range after killing the lesser mobs. I didn't wait to see if Akama would be killed.

      On Teron Gorefiend the bot jumps bravely in and starts auto-attacking the boss with an occasional Heroic Strike, so I need to step in again to save his butt.

      On Reliquary of Souls the character starts using special attacks! First head goes down. Adds are easily killed. 2nd head spawns and special attacks are still being used, but not quickly enough. Bot dies, even after using a healing potion... Will continue later.
    4. dayloon

      dayloon Active Member

      Mar 5, 2010
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      Is there any way of running the Northerend instance grinds in heroic instead of normal ?
    5. EchoTiger

      EchoTiger Official Profile and Singular Developer Staff Member Moderator

      Nov 28, 2012
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      That profile is Frostfever's territory.
      Frostfever hasn't been active in the project since August 2nd since he became a father.
      Normally he would've debugged all those issues out.
      When he was active, he created almost all of the Outlands dungeons/raids in less than a month. None of which have really went through heavy testing.

      Thanks for your report though, I'll add some notes.


      You'd just have to add a code in the profile to switch the dungeon to Heroic before starting.

      Or, you also may be able to just switch to Heroic before the bot enters the instance and it'll do it.
      However, any heroic bosses won't be killed unless they're in the path of the normal run.
    6. EchoTiger

      EchoTiger Official Profile and Singular Developer Staff Member Moderator

      Nov 28, 2012
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      Added a Lite-Gold Run option to Grim Batol's Detection Diamond.
      To activate it, during Detection Diamond execution - walk backward.
      The previous gold run is still available, and is now considered "Heavy Gold Run."

      The lite gold-run will run the same exact coordinates of the Heavy run, except it pulls smaller mob packs.
      This run has been tested and completed by a iLvl 453/461 Mistweaver Monk and a 459/462 Guardian Druid.

      The mobs around Khardros' Anvil are still harder than they should be... but I've added a code that will help the bot kill them more sufficiently.
      However.. it's still a suicide run if you aren't geared enough considering the boss' unpredictable patrol path walks past the mobs.

      Guardian Druid seems to be the best at running the dungeon..
      Decent damage, and high suitability. Even with the worst of all pulls (Khardros pull + Gronn Brute pull) it survived fine.
    7. Lemmi

      Lemmi New Member

      Aug 2, 2013
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      Hi echo! sorry to bother you, a few months back i told you about a blackspot when flying to vortex pinnacle, where the screen turned black. It seems that you made the bot so it can't reach that spot but for some reason he doesn't continues, he gets crazy spinning on the spot trying to reach the blacklisted spot or something like that. haha pretty funny but completely broken! just letting you know.

      BTW, the grim batol normal pull is leaving a lot of mobs unnatacked and it seems a waste since he already wastes so much time running, spending a few more secs to pull some mobs that are already on the way could net better results. I have yet to try the lite gold run, that could work.
      Singular seems to underperform with this profile for some reason, something that doesn't happen with other profiles. i mean, its a slower and a lot of the times after pulling he just stays iddle getting pwned when he should easily wipe them, this from a 511 frost mage. He does the job most of the time in normal, but forget about gold run for this very reason... i can pull 3 times what he pulls in gold run manually and clear it without any problem, which could mean i have enough gear.
    8. EchoTiger

      EchoTiger Official Profile and Singular Developer Staff Member Moderator

      Nov 28, 2012
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      Things like this are completely unpredictable and aren't always as global as you think. 7/10 the issue is specific to your configurations, that's why profile developers typically ask for a log, that way we can see how the code is being executed on a technical level rather than a visual level.
      I've ran at least 14 testers through that profile, all different classes - factions - mount speeds and none have been able to emulate any sort of issue while navigating.

      Skipping mobs that are out of the way, attack mobs in the way: Normal run pulls intentionally skip mob packs, it's designed to run the dungeon how a typical dungeon group would.
      At least a optimized run would, Grim Batol is still undergoing tweaks considering every run-type was coded in less than an hour.

      As far as Singular combat optimization - I know what you mean.
      My geared Monk that was botted wasn't able to even come close to 10% the efficiency of my under-geared Monk that was human controlled.
      Singular is a VERY choppy combat behavior. The only reason we recommend it for our profiles is it's one of the only behaviors (that I know of) that not only supports every class, but is able to navigate while in a dungeon properly.
      I was able to Tweak my Singular's code a bit for Monks so that it spams Spinning Crane Kick at 2 or higher mob pulls while rotating small healing spells / cooldown buffs. It did increase the efficiency, but not to human-ability.

      For now, with the limitations of Singular - the Grim Batol run won't be the instance-of-choice for demanding gold farmers.
      However, once our gear standards rise so to will the ability and profits.
    9. Lemmi

      Lemmi New Member

      Aug 2, 2013
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      You got me wrong, i don't mean the coding, i have a modified singular profile that does a reasonably good job, at least in every other profile.. but he underperforms greatly when doing grim batol, after body pulling he just goes idle for a few seconds sometimes, the reactions are a lot slower and it only happens here. The human controlled was meant to kinda show that gear is more than enough nothing more, sorry for that misunderstanding, never meant the bot to perform to my level.

      About the vortex pinnacle pathing, i'll try to get you another log later. Alsot when finishing the instance, sometimes he fails to complete the path to the exit resulting in the bot getting stucked trying to get back, this was already reported i think, i can the a log of this if you want, it happened a few minutes ago.

      EDIT: nervermind, lost the log.
    10. EchoTiger

      EchoTiger Official Profile and Singular Developer Staff Member Moderator

      Nov 28, 2012
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      I didn't "get you wrong" at all.
      I was just agreeing with you by giving my own experience as an example while adding a few little details to go along with it.
      It's no mystery that the bot .. as you say .. "underperforms" while running this dungeon but like I said, there's nothing we can do about that aside from modifying a little bit of Singular's code and waiting for Blizzard to "simplify" the game further as they tend to overdo..

      That's a CTM error. In order to get the bot to jump off the edge, the bot has to be told to go to a specific coordinate that's mid-air off the ledges.
      However, it can be a hit-or-miss situation because when the bot jumps off the edge, it could easily overshoot the coordinate causing the bot to never finish its navigation to it.
      Speed increases/decreases can cause this more frequently. But at the same time.. it can be completely natural given the millions of variables.
      So, given that - when the bot is teleported back to the beginning of the instance, navigation fails because the bot still wants to navigate to that coordinate - which it obviously cannot anymore.

      I'm looking into fixing this - after I get some sleep. :p
    11. Lemmi

      Lemmi New Member

      Aug 2, 2013
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      ahh, ok, sorry for the missunderstanding and hoping you can fix the pathing :D.

      Here is a log of the black screen [19:01:43.672 N] Honorbuddy v2.5.8179.697 started. [19:31:13.229 N] Logging in. - Pastebin.com
      Hope you can get something out of it.
      Thanks for all the support! You are doing a great job!
    12. EchoTiger

      EchoTiger Official Profile and Singular Developer Staff Member Moderator

      Nov 28, 2012
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      You may want to consider buying the bot... Or at least hiding the fact that you're using a modified version before submitting your log.
      The BlaSOD (black screen of death) happens when the bot forcibly navigates directly up from it's current position - while spinning.
      This happens rarely, but can easily be fixed.
    13. Lemmi

      Lemmi New Member

      Aug 2, 2013
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      Yeah i noticed it was when it suddenly went straight up, wasn't aware that could cause it, guess it can be fixed by changing the pathing to the platform. Thanks!
    14. Litesung

      Litesung Member

      May 21, 2011
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      I'd like to request the Lawbringer Recolor plate set
      Lawbringer Armor (Recolor) - Transmog Set - World of Warcraft

      I recommend including an option to only loot bosses too, as soloing an instance and looting every enemy fills up bags quickly.

      <CustomBehavior File="UserSettings" LootMobs="True" PullDistance="1" KillBetweenHotspots="True" LogoutForInactivity="False" />
      <RunTo X="XXXXX" Y="YYYYYY" Z="ZZZZZZ" /> <!-- Kill (Boss Name)-->
      <CustomBehavior File="UserSettings" LootMobs="False" PullDistance="15" KillBetweenHotspots="True" LogoutForInactivity="False" />
    15. EchoTiger

      EchoTiger Official Profile and Singular Developer Staff Member Moderator

      Nov 28, 2012
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      The Transmogrify profiles are already designed-by-default to only loot the mobs that drop the pieces of the set.

      <CustomBehavior File="UserSettings" LootMobs="False" />
      <CustomBehavior File="UserSettings" LootMobs="True" />
      Is all that's needed when handling loot settings.

      Anywho.. I'll see if I can schedule this profile into development soon.
      Thanks for the recommendation. ^^

      This profile is now in development. It should be completed soon.

      Profile complete.
    16. gnorlie

      gnorlie New Member

      Jan 30, 2011
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      I cant farming :(

      Attached Files:

    17. EchoTiger

      EchoTiger Official Profile and Singular Developer Staff Member Moderator

      Nov 28, 2012
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      Delete your "Quest Behaviors" folder located in the root of your Honorbuddy folder.
      After you do that, copy a new Quest Behavior folder from a fresh Honorbuddy download.
    18. gnorlie

      gnorlie New Member

      Jan 30, 2011
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      Ilove you echo gdfgsfdgsda working
    19. khemist92

      khemist92 New Member

      Sep 7, 2013
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      Hey! I've just tarted using your profiles and I must say that they are great! However there's one thing I dont understand about the profiles logic.

      I'm currently running the transmog profile for the Assassination Armor. Every time the bot is done with the instance it usually waits around for 8 or 9 minutes. Why is that? Cant just the bot go out and reset the instance, like it does?

      This is what HB usually does.
      [InstanceTimer]: Your instance run took 04m:20s
      [InstanceTimer]: Waiting for 08m:10s
      Also attached the log not sure if that helps.

      Thanks for your amazing profiles and keep up the awesome work!
      View attachment 6584 2013-10-14 12.50 - Copy.txt
    20. EchoTiger

      EchoTiger Official Profile and Singular Developer Staff Member Moderator

      Nov 28, 2012
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      Blizzard limits the amount of instances you can do. Which is five instances per hour.
      If you do the math, that's -about- one instance every 12 minutes and 30 seconds.
      If you pass this 12 minute 30 second limitation, you'll hit the instance overload.
      Which simply means you cannot enter the instance until the overload is cleared.

      The code that you're seeing is ensuring that you do not hit the overload limit by waiting the excess time out before leaving the dungeon.

      This is more-less a safety feature.
      1) If your character didn't wait, and did hit the overload. Then the character would mindlessly run in to the instance, hitting the overload over and over. And if anyone sees that.. they could easily assume you're a bot.
      2) PvP servers. If the character gets locked out of the instance, that's an easy target for opposing factions.​

      We could code the profiles so it doesn't wait if the item was obtained, that way the travel time to the next instance could clear the overload, but it's usually just an easier solution just to make the bot wait regardless.

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