I don't doubt you but when I was fighting Immerseus it kept trying to launch the trap, I actually had to get close to the boss for it to actually work. Not too sure if the log will help.
That is most likely because the Boss itself is so big. I'll add a ignore distance check on some bosses like this for the future, eta will be most likely tomorrow. Thanks
The survival routine works fantastically for me though. 180-200k dps on a dummy with 545 ilvl and just p2 tier16 and flex quality items and trinkets. Can't wait to see what it does with better gear. Seems like the beast mastery routine doesn't like something I do, because it works fine for DewdInTheNewd and he's pulling similar dps with the bm routine and the survival routine. Would providing logs of running the BM routine on a dummy for 5-10 minutes help you? Edit: Confirming what below says; it only performs the AoE rotation if you're close to the mobs, and performs single target rotation when there's multiple mobs if you stand far away. Haven't tried hotkey mode.
dude i dont know whats wrong but the CR is GREAT! but it keeps using stampede on trash! im at revision 225 =(
internal static Composite BeastmasteryInterrupts() { return new PrioritySelector( new ThrottlePasses(1, System.TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(1000), RunStatus.Failure, Spell.Cast("Silencing Shot") )); } "Silencing shot" has been replaced by "Counter Shot".But in your code,you?re still using the "Silencing shot"
The issue with AoE will be fixed once the new HB comes out. There is no ETA so don't ask. Mend pet issue should be resolved in the latest fixes. I'll look into Lifeblood, I've been sort of busy with some other minor fixes.
It's not doing it for me on either survival or BM. It's working perfectly fine according to settings. Have you tried reinstalling your hb and the routine entirely?
Hi! I have tested this cc in raid a few times but get quite a bit less dps than on Thuans ultimate, but i dnt know if my settings are ok, i know i cant use automatic on training dummys, but i tryed it in raid but atleast 15-20% less dps than Thuanas, anyone that can give me a advice on settings for raid
Hi,alxaw! Your CC is great,I love it.But I have a suggestion,can you remove the "Explosive Trap" in the single-target-rotations or add an option in UI (Allowing the player to choose whether to use the ?Explosive Trap? in the single-target-rotations)
New update out! * Cleaned up Settings/BS_Markmanship_Settings.cs * Cleaned up Solution (Entire rotation) * Fixed Marksmanship Single Target Rotation (A little help thanks Handnavi (K)) * Bullseye is now 1.1.1 and not 1.1.0. * Removed Stampede requirements to stay up (no more waiting on speed buffs as they are instant) * Fixed up Settings/BS_Beastmastery_Settings.cs * Fixed up Settings/BS_Survival_Settings.cs * Fixed up the Logger so it now displays Bullseye instead of Unholy Unleashed (dafok)
I have some problem to put this routine inside the HB... hb not found this... I have to download the .zip and put in routine folder... and hb when start not found... View attachment 1476 2013-10-18 09.53.txt