Seems to throw a lot of errors, wow closes, etc.. not working **I know.. no log, but it's late - I'll post tomorrow.
you're right though. I had to temporary stop using arelog. It keeps thinking HB is not attached. HTML: [00:06:47:250] Starting ARelog v1.0.75.64 [00:07:04:490] Starting Game [00:07:04:566] Waiting for Game to idle [00:07:31:622] [PID: 3488] Hooking EndScene and starting Lua [00:07:32:306] [PID: 3488] Moving Game Window to: 600, 0 - With size: 300x200 [00:07:43:548] [PID: 3488] Selecting character and entering world. [00:07:44:31] [PID: 3488] Logged in! Waiting on loading screen. [00:07:44:31] [PID: 3488] Disposing hooks [00:08:14:286] [PID: 3488] Starting buddy [00:09:15:570] [PID: 3488] Honorbuddy is crashed! Restarting Buddy [00:09:20:571] [PID: 3488] Buddy proc didn't respond to close command. Killing it forcibly. [00:11:20:718] [PID: 3488] Honorbuddy is crashed! Restarting Buddy [00:11:25:719] [PID: 3488] Buddy proc didn't respond to close command. Killing it forcibly. [00:12:41:83] Exiting with code: 0
I have one issue using the great relogger. Sometimes when he tries to log in blizzard popups that error "Can't find character" where you gotta click OK and choose the char again. However, the Arelogger isn't coded to know about that potential error and stops at the error. I have to manually click OK and choose the appropriate character. Any ideas?
ARelog throwing a lot of errors Hi, As the title says, getting a lot of errors that sometimes result in popus that block ARelog to start up again.
Thanks, i found solution. Need open advanced option ARelog.exe file and put checkbox on run this program administration mode. I Before try use run as admin, but this not help me.
Next time u should try to actually read the first 2 posts on page 1. "If you are having issues you should first make sure that you are running ARelog as administrator. (Right click to ARelog.exe -> Properties -> Compatibility -> tick Run this program as an administrator -> Apply)"
Hi, I was wondering if this Programmer supports internet disconnect/wow error relogs. since right now my connection is purely a bobo-train of disconnects and my copy of windows is a infested-cycle of viruses, and I've monitored that in those cases it doesn't relog into the game :\ any suggestions if I could make it do that?
Just schedue tasks on every at least few hours with the tick for change character. This way if it's disconected he will reconnect for the next task shortly (because he would close HB + the game to start them over anyway).
Alright, I have tried and tried and cannot get this to work and maybe, just maybe someone can assist me with this. I have it set up properly from everything I have read, but still no dice. It's not even attempting to login due to the error message. Am I missing something?
Can someone help me with scheduling please? I'm hoping to achieve 5 hours gathering , 1 hour off, 5 hours gathering a different profile, then an hour off. I've gone to Schedule Selected, Add, then put the bot name in and a path to the profile, put my 5 hours in and hit save. Then I've put a new line with Idle in the bot name - is this correct? Does the bot just sit idle? Can I get it to log out for an hour then log back in or is that something you'd have to do manually? Thanks in advance.
Is there a way to extend the time that ARLOG waits on buddy to start? I have a underpowered computer and it keeps thinking buddy has crashed, restarting while it is actually just logging in. Same thing happens if my Key is at max sessions (due to ARELOG) killing buddy proc.
[09:56:43:736] Waiting for Game to idle [09:56:55:11] [PID: 7260] Couldn't hook endscene. Trying again. [09:56:58:14] [PID: 7260] Endscene hook has been failed. Please try again. If the issue continues please post a log to ARelog thread in forums [09:57:02:626] System.Net.Sockets.SocketException (0x80004005): Uma conex?o estabelecida foi anulada pelo software no computador host em System.Net.Sockets.Socket.Send(Byte[] buffer, Int32 offset, Int32 size, SocketFlags socketFlags) em System.Net.Sockets.Socket.Send(Byte[] buffer) em ..(Byte , Byte[] ) em ..( ) em ..() em ARelog.Monitor.()