Can someone help me solve the question why my DK is not fighting back at the starting zone area with kick's profile? Is some option disabled or something? I would really appreciate if someone could help me fix this
"[23:34:02.838 N] [Singular] ... running the BGBuddy bot in Plaguelands: The Scarlet Enclave " You should use Questbot, also you say you're using Kick's profile but it says "Cava's profiles" all over the log?
I got CavaProfile's plugin but it wasn't turned on and ontop of that I am running Questing and not BGBuddy
Hi, Zehhtra, and thanks for the log. You've got a number of things going wrong. [23:39:45.144 N] Error trying to save the settings file: The process cannot access the file 'C:\Users\****'\wowbot\Settings\******\******\CharacterSettings.xml' because it is being used by another process. You need to delete the Settings directory, and allow Honorbuddy to re-create it. You also should be running both the WoWclient and Honorbuddy in Windoze admin mode. As long as this error persists, Honorbuddy will not function reliably, so we simply must get it cleaned up. [23:40:23.658 D] Loading profile from C:\Users\****\wowbot\Default Profiles\Cava\Scripts\Next[Cava].xml [23:40:23.670 N] Changing current profile to Next [Cava] $Rev: 275 $: You are using Cava's profiles, not Kick's. Load Kick's profiles and have a go at the DK area. The only known problem with Kick's profiles is the one I previously mentioned in your other thread regarding "Grand Theft Palomino". But, since you are not running Kick's, this isn't an issue. [23:34:02.838 N] [Singular] ... running the BGBuddy bot in Plaguelands: The Scarlet Enclave And as Amputations points out, you are using BGBuddy and not the questing bot. For quest profiles, the Questing bot is required. You may just need to remove Cava's plugin. It appears to be doing what it wants to do, even when it is disabled. Repair these issues, and you should be off-and-away. cheers, chinajade