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  • Performance question

    Discussion in 'Honorbuddy Forum' started by webhond, Oct 28, 2013.

    1. webhond


      May 23, 2011
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      Aight, after playing for weeks with hickups / low fps i want to know whats causing it.

      First of all, i know my pc aint the best, but still i would have hoped to gain more from it then this.

      AMD Phenom II X4 965 @ 3.39 Ghz
      8 gb mem dual channel
      1 gb Sapphire HD6850 video card
      20 mb down / 5 up broadband connection
      64 bit windows 7

      Im playing on a heavy / full server so fps in lets say sw or elwyn go down to 20.

      When outside somewhere, vsync on, its stable 60.

      As soon as i turn the bot on, Tyrael only, with a framelock @ 30 i drop. With framelock off, its
      a bit higher but not much...

      I understand that the bot makes it drop but im playing lowest settings possible, all off and still
      a fps drop till 15 in a 10 man rbg. 25 in a 5 man dungeon.

      Using little to no add ons ( elvui - bgt - badboy - oqueue ( dark when not using it ) )

      As said, u understand if it gets lower, but tbh, not on a 5 man dung / 10 man rbg with settings on lower then low.

      Someone can point me to something that i can do to improve this? And feel free to leave the upgrade your pc comments
      away. I should get more out of what i got now then im getting, so thats what i would like to know, how do i fix this, test
      where the bottleneck is.

      Makes me think that it could have something to do with the bot / bot settings as well, since it gets worse after every update
      aka hb gets faster. I have times where i got a stable 60 fps and still stutter like mad.

      Only using 2 premium routines, and thats not it.

      Could it be the overloaded server? I mean, its full to the top, 1/2 hour Q times aint rare.
    2. webhond


      May 23, 2011
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      70 views and nothing... awesome... thanks for the cookies.
    3. Xavier227

      Xavier227 New Member

      Jun 25, 2011
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      Is it doing the same thing other bots (Questing, BGBuddy) and what about Lazy Raider? Try using framelock with 60 TPS
    4. kwaynetwo

      kwaynetwo New Member

      Sep 14, 2013
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      Only 2 things upgrade to at least 16 GB of memory and 2 Gig Video card and you should stablize alot more. I would say it your video card that is the biggest issue... Wow is very graphic based and puts a strain on you card even at 2 Gigs.
    5. ChestRockwell

      ChestRockwell Member

      Aug 2, 2012
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      no wow is very process intensive. your processor has way more to do with performance than GPU
    6. kwaynetwo

      kwaynetwo New Member

      Sep 14, 2013
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      From experience It was the video card. I use to play with a 1 Gig. and I had low FPS and even lag from it. I upgraded it and it pretty much resolve. Wow may be processor intensive but this is probabaly not his issue.
    7. webhond


      May 23, 2011
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      thanks for the response, but wow is a old game, and is deffo video gpu depended. But to say 1 gig is not enough to play
      this game on low settings makes me die a little inside. Its the bot that is making me go down on fps. Havnt tried it on anything
      else then tyrael but i assume its the framelock. Now the bot itself has framelock option as well i would love to see how this goes.

      I always kept it at 30 tics, will try 60 but dont see how this would improve. thing is, demonic f.e needs a framelock to be sign faster.
      So if anything is my problem atm it is prolly this in a way and not my 8 gb mem and 1 gb graca, i had better performance with half
      of this, i wanted more, thats why i upgraded some time ago but seems like with every update of the bot, it gets worse and worse.

      40 man celestials, forget it, down to 8 fps and cant move, that aint my pc... its something else.
    8. kwaynetwo

      kwaynetwo New Member

      Sep 14, 2013
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      I would say test it out then turn off HB and try the same instances without it on. If you still recieve the same issue then it's not HB. If it still there then you may be the pc not HB. I just telling you from my short experience what my issue was with a 1 gig. Also are you running direct x9 or 11? I have to use 9 or mine still drops really low on 11. From your comments your stating that the more player involvement the worse it gets that tends to be graphic based.

      Just trying to help you trouble shoot your issue.
    9. El Fuego

      El Fuego Member

      Jun 18, 2013
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      Just throwing this out there, but I have had awful results with ElvUI and TukUI both. I thought I liked them for their clean interface, but then I realized I was getting horrible performance and they were the cause. So I decided I could get the same results with Bartender and Chatter. I use a VERY minimalist Bartender based UI that took me weeks to fine-tune. Now I copy it to every account/toon I create.
      I use chatter to simplify and combine all my chat windows into one with insta-scroll, copy/paste and all that happy shit.

      I have also read somewhere here that HB doesn't play well with Bartender. I found it is just fine for me, but was awful with Elv and Tuk.

      Give it a try and see if you notice any difference... Of course YMMV. But many people don't think about their UI much when considering FPS.
    10. badabing

      badabing Member

      Mar 8, 2012
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      I have had some of the same issues depending on the bot I am using but also acknowledge I am an idiot when it comes to FPS lock. I am pretty sure your issues are with FPS lock, make sure all of your bots are updated or clean install, I have not had an issue since the last few updates. Tyrael was the main culprit for me but works fine now. If none of that works delete your WTF folder.

      Computer specs i7 3770k, EVGA 2x 680GTX 2GB SLI (driver 331.65) 16GB Ram, 3xSSD Raid 0. Pretty sure this computer could handle wow and the bot fairly easily.
    11. webhond


      May 23, 2011
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      Just did a 28 man celestial today without the bot running( since its not working atm ) , no problems, altho im clueless how to do serious dps without the bot, i had no hickups whatsoever.

      So i think i can state its probably the frame lock on tyrael. Will try in the coming days with another botbase, elvui off etc etc. Although elvui is so small and using such low memory, i dont see how this would be
      the problem.

      Using elvui also for over 2 years now and never had this problem. Only started some weeks ago.

      Thought the problem could be one of the 2 premium routines im using but this is not the case, since both have it on Tyrael.
    12. webhond


      May 23, 2011
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      Reinstalling the bot as we speak and making sure i got all the latest. ty for your answer.
    13. volkvin

      volkvin New Member

      Nov 25, 2012
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    14. webhond


      May 23, 2011
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      Reinstalled everything now, ensured all is on latest versions ( botbase and premium routines )

      would suck if it was framelock since both premium routines i use kinda require framelock, without it they
      are slow as ....

      Hope updated Tyrael and a reinstall works, also deleted wtf folder to be sure and wont use any addons.

      Just waiting for HB o fix theyre shizzle so we can bot again. Seems like blizz resolved theyre issue.
    15. badabing

      badabing Member

      Mar 8, 2012
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      Deleting WTF was just a joke, have a problem with WOW delete your WTF folder. Kind of like calling the internet company to fix issues and every time they tell you to unplug the modem and it works again.
    16. Soeski

      Soeski Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      I experienced the same; slow performance on a pc that can definately handle it. HB 697 was fine; HB 698 with the built-in framelock killed it for me.
      I can not even use WoW on HIGH settings anymore (it's set to "good") and get 30fps in a LFR. This with no addons loaded at all, just Tyrael, HB 698 and Oracle or Millz or TuanHA.

      I use a Core i5-2500K@4,16GHz / 16 GB / AMD 7950 OC'd. Been playing at 1920x1200.
      Turning framelock off and I still had my fps drop about 15-20 when using HB, but it was a lot better. My cpu usage of HB went up to 40% with 698; WoW 50%. With 697 I had 38% for WoW and 2% (!!) for HB while doing LFR!
    17. Zamphire

      Zamphire Member

      May 16, 2013
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      First off let me explain how Framelock works for clarification purposes. With framelock on (set to 30fps) your game can NOT go any higher then 30fps, it can only go down. So when you're capped at 30fps if you're in an area with a lot of people 20fps is going to be normal. I don't like framelock for this very reason. It artificially limits my game's performance. However, I do realize it's needed for some things, and I realize WHY it's needed. To bot properly you need to insert commands at exactly the right millisecond and it's easier to do this when you can predict each pulse of the game. So leave this on if your CR requires it, there's not much you can do. However, make sure you don't have framelock turned on in BOTH your CR and HB General settings, use one or the other (Generally CR or botbase.)

      Also, so you mentioned you have vsync on. Have you tried playing with it off? What vsync is intended to do is match the refresh rate of your monitors with that of the game. Sometimes when FPS is too high a lower end monitor can't keep up with the game redrawing so fast and it will cause lines or screen tears. So vsync artificially lowers the FPS of your game and sets it at 60 to help your monitor. It won't allow it to go higher then 60. It's really noticeable if you're turning. Now for a lot of people vsync isn't even an issue. I don't use it on my computer and get no screen tearing at all. So try it without and see what your experience is.

      Now, on to what we can do to help you out. You need to upgrade a few parts in your computer. 8 GB of ram should be more than enough in most cases, so you're good there.

      I doubt it's anything to do with the servers. There are two types of problems that people lump into one so called "lag". You've got hardware lag and then server lag. When your game is running fine, you're able to move through the world, but you can't seem to cast off any abilities, it just "hangs" and then all the sudden everything jumps back into action? That's server lag. That will happen when the servers are over loaded or there was some kind of connection issue somewhere, be it with your ISP or the server's. That will have no effect on your FPS or general performance of your game. When your moving at like 2 FPS can barely move and your system feels like it's dying, that's hardware lag, your system can't keep up with everything that's trying to go on at once.

      The first problem I notice is your graphics card. It's not the fact that it's 1GB. That's not really that important. Or rather, it's important, but not the only factor, clock speed and memory speed factor into graphics performance along with other things. Easiest way to tell is look here. PassMark High End Video Cardsl. This is a website that compiles benchmarking scores from all the different video cards and combines them into a nice and easy chart for you to look at. Your card, Radeon HD 6850 has an average benchamrk score of 2,234. That's rather low. The graphics card I use, GeForce GTX 660 has a score of 4,116, almost double your card and you can get one for under $200. This card alone will make a big impact in your FPS. I would highly recommend looking at this list and see if you can find a good upgrade of a card that you can afford. It will make a huge difference for you.

      You made a point to point out the fact that wow is old. You're right, wow is old, and back in the day could have been ran on your computer no problem. However, the graphics in wow are constantly being upgraded. Models are being remade, added, effects are being redone, lines are being smoothed. The graphics are 100x better then they were when the game first came out. The result is you still need a /decent/ computer to run it at above average settings. Especially around a lot of people. Your computer has to draw each model for every character and then each character's spell effects and armor effect. The little glowy sparkles from your enchant? That's a lot of graphics power when it's spread among 50 people.

      Reading some of the other posts, people have pointed out addons. Addons take up a lot of processor power. Try disabling the less important ones when you know you're going to be botting, it should help with performance.

      Also, another user pointed out the differences between Honorbuddy versions. Is this a new problem for you? Or has it been around for a while? If it's new then you might get lucky and it's just bugs in the new version that are causing problems.If not... well yeah.

      One last thing just to note. This is probably more expensive then you're willing to do, but I wanted you to have the information anyway. Wow is a game, a massive game, and while your graphics card does a lot of the work, your CPU does a lot too. Honorbuddy is completely ran in your CPU. This is why every time you run Honorbuddy your WoW performance drops. Honorbuddy is hogging all the resources of the CPU and wow can't have what it needs to run properly. With only WoW and this website open right now, standing in Shrine with almost no one around (I'm on a fairly dead server) I'm using about 10-15% of my CPU. Now I'm running an i7 2600k which scores an average of 8,461 from PassMark's CPU comparison chart. You on the other hand only score 4,286 with your Phenom II 965. Coupled with your lower end graphics card and lower end CPU I would be willing to bet WoW takes up anywhere from 30-50% of your CPU depending on what it's doing. When you're running Honorbuddy, especially high end combat routines that use a lot of information really fast, your CPU is probably capping out and bogging down your machine. It's bottlenecking it. Now, the downside is it's not as easy to upgrade your processor as it is your graphics card. The main issue is price. A good CPU will run you $250 or more. Plus you have to find one that will fit in your motherboard and I don't feel like looking up your socket type to even see the options. The good news is, buying a better graphics card will help out here.

      So there you have it, my 2 cents. Hope it helps, feel free to ask any questions I'll try to answer.
      webhond likes this.
    18. El Fuego

      El Fuego Member

      Jun 18, 2013
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      That was more like $2.50 worth! :cool:

      Good info in that post. Thanks!
    19. webhond


      May 23, 2011
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      Wow thats one post i enjoyed reading. Thanks in the first place for taking the time to post this.

      Ill try to answer to what you typed in what my experience is.

      - Framelock is indeed on 30, might try and set it higher. I do dislike framelock as well, it has better fps without it but worse performance on some cr's. Esp Demonic performs significantly better with framelock enabled. I guess this has to stay on then.

      - Vsync is on, i thought it would help me in game fps wise, you are right that it syncs with the monitor, but with it off i never experienced any issues, so i will turn it off from now on and see if it makes any difference.

      I'll post the settings i use in game as well, since its all on low, or lowest, no need to see sparkles etc etc, getting blind as is already in a 10 man environment.

      Gratis Foto Uploaden

      Gratis Foto Uploaden

      - The lag i noticed is something i describe as lag since i dont know how to describe it anyway else. I stand in a 40 man celestial raid and i stutter and drop down to 2-5 fps. When im f.e doing a 15 - 40 man rbg / bg i dont have these issues. I never have server lag, always on 15-20 ms and never notice anything out of the ordinary there other then on a very busy server the ah or mailbox not responding directly but thats wow issue. I never had this issue before, not even with 200 people nuking down Huolon on ( its more like lag - lag - lag - loot / fps drop but no stuttering and i still can move ) timeless island f.e It just started some weeks ago, so i think it has to have something to do with the bot or the framelock. So in the end, when the bot works i have to reproduce both environments with and without the bot / change botbases to see whats going on. Basicly this would mean that i got hardware lag, but why do i have these issues on celestials on timeless island alone when i dont have em when standing at the vale nuking the dummies with 200 people around me doing all sorts of things. I get a stable 30-35 fps then wich is low as well, but with the bot on, more then valid?

      - Your recommendations to upgrade are valid, it can be better, and wow is graphically updated constantly on a shitty old graphical engine so it asks more and more to run smooth, but then again my question, after looking at my in game settings, shouldnt i get more then this performance that im getting right now. feels like im on a low end pc with a shitty 14 inch monitor. Vsync off now on a low pop server hovering alone on my mount above the canals im at 65 fps max.

      - I dont bot to make gold, so i dont farm. I only use the bot to rbg. So im using the essentials only. ( elvui ( not realy needed but when i look at it 10 hours a day it better looks good )- bgt - badboy - oqueue ( dark when not using it ) ) so memory usage is very low on this end. I will try without addons as well when trying to duplicate both scenarios to see if this makes any changes.

      - Last one, hb versions. It started some weeks ago, so i dont know if it changed with a version. Only doing celestials once a week and dont know exact when this happened. It only happens there. Maybe its the crap on the ground at this boss that is causing this fps drop so hard, did them today with the bot off and there was no problem whatsoever. So this kinda gets my pc out of the problem area, and now should look at the addons / routines / bot / botbase.

      Thanks for your input, highly appreciated. Some upgrades are not possible atm and i doubt they are needed, altho i said, it always can be better. It has to be easier then that to fix this issue without spending 200 on a upgrade. Playing lowest settings and just want some decent gameplay experience.

      If you have any comments on what i said, if you can figure out what i ment, plz feel free to add. I'd love to read some more after the input you already gave me.
    20. Zamphire

      Zamphire Member

      May 16, 2013
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      One thing I noticed right off the bat with your settings is your resolution. You're playing t full 1080p (1920x1080). That's a HUGE amount of pixels for your computer to draw. Drop it down to 720p (1600) and I promise you'll notice an almost immediate increase in FPS and it really doesn't effect the quality of the graphics that much. This difference to your eye own't be that much between 720p and 1080p on such a small screen (Computer monitors, generally less than 30ins you can't tell that much of a difference, other then the window your game plays in being actually smaller, since I noticed you play in windowed mode) but the number of pixels your computer is having to draw is almost quadrupled.

      After that your settings look fine. Draw distance, shadows, and particle density have always been for me what affects FPS the most. You could play around with them and see which affects you the most.

      Do me a favor and open up your taskmanager (alt+ctrl+del, then taskmanager) and keep it open while you're playing without the bot. Keep an eye on it and go do some timeless isle stuff, something like Dread Ship with a lot of people at it. See what your CPU % is without the bot running.

      The thing is Honorbuddy, routines, botbase etc are all static things. They run in the CPU and only the CPU. The problem is, we can't change the amount of CPU they use. Let's say you /need/ this botbase and routine, say Tyerial and your CR for your raiding (since that's what you said you use HB for), you have to take it as it is with it's flaws. Could it be coded better to use less CPU? Probably. But that's not the case. You can't change it, so you've got to find something else to do to fix the problem. The choices of this are to either out power the hogging the HB does, or find some way get your current configuration to perform well enough to accommodate the hogging. So lets fool with your settings and see if there's anything else we can optimize on your computer to get around the CPU hogging Honorbuddy and friends are creating.

      Try running at 1600 resolution and do some timeless isle stuff and let me know how your FPS goes. If you didn't know you can get an onscreen FPS by pressing CTRL + R in game.

      Do me a favor if you don't mind, hit the start button on your computer and type dxdiag and hit enter. When the diag window comes up click the save all information button at the bottom and post the log here for me to look at.

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