Same here thatgliderguy, i dont think its a routine issue maybe, as only routines working is Singular for me aswell.
- outdated PR (we are currently at 2.1.8) - .net Framework 4.0 AND .net Framework 4.0 extended (or .net framework 4.5) is needed - your log says u use 2.1.8, your post here says 2.1.7 ? ... well ... still ... check your .net framework pls
Elemental shaman rotation never seems to use unleash elements? If it is off CD shouldn't it always be used before a flame burst? I can attach a log once the bot is up and running if you need
The new update of Pure doesnt seem to cast chaos bolt when playing my lock. I let it dps the org training dummies for like 5 minutes and it didnt cast chaos bolt once, even when popping dark soul, which is usually the spell where the routine spams chaos bolts.
Hey, love the routine but I was wondering if it's possible to make some changes to ret. The nicest change would be having a setting for pure rotation to use our t16 4 piece bonus in the main rotation even if AOE is turned off. The buff you get when it procs is called "Divine Crusader". 4piece - Holy Power consumers have a 25% chance to make your next Divine Storm free and deal 50% more damage. The only other small issues I've had is at times I will have about 2 seconds left on inquisition and the routine will use the 3 holy power for TV or DS making inq drop for a couple seconds. Also, even though they're both set to off the routine still will use Execution Sentence or Lights Hammer as a filler. I have my racials set to off but it will still use Arcane Torrent when interrupts are set to on instead of just rebuke/fist of justice. Lastly, when wings/lust are not activated it will only go to 4 holy power before using a Templar's Verdict even if Crusader Strike or Judgement are off cooldown. If it's possible to make these changes then pure rotation would be just about perfect for ret.
View attachment 612 2013-11-01 22.38.txt Current version of PR doesnt seem to be casting steady shot for hunters, i could have something completely wrong in the settings. log attached
HI there awesome CC the feral dps is just insane!! I wonder is this cr support the rune of re-origination trinket from lei shen (still bis)? does it track the bleed power and refresh accordingly? I'm having an amazing time with my feral druid and id like to push this cr even further if possible.... Id like to know if its using the Dream of Cenarius talent correctly, some times it just sits there... im not sure if it pooling to be used on bleeds or just not using correctly... Keep it up
Looks like you are only level 55. The rotation is designed for end game raiding and really doesn't support leveling or low-level content. As such, Steady Shot is not ever used by the SV rotation.
Hi! Nice changes, I would like to comment a few issues you were pointing out in your list. HasAura("Shooting Stars") was always returning true (HB bug ?), added custom Lua function. This is because you always have an aura called "Shooting Stars" that's waiting to be procced. The only way to use procs because you have an active aura by the name, you have to use the procc ID. Symbiosis requires the spellbook to be updated before using it, handnavi made a nice fix for this. As I recommend looking into one of his routines on how to solve this and give you some ideas. Removed many Spell.PreventDoubleCast because they were causing spells with lesser priority to be cast instead of the desired one. I don't really know why PreventDoubleCast is used everywhere. The PreventDoubleCast is there for instant casts that seems to be casting twice. Or like Lightning Bolt which seems to be double casting You can add a simple 0.5 on the PreventDoubleCast and it will function almost like a normal spell cast so you don't need to worry if this is going to be double casted during the rotation or what not. This is what you can use the specialkey for
I been wanting to use PR for tanking (I have a tank of every class) but am not sure if PR is optimized for tanks? All classes or just one or two? I see the class is there, but is it as reliable as the dps versions? Failing on a dps can be covered up by other dps, failing on a tank is much more disasterous, which is why I ask.
I'm tinkering with the BM rotation.. but can't seem to get A Crow of Murders to cast. Here's what I've got: [C++] private static Composite HandleTrueSingleTarget() { return - Are there any obvious things I'm missing? It looks like it's not seeing Talent 13. I'm trying to fix a few of the issues I've had with BM: BW spamming because our pet is dead or not out. Focus Fire not being cast frequently enough (I don't see a reason for the setting. As long as it's not cast during BW it doesn't matter). A few buffs that were waiting on other buffs, that no longer need to wait (according to SimCraft and IcyVeins).. added in Fervor.. and a few things I can't think of. // UPDATE I'm an idiot. Apparently I turned off auto mode at some point while testing. Oh well, whoever is looking after hunters take a peek at the rotation and let me know what you think.
yo nice script though i have one problem and i don't know how to get around it i played in the settings but still wont work. it's about WW monk's aoe ability crane kick he wont do it no matter how many mobs i fight :/
I'm currently scratching my head as to reasoning behind adding a 'used at this health' for Shield of the Righteous for Prot Paladins? The default setting is 40, which means it will sit on 5 HoPo and not trigger Bastion of Glory for empowering Eternal Flame, nor will it help maximise the uptime on the physical damage reduction buff from SotR until my health drops dangerously low. This kind of flies in the face of active mitigation and treats the ability like a cd. If my healers keep me constantly topped off it never triggers and I will just sit on my HoPo. This actually puts more strain on the healers over time than is necessary. I appreciate I can change the values of this and WoG (EF) to my own levels, but the point of Bastion of Glory is to build stacks with SotR and then use them to empower heals when required. In fact, most Prot Palas keep EF ticking and constantly weave use of HoPo on EF and SotR to maximise uptime of the HoT and damage reduction. Edit: In fact, the bot doesn't seem to want to use SotR at all, preferring to spam EF without any stacks of BoG.
mrfish71: Open the Protection.cs file in PureRotation/Classes/Paladin and replace the section HandleDefensiveCooldowns with this: Code: private static Composite HandleDefensiveCooldowns() { return new PrioritySelector( // TODO: Devotion Aura, Selfless healer Spell.Cast("Hand of Freedom", on => Me, ret => NeedHandofFreedom), // not much point in trying to cast shit if we are incapacitated. Spell.Cast("Ardent Defender", on => Me, ret => NeedArdentDefender), Spell.PreventDoubleCast("Sacred Shield", ThrottleTime, on => Me, ret => !Me.HasAura(65148) || !Me.CachedHasAura(SpellBook.VengeancePala, 0, false, 3000) || DoTTracker.SpellStats(StyxWoW.Me, SpellBook.VengeancePala).AttackPower + 10000 < Me.AttackPower), // TODO: check for buff to just maintain uptime or spam it ? Spell.Cast("Eternal Flame", on => Me, ret => !Me.HasMyAura(114163) && (Me.CurrentHolyPower > 2 || Me.HasAura("Divine Purpose"))), Spell.Cast("Word of Glory", on => Me, ret => NeedWordofGlory), Spell.Cast("Shield of the Righteous", ret => (Me.CurrentHolyPower > 2 || Me.HasAura("Divine Purpose")) && Lua.PlayerBuffTimeLeft("Eternal Flame") > 2), Spell.Cast("Guardian of Ancient Kings", on => Me, ret => NeedGuardianofAncientKings), Spell.Cast("Divine Protection", on => Me, ret => NeedDivineProtection), Spell.Cast("Holy Avenger", on => Me, ret => NeedHolyAvenger), Spell.Cast("Avenging Wrath", ret => NeedAvengingWrath), Spell.Cast("Execution Sentence", ret => NeedExecutionSentence), HandleForbearanceAbilitys()); } It's a temporary fix (there are no settings to adjust, it blows EF @ 3 and if we have EF, it uses SotR), but currently PR is not coded to use SotR and doesn't use Eternal Flame correctly at all. I'll take a more in-depth look over the next few days, but from a glimpse it looked like those were the two biggest issues. Playing with the dummy, it has near 100% up-time on EF while weaving in SotR.