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  • Banned 06/11/13

    Discussion in 'Ban Section - Ban Reports' started by kauzin, Nov 6, 2013.

    1. kauzin

      kauzin New Member

      Feb 9, 2012
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      1)Were you using Honorbuddy, Gatherbuddy or both on the account?
      Was using Gatherbuddy at the Ban time. But since its a pretty old account (BC account) I've already used many kinds of bots including Tyrael, RaidBot, BgBuddy, HonorBuddy, ProfessionBuddy and some more that I can't remember.

      2)Which version (and Beta or Release)?:
      2.5 r8507 Build 702

      3)If so, when was the last time?:
      Haven't been banned since I've started botting, first and only time with WoW and this account. (Almost 5 or more years of botting)

      4)What profile were you using?:
      Handmade profile for Lotus and Trillium farming.

      5)What combat class were you using? if None Just put Default then the Classname:
      I think it was TuanHA DK. Can't Remember. I swapped between Singular and TuanHA a lot lately.

      6)What plugins are you using?:
      Well, since I don't bot with just 1 profile and neither with just 1 botbase(Characters varies too), I used a lot of plugins including some like RareKiller(Don't know the version tho), TidyBags, BringToFront, MillingHerbs, and sometimes I used MrGearBuyer in the beginning of PvP seasons.

      7)How many hours per day did you bot for?:
      This is the hardest thing to say, because I don't bot equally between days, neither use reloggers or the likes of it. The time Varies between 0 and almost 14 Hours per day. With timespan of 0 to 5 days of not botting nor playing.

      8)What honest percentage of time did you supervise your bot?
      Honestly? With gatherbuddy almost 0%. Every other like 50%, except for Raiding Botbases, then 100%.

      9)How many auctions per day did you have?:
      Assuming I don't usually Auction that much, like 0 to 5 auctions per day, with peaks of 50 auctions on some days of the month.

      10)Did you Use Any Other Bots, Hacks, or Mods?
      No. Just HB.

      11)Was your account involved in gold selling?
      No. Never done it before, neither buying nor selling.

      12)EU or US realm?

      13)Is the banned account a Scroll of Resurrection or an actual paid account?
      Actual paid account bought with Burning Crusade launch box, and every other Key added from virtual method paid with same Credit Card.

      ps.: I botted with many toons and many other profiles, almost all gathering profile was hand made since WotLK. Didn't have noone added on RealID, just my other toons on friends list.
      A shame I got banned. I was all good until now. Well, I think I won't play WoW again for a pretty good long time.
    2. Angelo

      Angelo Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Your not the only one mate.. I botted for 5 and a half year on my main account. And today, they put a stop on that.
      Glad they turned the perm ban into a 72 hour one, after some chatting, but i guess i will never bot on that account anymore
    3. Aion

      Aion Well-Known Member Buddy Store Developer

      Jan 18, 2011
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      You were farming for 14hours per day, no doubt you were autobanned after. People get hit after banning for 6-8hours daily, even ...
    4. kauzin

      kauzin New Member

      Feb 9, 2012
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      Ok, learn to read and understand things. Re-read and try to not blow your mind understanding, ok?
      Maybe I should delete this topic cause bullshit incoming will be too big to handle and I'm not really in the mood. Just wondering.
    5. Xerious

      Xerious New Member

      Nov 27, 2012
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      A n d I a m R e a d I n g...
      Not a rocket scientist, but you did say between 0 and 14 hours per day so one would conclude that some days you didn't bot and some days you botted 14 hours..... Get a grip and don't go mad on us because you got banned for GB. Sorry for your loss.

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