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  • ShamWOW for HB2 - An Enhance/Elemental/Resto + PVP/RaF Healbot by Bobby53

    Discussion in 'Archives' started by bobby53, May 25, 2010.

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    1. dottzor

      dottzor Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      It's now confirmed.
      The CC do not remove poisons on himself.

      I can go thru the fear mobs tomorrow.
      Now sleep.
    2. bobby53

      bobby53 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      It removed poisons on himself when out of combat in the testing I performed today, so I'll need more detail if possible. Take a look at the ShamWOW FAQ for info on posting issues and hopefully can get it resolved for the situation you encountered as part of this next release.
    3. bobby53

      bobby53 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      No idea why bad info was being passed back to the CC, but glad it stopped and is working for you w00t. As for the Chain Lightning issue, ShamWOW tests to make sure that another enemy target is within 10 yards of your current target for the Chain Lightning to hop to, otherwise it casts Lightning Bolt. I'll take a look at it, but would help to have a log file as well as to know are you saying it NEVER casts Chain Lightning or that it just didn't in that one circumstance where you expected it?
    4. bobby53

      bobby53 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      w00t, I ran several battlegrounds as Elemental and Chain Lightning was cast when off cooldown, so definitely will need to see a log file to look into it further for you.

      dottzor, I'll have an update by Saturday that will handle self-dispels, dispelling the raid, and for RaF only will do detection of mobs that cast Fear and will override the configuration amd set a Tremor Totem automatically. The detection will occur during combat, so whether the Tremor will be cast with Call of the Elements or replace the existing earth totem is dependent upon timing. That will be it for now on any feature additions / changes so I can focus on the revision for the talent and ability changes in the upcoming patch.
      Last edited: Oct 8, 2010
    5. richarddoran

      richarddoran New Member

      Mar 11, 2010
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      I see this is deliberate. Is this so it doesn't pull any adds that arent already in combat? I can see that reasoing. But DPS wise, most dungeons have mob packs with 3+ and the tank just AOE tanks a lot of the time, so not using chain lightning is giving up a lot of DPS, especially when under lvl 75 without Lavaburst. Could it at least be a user selected option?

      Running as Elemental at lvl 68 using Instancebuddy, ShamWOW is awesome. All of the shammys tricks are used (other than chain lightning ;) ) A couple times the tank died, and the shammy popped earth ele, and saved the day. I can't wait for IB to get more stable so I can farm badges.
      bobby53 likes this.
    6. dottzor

      dottzor Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      M8, thats just uber. From my PoV the CC is working wonders as it is. My suggestions was just icing on a already very good cake.
      Do you want a list of instances/mobs that fears or do u handle it some other way?
    7. bobby53

      bobby53 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Thanks richarddoran! +rep for the retelling of your run earlier today. Glad to hear it is working well for you!

      On the topic of Chain Lighting, the question w00t posed pertained to Battlegrounds, not instances. Battlegrounds are treated differently from Grinding/Questing, which is treated differently from Dungeons/Raids/RaF. In most things, ShamWOW has logic to tailor its behavior to the situation it is currently in. My design goal is to have it behave as it should without requiring an option for the user to tell it to do something. So let's cover all circumstances just to be sure all questions are answered. The basic rule stated earlier holds true: for Chain Lighting to be cast there has to be an additional target within the hop distance of your current target. Given that rule, here is how it applies to the three key categories of botting in determining what that additional target has to be doing:

      1. Battlegrounds. An opposing faction player just needs to be alive. It doesn't matter if they are in combat or targeting anything, just that they live and are within hop distance to your target.

      2. RaF/Dungeons/Raids. The additional target just needs to be targeting a player or pet in your group (hopefully is the tank if he is holding agro, but anybody targeted will allow it to trigger.) The idea here is if the additional target isnt targeting somebody, then the tank should soon if he is standing nearby. Not attacking him gives the tank a better chance of grabbing aggro as well.

      3. Grinding/Questing. The additional target has to be targeting your Shaman. This means that when grinding in an area containing both hostile mobs and neutral mobs, you can attack and fight the hostile mob without aggroing the neutral mob next to it.

      So given the above, if your tank has aggroed an AoE pack in an instance, it should be using Chain Lighting. If it doesnt use that spell or you encounter any other issues, please enter CC Configuration and click the Report Issue... button, or post a new *detailed* issue as outlined in the ShamWOW FAQ [ link -- click here ]
      Last edited: Oct 8, 2010
    8. ryder1337

      ryder1337 New Member

      Sep 17, 2010
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      Hmm, I don't know if this is a CC related problem or HB, but i'll try to report it here.

      When my toon drinks and gets full mana, it does not stand up before the drink is "done". I mean, it often has full mana when there is still like 8-10 seconds left of the drink.
      Then it waits until the drink is done. This is, imo, a big timewaste if you take in mind about how much time that actually adds up to when it has been drinking like this every time.

      Am I doing anything wrong or is this a common known bug?
    9. bobby53

      bobby53 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Ryder, My apologies for the unexpected behavior. I have not seen that behavior and in my quick test could not recreate it, so I'll need you to please enter CC Configuration and click the Report Issue... button, or post a new *detailed* issue as outlined in the ShamWOW FAQ [link -- click here].
      Last edited: Oct 9, 2010
    10. ryder1337

      ryder1337 New Member

      Sep 17, 2010
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      HonorBuddy Mode: Grind

      Shamans Location: Sholazar Basin

      What should have happened (be specific): Stand up when drinking is finished.

      What did happen (be specific): My toon did not stand up from the drinking, before the drinking timer was done. It had full mana 8-10 seconds before, but did not move.

      System time of issue (log time stamp): 09-10-2010 18:16 Log

      Attached Files:

    11. bobby53

      bobby53 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      ryder... Thank you for the post and my apologies for the issue you are experiencing. The attached log file does not have an occurrence of your character taking a drink. The characters mana never gets below 75% mana and the configuration is setup to drink at 25%. I believe I understand clearly from your well written post what symptoms you witnessed so no need to post the narrative details again, but if you could attach a log demonstrating the issue that would be a huge help in looking into this further for you. As of now however, I haven't been able to duplicate.
      Last edited: Oct 10, 2010
    12. richarddoran

      richarddoran New Member

      Mar 11, 2010
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      Updated to sham wow 4.2 and it is now successfully using chain lightning in instances :) As i get more gear, I'm seeing the DPS go up too, probably plays better than I do, it uses wind shear to neutralize casters all the time (and was very close to getting the Less Rabi achievement too...) Keep up the good work :) ShamWOW + Instancebuddy is a hit!
    13. bobby53

      bobby53 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Thanks Richarddoran! There continue to be tweaks and improvements with each new release, so keep an eye out for the next version and hopefully you'll realize some additional benefits. A few of the improvements that will assist you in particular with using InstanceBuddy with a DPS Shaman are support for rezzing players (Ancestral Spirit) in an RaF group, support for automatic cast of Tremor Totem when encountering mobs that fear, and a couple bugs. Additional improvements as well, but think those would be of greatest interest to you. Still testing but hope to have out later today.
    14. ryder1337

      ryder1337 New Member

      Sep 17, 2010
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      Ok, thanks bobby.

      Like you can see for yourself, it doesn't drink so often so it's not like a huge problem. Just a minor improvement that would be nice, mostly for instances actually.

      I'm rarely monitorizing my toon, but I can see if I can get a log of the toon drinking.
    15. Artwebb

      Artwebb New Member

      Sep 10, 2010
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      Ever since updating to 4.2.0 when running instancebuddy the bot never uses Chain Heal anymore ?

      Is there a way to use this again ? Or should i just bust out the healing wave relic ?

      Still works great, was just wondering.
    16. bobby53

      bobby53 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Ryder, Thank you for the follow up. Let me know if you have any further issues with it, but as of now I cannot recreate the problem you described so would need a debug log detailing an occurrence to look into it further.
    17. bobby53

      bobby53 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Artwebb, That's correct about Chain Heal, but if selecting a relic for the current ShamWOW Healing Priority you would not want one that buffs or procs off of Chain Heal or Healing Wave. Item 't' in the Change History for the 4.2.00 release describes it this way:LHW's shorter cast plus ShamWOW's quick change of heal targets allows for better overall healing in instances with InstanceBuddy at the moment instead of Chain Heal spam. The issues came up primarily with aggressive tanks, under geared groups, or when running some of the more intense instances. Please advise if you are obtaining different results.

      As for relics that would help maximize the benefit of the switch to LHW, I've listed in order with best first:The Frost Emblem relic works well because RipTide is a higher priority spell and cast frequently. You would also want the Glyph of Lesser Healing Wave mentioned in the note to get the 20% bonus healing on group members with Earth Shield.
      Last edited: Oct 10, 2010
    18. Tashin

      Tashin Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      I am using this CC in conjunction with Instancebuddy at level 16 and it doesn't heal. Healing only is selected in every tab and in the log it spams to heal the target but only rarely does it actually cast. I was wondering if maybe it is trying to use some of the higher level spells and if that is the case is there a way to change the priority.
    19. bobby53

      bobby53 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Thanks Tashin and my apologies for the issue experienced. Please open ShamWOW CC Configuration in HonorBuddy and click Report Issue... You can also see ShamWOW FAQ [link -- click here] for information on posting an issue so I can have the detail necessary to look into it for you. It sounds like a bug introduced with the last release, but would need the details of your encounter to be certain.
    20. Tashin

      Tashin Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      HonorBuddy Mode: RaF

      Shamans Location: Wailing Caverns

      What should have happened (be specific):

      Target should have been healed.

      What did happen (be specific):

      Log would spam ^Heal Target: Druid[19] at 71.0% dist: 24.7 in-los: True and not heal

      System time of issue (log time stamp):

      [6:59:07 PM:433] %   RESTING START: 100% health,  94% mana
      [6:59:07 PM:433] %   - status [me]:  h/m:100.0%/94.0%, melee:0, range:0, rooted:False, immobile:False, silenced:False
      [6:59:07 PM:433] %   Totem Bar:  called with #2 to 'Stoneskin Totem'
      [6:59:07 PM:433] %   Totem Bar:  called with #1 to 'None'
      [6:59:07 PM:433] %   Totem Bar:  called with #3 to 'None'
      [6:59:07 PM:433] %   Totem Bar:  called with #4 to 'None'
      [6:59:07 PM:434] %   ShamanBuffs:  AllowNonHealSpells:True, atrest:True
      [6:59:07 PM:434] %   Weapon Enchant Check:  NeedOnMainhand=True-Flametongue Weapon, NeedOnOffhand=False
      [6:59:07 PM:434] %   status: cannot cast spell 'Flametongue Weapon' yet
      [6:59:07 PM:702] Spell_C::CastSpell(8024, 0, 0x0, 0)
      [6:59:07 PM:826] %   Mainhand weapon Dignified Headmaster's Charge needs enhancement
      [6:59:08 PM:414] %   RESTING ENDED: 100% health,  92% mana
      [6:59:09 PM:496] %    Casting Healing Wave because Me and Heal Target are not in combat
      [6:59:09 PM:497] %   status: cannot cast spell 'Healing Wave' yet
      [6:59:10 PM:199] %    Casting Healing Wave because Me and Heal Target are not in combat
      [6:59:10 PM:199] %   status: cannot cast spell 'Healing Wave' yet
      [6:59:10 PM:918] %    Casting Healing Wave because Me and Heal Target are not in combat
      [6:59:10 PM:980] %   status: cannot cast spell 'Healing Wave' yet
      [6:59:11 PM:616] %    Casting Healing Wave because Me and Heal Target are not in combat
      [6:59:11 PM:673] %   status: cannot cast spell 'Healing Wave' yet
      [6:59:12 PM:391] %    Casting Healing Wave because Me and Heal Target are not in combat
      [6:59:12 PM:450] %   status: cannot cast spell 'Healing Wave' yet
      [6:59:13 PM:106] %    Casting Healing Wave because Me and Heal Target are not in combat
      [6:59:13 PM:191] %   status: cannot cast spell 'Healing Wave' yet
      [6:59:13 PM:769] %    Casting Healing Wave because Me and Heal Target are not in combat
      [6:59:13 PM:826] %   status: cannot cast spell 'Healing Wave' yet
      [6:59:14 PM:434] %    Casting Healing Wave because Me and Heal Target are not in combat
      [6:59:14 PM:508] %   status: cannot cast spell 'Healing Wave' yet
      [6:59:15 PM:176] %   SetTotemsAsNeeded():  earth: False  fire: False  water: False  air: False
      [6:59:15 PM:249] Spell_C::CastSpell(8154, 0, 0x0, 0)
      [6:59:15 PM:314] %    Casting Healing Wave because Me and Heal Target are not in combat
      [6:59:15 PM:314] %   status: cannot cast spell 'Healing Wave' yet
      [6:59:15 PM:316] %   CheckForSafeDistance(49.5): no hostiles/profile mobs in range - took 0 ms
      [6:59:15 PM:316] %   Need rest: TotemsWereSet() and CheckForSafeDistance(49.5)= true
      [6:59:15 PM:316] Activity: Resting
      [6:59:15 PM:316] %   RESTING START: 100% health,  94% mana
      [6:59:15 PM:316] %   - status [me]:  h/m:100.0%/94.0%, melee:0, range:0, rooted:False, immobile:False, silenced:False
      [6:59:15 PM:349] %   RESTING ENDED: 100% health,  94% mana
      [6:59:16 PM:147] %    Casting Healing Wave because Me and Heal Target are not in combat
      [6:59:16 PM:148] %   status: cannot cast spell 'Healing Wave' yet
      [6:59:16 PM:776] %    Casting Healing Wave because Me and Heal Target are not in combat
      [6:59:16 PM:776] %   status: cannot cast spell 'Healing Wave' yet
      [6:59:17 PM:359] %    Casting Healing Wave because Me and Heal Target are not in combat
      [6:59:17 PM:424] %   status: cannot cast spell 'Healing Wave' yet
      [6:59:18 PM:6] %    Casting Healing Wave because Me and Heal Target are not in combat
      [6:59:18 PM:92] %   status: cannot cast spell 'Healing Wave' yet
      [6:59:18 PM:681] %      My Totem(2) exists:  Stoneskin Totem II
      [6:59:18 PM:830] %   SetTotemsAsNeeded():  earth: True  fire: False  water: False  air: False
      [6:59:18 PM:874] %    Casting Healing Wave because Me and Heal Target are not in combat
      [6:59:18 PM:903] Spell_C::CastSpell(547, 0, 0x28000000419EF8A, 0)
      [6:59:19 PM:546] %   NeedRest:  aborted since casting
      [6:59:20 PM:138] %    Casting Healing Wave because Me and Heal Target are not in combat
      [6:59:20 PM:209] %   status: cannot cast spell 'Healing Wave' yet
      [6:59:20 PM:210] %   CheckForSafeDistance(49.5): no hostiles/profile mobs in range - took 0 ms
      [6:59:20 PM:210] %   Need rest: TotemsWereSet() and CheckForSafeDistance(49.5)= true
      [6:59:20 PM:210] Activity: Resting
      [6:59:20 PM:210] %   RESTING START: 100% health,  91% mana
      [6:59:20 PM:210] %   - status [me]:  h/m:100.0%/91.0%, melee:0, range:0, rooted:False, immobile:False, silenced:False
      [6:59:20 PM:242] %   RESTING ENDED: 100% health,  91% mana
      [6:59:21 PM:45] %    Casting Healing Wave because Me and Heal Target are not in combat
      [6:59:21 PM:107] %   status: cannot cast spell 'Healing Wave' yet
      [6:59:21 PM:887] %    Casting Healing Wave because Me and Heal Target are not in combat
      [6:59:21 PM:959] %   status: cannot cast spell 'Healing Wave' yet
      [6:59:22 PM:648] %    Casting Healing Wave because Me and Heal Target are not in combat
      [6:59:22 PM:702] %   status: cannot cast spell 'Healing Wave' yet
      [6:59:23 PM:434] %    Casting Healing Wave because Me and Heal Target are not in combat
      [6:59:23 PM:496] %   status: cannot cast spell 'Healing Wave' yet
      [6:59:24 PM:256] %    Casting Healing Wave because Me and Heal Target are not in combat
      [6:59:24 PM:319] %   status: cannot cast spell 'Healing Wave' yet
      [6:59:25 PM:28] %    Casting Healing Wave because Me and Heal Target are not in combat
      [6:59:25 PM:85] %   status: cannot cast spell 'Healing Wave' yet
      [6:59:25 PM:799] %    Casting Healing Wave because Me and Heal Target are not in combat
      [6:59:25 PM:854] %   status: cannot cast spell 'Healing Wave' yet
      [6:59:26 PM:489] %    Casting Healing Wave because Me and Heal Target are not in combat
      [6:59:26 PM:565] %   status: cannot cast spell 'Healing Wave' yet
      [6:59:27 PM:271] %    Casting Healing Wave because Me and Heal Target are not in combat
      [6:59:27 PM:316] %   status: cannot cast spell 'Healing Wave' yet
      [6:59:28 PM:62] %    Casting Healing Wave because Me and Heal Target are not in combat
      [6:59:28 PM:126] %   status: cannot cast spell 'Healing Wave' yet
      [6:59:28 PM:821] %    Casting Healing Wave because Me and Heal Target are not in combat
      [6:59:28 PM:864] %   status: cannot cast spell 'Healing Wave' yet
      [6:59:29 PM:582] %    Casting Healing Wave because Me and Heal Target are not in combat
      [6:59:29 PM:658] %   status: cannot cast spell 'Healing Wave' yet
      [6:59:30 PM:387] %    Casting Healing Wave because Me and Heal Target are not in combat
      [6:59:30 PM:457] %   status: cannot cast spell 'Healing Wave' yet
      [6:59:31 PM:169] %    Casting Healing Wave because Me and Heal Target are not in combat
      [6:59:31 PM:243] %   status: cannot cast spell 'Healing Wave' yet
      [6:59:31 PM:934] %    Casting Healing Wave because Me and Heal Target are not in combat
      [6:59:32 PM:6] %   status: cannot cast spell 'Healing Wave' yet
      [6:59:32 PM:663] %    Casting Healing Wave because Me and Heal Target are not in combat
      [6:59:32 PM:724] %   status: cannot cast spell 'Healing Wave' yet
      [6:59:33 PM:275] %    Casting Healing Wave because Me and Heal Target are not in combat
      [6:59:33 PM:347] %   status: cannot cast spell 'Healing Wave' yet
      [6:59:34 PM:39] %   SetTotemsAsNeeded():  earth: False  fire: False  water: False  air: False
      [6:59:34 PM:110] Spell_C::CastSpell(8154, 0, 0x0, 0)
      [6:59:34 PM:168] %    Casting Healing Wave because Me and Heal Target are not in combat
      [6:59:34 PM:168] %   status: cannot cast spell 'Healing Wave' yet
      [6:59:34 PM:169] %   CheckForSafeDistance(49.5): no hostiles/profile mobs in range - took 0 ms
      [6:59:34 PM:169] %   Need rest: TotemsWereSet() and CheckForSafeDistance(49.5)= true
      [6:59:34 PM:169] Activity: Resting
      [6:59:34 PM:169] %   RESTING START: 100% health,  99% mana
      [6:59:34 PM:169] %   - status [me]:  h/m:100.0%/99.0%, melee:0, range:0, rooted:False, immobile:False, silenced:False
      [6:59:34 PM:198] %   RESTING ENDED: 100% health,  99% mana
      [6:59:34 PM:881] %      My Totem(2) exists:  Stoneskin Totem II
      [6:59:34 PM:981] %   SetTotemsAsNeeded():  earth: True  fire: False  water: False  air: False
      [6:59:35 PM:10] %    Casting Healing Wave because Me and Heal Target are not in combat
      [6:59:35 PM:10] %   status: cannot cast spell 'Healing Wave' yet
      [6:59:35 PM:11] %   CheckForSafeDistance(49.5): no hostiles/profile mobs in range - took 0 ms
      [6:59:35 PM:11] %   Need rest: TotemsWereSet() and CheckForSafeDistance(49.5)= true
      [6:59:35 PM:11] Activity: Resting
      [6:59:35 PM:11] %   RESTING START: 100% health,  96% mana
      [6:59:35 PM:11] %   - status [me]:  h/m:100.0%/96.0%, melee:0, range:0, rooted:False, immobile:False, silenced:False
      [6:59:35 PM:39] %   RESTING ENDED: 100% health,  96% mana
      [6:59:35 PM:829] %   SetTotemsAsNeeded():  earth: False  fire: False  water: False  air: False
      [6:59:35 PM:829] %   status: cannot cast spell 'Stoneskin Totem' yet
      [6:59:35 PM:863] %    Casting Healing Wave because Me and Heal Target are not in combat
      [6:59:35 PM:863] %   status: cannot cast spell 'Healing Wave' yet
      [6:59:36 PM:436] %    Casting Healing Wave because Me and Heal Target are not in combat
      [6:59:36 PM:496] Spell_C::CastSpell(547, 0, 0x28000000419EF8A, 0)
      [6:59:37 PM:485] %   NeedRest:  aborted since casting
      [6:59:38 PM:982] %    Casting Healing Wave because Me and Heal Target are not in combat
      [6:59:38 PM:982] %   status: cannot cast spell 'Healing Wave' yet
      [6:59:39 PM:491] %   Heal Group:  no player currently below 85%, range check=NoCheck
      [6:59:58 PM:956] %   Need rest: true, ShieldBuffNeeded
      [6:59:58 PM:957] Activity: Resting
      [6:59:58 PM:957] %   RESTING START: 100% health,  99% mana
      [6:59:58 PM:957] %   - status [me]:  h/m:100.0%/99.0%, melee:0, range:0, rooted:False, immobile:False, silenced:False
      [6:59:59 PM:29] Spell_C::CastSpell(325, 0, 0x0, 0)
      [6:59:59 PM:135] %   ShamanBuffs:  AllowNonHealSpells:True, atrest:True
      [6:59:59 PM:135] %   Weapon Enchant Check:  NeedOnMainhand=False, NeedOnOffhand=False
      [6:59:59 PM:135] %   RESTING ENDED: 100% health,  99% mana
      [6:59:59 PM:828] %   Heal Group:  no player currently below 85%, range check=NoCheck
      [7:01:56 PM:151] Activity: Combat
      [7:01:56 PM:151] %   Entered Combat
      [7:01:56 PM:151] %   - status [me]:  h/m:100.0%/100.0%, melee:0, range:0, rooted:False, immobile:False, silenced:False
      [7:01:56 PM:152] %   Heal Group:  no player currently below 85%, range check=NoCheck
      [7:01:56 PM:152] %   ShamanBuffs:  AllowNonHealSpells:True, atrest:False
      [7:01:56 PM:152] %   Exiting Combat
      [7:01:56 PM:826] Activity: Combat
      [7:01:56 PM:826] %   Entered Combat
      [7:01:56 PM:826] %   - status [me]:  h/m:100.0%/100.0%, melee:0, range:0, rooted:False, immobile:False, silenced:False
      [7:01:56 PM:827] %   Heal Group:  no player currently below 85%, range check=NoCheck
      [7:01:56 PM:827] %   ShamanBuffs:  AllowNonHealSpells:True, atrest:False
      [7:01:56 PM:827] %   Exiting Combat
      [7:01:57 PM:477] Activity: Combat
      [7:01:57 PM:477] %   Entered Combat
      [7:01:57 PM:478] %   - status [me]:  h/m:100.0%/100.0%, melee:0, range:0, rooted:False, immobile:False, silenced:False
      [7:01:57 PM:597] %   SetTotemsAsNeeded():  earth: False  fire: False  water: False  air: False
      [7:01:57 PM:671] Spell_C::CastSpell(8154, 0, 0xF130000E3814FA6D, 0)
      [7:01:57 PM:720] %   ShamanBuffs:  AllowNonHealSpells:True, atrest:False
      [7:01:57 PM:720] %   Exiting Combat
      [7:01:58 PM:225] Activity: Combat
      [7:01:58 PM:225] %   Entered Combat
      [7:01:58 PM:225] %   - status [me]:  h/m:100.0%/100.0%, melee:0, range:0, rooted:False, immobile:False, silenced:False
      [7:01:58 PM:260] %   ShamanBuffs:  AllowNonHealSpells:True, atrest:False
      [7:01:58 PM:260] %   Exiting Combat
      [7:01:58 PM:878] Activity: Combat
      [7:01:58 PM:878] %   Entered Combat
      [7:01:58 PM:878] %   - status [me]:  h/m:100.0%/96.0%, melee:0, range:0, rooted:False, immobile:False, silenced:False
      [7:01:58 PM:915] %   ShamanBuffs:  AllowNonHealSpells:True, atrest:False
      [7:01:58 PM:915] %   Exiting Combat
      [7:01:59 PM:453] Activity: Combat
      [7:01:59 PM:453] %   Entered Combat
      [7:01:59 PM:453] %   - status [me]:  h/m:100.0%/96.0%, melee:0, range:0, rooted:False, immobile:False, silenced:False
      [7:01:59 PM:489] %   ShamanBuffs:  AllowNonHealSpells:True, atrest:False
      [7:01:59 PM:489] %   Exiting Combat
      [7:01:59 PM:937] Activity: Combat
      [7:01:59 PM:938] %   Entered Combat
      [7:01:59 PM:938] %   - status [me]:  h/m:100.0%/96.0%, melee:0, range:0, rooted:False, immobile:False, silenced:False
      [7:01:59 PM:958] %   ShamanBuffs:  AllowNonHealSpells:True, atrest:False
      [7:01:59 PM:958] %   Exiting Combat
      [7:02:00 PM:370] Activity: Combat
      [7:02:00 PM:370] %   Entered Combat
      [7:02:00 PM:371] %   - status [me]:  h/m:100.0%/96.0%, melee:0, range:0, rooted:False, immobile:False, silenced:False
      [7:02:00 PM:390] %   ShamanBuffs:  AllowNonHealSpells:True, atrest:False
      [7:02:00 PM:390] %   Exiting Combat
      [7:02:01 PM:9] Activity: Combat
      [7:02:01 PM:9] %   Entered Combat
      [7:02:01 PM:10] %   - status [me]:  h/m:100.0%/96.0%, melee:0, range:0, rooted:False, immobile:False, silenced:False
      [7:02:01 PM:51] %   ShamanBuffs:  AllowNonHealSpells:True, atrest:False
      [7:02:01 PM:51] %   Exiting Combat
      [7:02:01 PM:666] Activity: Combat
      [7:02:01 PM:666] %   Entered Combat
      [7:02:01 PM:666] %   - status [me]:  h/m:100.0%/96.0%, melee:0, range:0, rooted:False, immobile:False, silenced:False
      [7:02:01 PM:698] %      My Totem(2) exists:  Stoneskin Totem II
      [7:02:01 PM:770] %   SetTotemsAsNeeded():  earth: True  fire: False  water: False  air: False
      [7:02:01 PM:804] %   ShamanBuffs:  AllowNonHealSpells:True, atrest:False
      [7:02:01 PM:804] %   Exiting Combat
      [7:02:02 PM:337] Activity: Combat
      [7:02:02 PM:338] %   Entered Combat
      [7:02:02 PM:338] %   - status [me]:  h/m:100.0%/96.0%, melee:0, range:0, rooted:False, immobile:False, silenced:False
      [7:02:02 PM:373] %   ShamanBuffs:  AllowNonHealSpells:True, atrest:False
      [7:02:02 PM:373] %   Exiting Combat
      [7:02:02 PM:910] Activity: Combat
      [7:02:02 PM:910] %   Entered Combat
      [7:02:02 PM:911] %   - status [me]:  h/m:100.0%/96.0%, melee:0, range:0, rooted:False, immobile:False, silenced:False
      [7:02:02 PM:945] %   ShamanBuffs:  AllowNonHealSpells:True, atrest:False
      [7:02:02 PM:945] %   Exiting Combat
      [7:02:03 PM:514] Activity: Combat
      [7:02:03 PM:514] %   Entered Combat
      [7:02:03 PM:514] %   - status [me]:  h/m:100.0%/98.0%, melee:0, range:0, rooted:False, immobile:False, silenced:False
      bobby53 likes this.
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