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  • [PAID] [Mage] Portal - An Advanced Honorbuddy Mage Routine [PvE/PvP]

    Discussion in 'Mage' started by Millz, Aug 26, 2013.

    1. Millz

      Millz Well-Known Member Buddy Store Developer

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Pushed changes for all of these, other than prefer a healer to blink towards. It's too intensive to perform that check when it needs to be done in a hurry.


      Damn you and your ninja edit :p

      Pushed a fix to increase summon water elemental priority. Deep Freeze - casting as often as possible is the highest DPS. Frost mages do huge amounts of damage when DF is active, so there's no point holding it back for 10-15 seconds constantly.
    2. Farix

      Farix Member

      Jan 26, 2012
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      It's not so much about holding it, just having the option to use it on someone else - say, you play rmp and want to deep your focus target and put them into polymorphs (say druid is in human form, etc) - it guarantees your cc when not using presence of mind, and you dont DR your partners stuff.

      Also, just got an idea:

      No iceblock if Guardian Spirit is active. http://www.wowhead.com/spell=[b]47788[/b]
    3. larcerkev

      larcerkev Member

      Dec 17, 2011
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      Love what you did to the addon :D. Also, I was wondering, how smart is the routine on trinket usage and such? For trinkets like BBOY, would it refresh a dot and use Arcane Barrage right before it expires when its at 10 stacks?
    4. Phrawst

      Phrawst New Member

      Sep 19, 2013
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      Hey millz, so i updated to newest version of portal today and gave it another try and it got stuck again, but i checked my bank and had another pair in there of the same exact gloves, those gloves did not have any gemming, enchanting, or valor updates, i figured what the hell maybe it had something to do with the updates on the gloves themselves that was causing the rotation to stop so i put on the same gloves i had in bank and the only update i applied to them was synapse springs and to my surprise they worked, synapse went off and the rotation proceeded like usual, i was gonna stop and report about it but i couldn't understand why it works with the same exact gloves but not the ones i had on with all the updates so i put the original ones back on and now everything seems to be working, very strange because i had tried everything in the beginning even doing fresh installs of both hb and portal and it still got stuck, only thing i can think is maybe something in todays update fixed it, so if it helps anyone try using another pair of the same exact gloves and it might fix the issue.
    5. Symons

      Symons Member

      Sep 9, 2013
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      Am I meant to receive something once payment has gone through?
    6. Millz

      Millz Well-Known Member Buddy Store Developer

      Jan 15, 2010
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      I'll have a think about what to do with Deep Freeze.

      Will do the GS change.

      Good stuff :) - There's no trinket/proc reaction code within Portal.

      Yeah that's very, very strange ! I haven't a clue what could cause that one, sorry. At least you've got it sorted now though.
    7. Haggy223

      Haggy223 New Member

      Mar 7, 2013
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      Does the CC (payed one) renew Living bomb on frozen targets? So that the living bomb ticks benefit from the increased crit chance?
      I have not tested it completely, but it looks like that Living bomb is applied directly at the beginning, before the target is frozen?

      In arena and BG, living bomb will be used on multiple targets right?

    8. Millz

      Millz Well-Known Member Buddy Store Developer

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Living Bomb is refreshed when it's not active, and to clip the cast to prevent it from dropping. There's no logic in for frozen units (got a link/reference to show why it should be done?)

      LB will multi-dot when AoE is enabled.
    9. Haggy223

      Haggy223 New Member

      Mar 7, 2013
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      I got that info from Skill-Capped. It was in the latest 5.4 dmg guide video:
      Venruki - Dealing Damage as a Mage in 5.4 - Skill Capped

      But I haven't found other references, so I don't know if that really works that way.

      I currently try to optimize my settings for PvP. I'm a little bit confused by "Toggle Burst" "Toggle Cooldowns"
      I understand Cooldowns, but what exactly is the Burst toggle doing? To burst I normally have to use cooldowns.

      Would be great if you could explain how that works for a frost mage.

      I also have one feature request. When I activate movement, it would be great if the CC would try to move away from melee classes. Blink, nova and everything works great.
      But it looks a bit strange if a warrior is hitting me, I nova him and then just keep standing at the same position where he still can hit me.

      Do you have recommended talents and glyphs for the CC?

      Thanks in advance for your help
    10. Millz

      Millz Well-Known Member Buddy Store Developer

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Uhh so Cooldowns allowsthe routineto use cooldowns. Burst forces the activationof cooldowns.

      Talents/Glyphs.. It's all up to you really, but at the moment I'm using Splitting Ice / Polymorph / Ice Block glyphs. As for talents, the only really mandatory one i'd say is Incanter's Ward. I use Living Bomb as my DoT too.

      Movement is something I want to change, but just still haven't gotten around to it (I'm procrastinating, movement is a bitch).
    11. Haggy223

      Haggy223 New Member

      Mar 7, 2013
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      Cool. Thanks a lot Millz.
      So without Cooldowns activated, burst will probably do nothing right?
      When I activate burst, will that start immediately or is that tied to some conditions? Like that cooldown 1+2+3 have to be ready first?
      If I set everything to actived and enabled movement. To use the CC with BGBuddy. Will it use Burst on CD? Or are there conditions like. If target below 30% HP start burst?

    12. Farix

      Farix Member

      Jan 26, 2012
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      I would only have it support movement in Battlegrounds with BG bot/BG Buddy or any other BG related bot base.

      Arenas, I wouldn't worry about movement.

      Also, I'm wondering if it's appropriate to have Blazing Speed only be used if a snare/root is detected on the mage - so that you have it up when you need to run to your healer to eat a trap or get away, or even back up on top of bridge (Nagrand Arena) if you get knocked off by typhoon/etc.
    13. Roko

      Roko New Member

      Jun 21, 2013
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      Can one here confirm that with the base settings, I mean obviously you tell it molten armor, yes or no on trinket use but if you set it for fire will it pull very close if not more dps than someone who is actually playing legit?

      Also could someone post the ideal settings for the bot for optimal dps for fire?

      I used it in flex pt 2 @ 2nd boss where you can pretty much stand still and wasn't impressed at all. I don't know if thats because I'm 11/14 heroic and have always raided top 100 US or if I was doing something wrong with the bot, really hope it was user error, any feedback would be great.
    14. snow686

      snow686 Member

      Mar 30, 2013
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      Okay. I've been seeing some questions about optional settings and spec and macros. I am giving my information in hopes it helps people. This is for frost pvp
      Portal Settings
      1st page, use healthstones at 35%, all other options disabled and set to never. (Even if you have the ability)
      2nd page, armor=none
      cone of cold checked 1st box only
      deep freeze checked
      use spellsteal checked 1st box only
      Kill totems checked
      Use frost nova checked 1st box only
      use arcane brilliance checked
      ice block on low 35% checked
      polymorph all boxes checked, for arena only, rbg, just focus and any healing
      evocation = never
      mirror image = never
      remove curse = decurse self only
      blink when stunned or rooted towards team member only
      mana gem, use gem @ 75%, deselect conjure
      Alter time offensive only in 3s, and both checked in 2s
      last 2 unchecked
      USe Polymorph when someone healing pom is checked, deselct others
      Temporal shield use on low hp 60% and when cc'd, never for ib
      ROF when x unit in range, x=1
      cold snap completely disabled
      INcanters ward on low hp 99%, there should be an option for all the time when in combat, and 2nd box checked =1
      Frost Page
      USe aoe abilities deselect
      frozen orb should be disabled
      icy veins = never
      WE, use freeze selected

      Talents and Glyphs to use Mists of Pandaria - Talent Calculator - World of Warcraft

      Only really need a few.
      Burst Macro
      #showtooltip icy veins
      /cast icy veins
      /cast grievous gladiator's badge of dominance
      /cast grievous Gladiator's Silk Handguards
      /cast mirror image

      decurse your healer/teammate macro, this only works with shammy poly, change player to your teammate name
      #showtooltip remove curse
      /cast [target=player] remove curse

      Focus poly macro
      #showtooltip polymorph
      /cast presence of mind
      /cast [target=focus] polymorph

      This is a hard cs macro to get used to, but once you do it's awesome
      #showtooltip counterspell
      /cast [@arena3,mod:ctrl] [@focus,mod:shift] [target,nomod,exists][]Counterspell

      ENter arena, CR cast AB and WE, You Cast which armor you need depending on comp, never molten and always frost in RBG, conjure mana gem and food table.
      The way this CR works is awesome, i start on target with LB, then start ccing whoever, when ready to burst pom poly healer and frozen orb and burst macro, the CR, does the rest. This CR does great damage when allowed to stand still so, try to position your self in areas where you don't have to move much. Obviously don't stand there and let a war hack you to bits. I like to control CS and POLY as much as possible, it's just hard getting it off cause cr is so fast, i should put /stopcasting in front of all my macros.
      On a side note, engineering buff is great, because you get two frozen orbs in between your icy veins cd, so i just use same macro on my second Frozen Orb, for more burst. gem all intellect and haste, im reforged ~1000 haste and ~ 500 mastery, obviously make sure you have soft hit cap. That's all i can think of for now, will update if i forgot anything
    15. Millz

      Millz Well-Known Member Buddy Store Developer

      Jan 15, 2010
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      So without Cooldowns activated, burst will probably do nothing right? Correct

      When I activate burst, will that start immediately or is that tied to some conditions? Like that cooldown 1+2+3 have to be ready first? Sort of, It'll use whatever it can, but certain cooldowns are tied to others, like alter time is tied in to PoM / Icy Veins / Arcane Power etc.

      Movement supports all afk botbases, but you can't do any form of movement in arenas (they aren't meshed / not supported by HB).

      I can add a setting for blazing speed when rooted/snared setting.

      The free version isn't fully/finely tuned - especially not at heroic level raiding, but I'd question why you're raiding as fire spec when it's the lowest DPS spec for mages at the moment ? Arcane -> Frost -> Fire.

      General top tip is to disable utility spells though, and allow the routine to focus on DPSing.

      Nice write up :)

      You could have saved yourself some time and saved your settings to a file and just attached that to the post though ;)
    16. samoday

      samoday New Member

      Nov 27, 2012
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      On that note Millz, what settings do you use for PVE? I am ilvl 553 and I only pass up our top dps on certain fights. Would be nice to see how you set yours up for raiding.
    17. Millz

      Millz Well-Known Member Buddy Store Developer

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Which spec?

      The biggest issue I see is people having too many utility abilities enabled (cone of cold, frost nova, blink, spellsteal etc).

      Every time you cast a utility spell, if you're doing 150k dps - is 150k+ damage lost (depending on the spell cast time).
    18. samoday

      samoday New Member

      Nov 27, 2012
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      Currently frost spec as I don't have the mastery gear for arcane.

      I have all the utilities turned off.

      The one thing I did notice of the Premium is that it will use alter time almost instantly if I have only one proc up. Would it be more beneficial for it to wait for 2 stacks of FoF and BF and then go off?
    19. Millz

      Millz Well-Known Member Buddy Store Developer

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Alter Time (offensive - frost) works on the following conditions;

      1) Icy Veins still has > 80 seconds remaining on the cooldown, and we have PoM, FoF, or BF active.
      2) PoM and Icy Veins are active.
      3) IV is active, and I have FoF & BF.
      4) IV is active, there's less than 16 seconds remaining on IV, and I have FoF OR BF.
      5) IV is active, and there's less than 12 seconds remaining on IV.

      ...and as I type this, I realize those timings are incorrect. I'll fix it for tonight's update to..

      4) IV is active, there's less than 12 seconds remaining on IV, and I have FoF OR BF.
      5) IV is active, and there's less than 8 seconds remaining on IV.
    20. samoday

      samoday New Member

      Nov 27, 2012
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      Well alrighty then. Glad I helped you without any intentions of doing so lol

      Don't get me wrong, I love the Routine and it works wonders. I'll check over everything again and make sure all utilities are off. The hunter only slightly out gears me so he shouldn't be out dpsing me honestly. Possibly I am just doing something wrong without realizing it.

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