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  • [PLUGIN] Pokebuddy - Gotto kill em all!

    Discussion in 'Uncataloged' started by maybe, Oct 26, 2012.

    1. KissMe4711

      KissMe4711 New Member

      Jun 18, 2013
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      So I have this logic in the default for every pet : SWAPOUT Health(THISPET) ISLESSTHAN 90 $ EnemyPetLevel ISGREATERTHAN MyPetLevel + 4
      BattlePetSwapper ist using Ringer oder Ringerx2
      it works great ...
    2. toliman

      toliman Member

      Jun 20, 2012
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      It is a very common problem.

      Battle Pet Swapper does not change the ratings system used to decide what pet should be swapped to, when the swapout is requested.

      every time you use a Ringer or Ringer x2 setting for pet battles using battle pet swapper, it will rate low level pets as preferred options, because pokehbuddy assumes you have even level pets for the zone and area it engages wild pet battles. It was designed to work with pet area, not battle pet swapper.

      The default rating used is for pets around 1-5 levels to each other.

      A Ringer setting, would need to rate a level 5 pet at 80% health, lower than a level 25 at half health. But, rate a level 5 pet at 100%, higher.

      So, you also have to change the ratings used under advanced, or it will swap the lower level pets back in.

      You really only need to change the level difference slider to - 5 or - 10, but if you forget, it will act as you have seen.

      Next version will work better with BPS, but it needs some tweaking. It is fast though. And, works with the HB beta. It is more complicated right now, but not more than PB is.
    3. htcy2k

      htcy2k New Member

      Oct 29, 2011
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      You have to unselect Use Framelork in General section of HB setting.
    4. virtual

      virtual Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      nvm... thanks for framelock info
    5. OmniRed

      OmniRed New Member

      Aug 14, 2010
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      I've combed through this massive thread as best I can, but I cant seem to fix this...

      I'm using Pokebuddy (never used it before now) + Petarea plugins with Gatherbuddy2 and the lev 1-4 profile to get started.

      The bot fly's around but never targets any pet, nor engages in any combat.

      Any ideas?
    6. OmniRed

      OmniRed New Member

      Aug 14, 2010
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    7. Slite62

      Slite62 Member

      Oct 16, 2013
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    8. toliman

      toliman Member

      Jun 20, 2012
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      Very Late reply, but there's a few things to check if you are still looking for answers.

      0. Switch to combat bot to test things out first.

      1 check the pet combat level of your pets, in the game. You should have 3 pet slots and the pet heal ability unlocked. Keep a note of the pets level. If it's way below the current area's pets, change to a low level area, or your home city.

      2 open pokehbuddy settings, enable the detailed logs on the first tab under settings. This should show if it can find pets while active.

      3 check the highest pet level and lowest pet level drop down list, set it to 10, this should be fine to test with. Also, change the range to 50 for testing. You can also choose a higher range, it's up to you.

      4 disable the blacklist / whitelist if it is ticked, untick PVP queues if it's ticked.

      5 switch to the advanced tab, choose default levelling from the drop down list and press load.

      6 start HB.

      7 in game, move up to a pet and see if pokehbuddy engages in a battle. Try it manually if you can, see what happens. You may need to abort or finish the battle manually if pokehbuddy doesn't start the battle.

      8 if it still glitches, upload the log here and we can check it out.
    9. Planetdune

      Planetdune New Member

      Nov 8, 2013
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      I am using Pokebuddy with Petarea and PetBattleSwapper. Problems:

      1. Im using the "GatherBuddy 2 botbase" and it keeps trying to "mount" while in pet combat...
      2. I is catching blues I alread have... I only want 1 pet of each (blue) so it shouldn't capture blue pets I already have...
      3. After a few battles my character flies off to the other side of the continent to either start battling a few mobs there or just fly into the fatigue zone and die...
      4. After a few battles it seems to stop trying to find battle pets but concentrates more on just idling, flying around .. not sure what it is doing really... (is this because I use Gatherbuddy and it is trying to find stuff ??)
    10. martylol

      martylol New Member

      Apr 3, 2012
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      How do I get my lowest level pet to get chosen? The bot has been going on for an hour without lvling the one that actually needs the EXP. Please help me out here. I got no pets at 25 and going on Relative mode. The pets are lvl 15,14 and 13 and marked as favorite (only use favorites).
    11. d00mw01f

      d00mw01f New Member

      Sep 10, 2011
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      Can anyone give logic and factor values for PokeBuddy? Im trying to use Ringer and RingerX2 mode in Battle Pet Swapper but default settings in PokeBuddy sends out ringer and they kill enemy pets and my lower pets didnt get any exp.
    12. Dragonfabri

      Dragonfabri New Member

      Oct 10, 2013
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      Umh, i'd like to try this out.
      More specifically, can this bot simply farm one trainer over and over again?
      I held on the Spirit tamer quest, so that i can challenge the Air (and the others) spirit tamers as much as i like. Is it possible to create a profile so that my character:
      1)speaks and challenges the spirit tamer
      2) Uses a sequence of specific moves and swaps
      3) Heal pets with the CD or with bandages (the ideal best would be if the bot flew to the nearest stable master, but if this increases the chances of getting caught using a bot i'll stick with the 6 minutes CD or the bandages)
      4) rinse and repeat

      If yes, this bot would be amazing :) Also, are there all the informations in the Opening posts to create a profile to do what i want it to do?
      Finally, is this bot easily spottable? How much time would you reccommend i leave it levelling (since the character stays almost always in the same spot) before taking breaks? Thanks in advance everyone :D
    13. ynoorbz

      ynoorbz Member

      Nov 24, 2010
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      Thats a whole lotta questions lol. I actually don't have many of the answers but I've been using this for a while and I think with the right profile writing using questing botbase it should be possible. Might even have a stab it myself but pretty busy lately :(
    14. maybe

      maybe Community Developer

      May 15, 2010
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      First, sorry for my absence lately. Trust me, i've got a decent excuse.
      Cant focus on anything for more than 5 minutes atm :(

      1:Yea, make a profile that keeps interacting with it.
      2:Specific moves, no. Specific swaps, soon-to-be-released version has it yea. Fixing some hardlock crap before i release it.
      3:CD & bandages yea, tamers no (i never needed them anyways and i've done over 10k pet battles)
      4:rinse & repeat what?!?

      Bot is not really detectable but it uses other botbases for navigation. I never leave it completely unattended but i never saw any reason why i shouldnt.
      I've left it botting for hours. See farming lucky yi which was an insane leveling trick.
    15. maybe

      maybe Community Developer

      May 15, 2010
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      1:Thats HB's fault. It returns CanCast true while you cant cast anything during pet battle.
      2:select the option "Higher than what i have" or something like that
      3:no clue.. Do u use PetArea with profiles spread over multiple continents?
      4:no clue whats going wrong there.

      Wish i could say "send me the logs and ill take a look" but not atm. Maybe when im used to my new meds.
    16. maybe

      maybe Community Developer

      May 15, 2010
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      I dont know what your other plugins are doing (im not responsible for BPS etc) but if you go to advanced settings, select "default leveling" in the combobox and press Load, it should always start the fight with the lowest level pet.
    17. maybe

      maybe Community Developer

      May 15, 2010
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      BPS is broken, as far as i know.
      Soon-to-be-released version has an option to disable pre-combat swapping, should fix your issue.
      (also has auto-logics, puppy-logics and sooo many other awesome features)
    18. Dragonfabri

      Dragonfabri New Member

      Oct 10, 2013
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      First of all, thanks for the answers.
      Also, some little doubts, concerning again the previous questions:
      1) Is the tutorial on the OP fine to help me build such a profile? or is there some extra i have to do to make it continously interact with it?
      2) Aw :( i asked this because i have a pet that can solo him (green proto drake), but to do so he has to first cast emerald presence (a buff that reduces damage) and to keep it always up, then heal (with emerald dream) when he goes below a certain % of health. About the swaps, i'd like it to swap only once, while the enemy pet has no usable moves (in the case of the air elemental, when the moth uses his 3 moves), then swap again to the proto drake and finish the battle. Is it possible with the current version to make the bot switch a pet during a specific turn? (like, turn 4: swap with this, turn 5: swap with that, turn 6 and on: finish the fight) Or is your next version going to add such a feature?
      3) I asked this before i found out the green proto-whelp. He alone can solo the trainer and also get out of the battle almost fully healed, so it's fine anyway :V
      4) Rinse and repeat all the previous steps. So, when he finises the battle, he talks again to the tamer and challanges him again.

      Last question: is there an option to change a pet that has just dinged 25 with another specific one lvl 1?

      Thanks again for your work and dedication, and sorry for the questions, but i haven't used it yet, and before starting following the tutorial on the OP i'd like to know its possibilities.
    19. maybe

      maybe Community Developer

      May 15, 2010
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      Try this one : https://subversion.assembla.com/svn/team-random/trunk/release/plugins/Pokehbuddy/

      latest build, not fully tested but should work insanely sweet.
      You can set a specific switching order, there's autologic, auto-swap-in puppypet(lowlevel), puppylogics, 1-click settings, and so much more...

      And about question 1, you'll have to make a questing profile that keeps interacting with the trainer. I dont know anything about making profiles, cant help you there.
      With decent written logics you can do exactly what you describe.

    20. Dragonfabri

      Dragonfabri New Member

      Oct 10, 2013
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      Many, many thanks! this version seems way more customizable :D However, now i don't know how to start creating my order of moves, switch ins and so on.
      I tried doing the same as the OP suggests, but when i clicl refresh pet, Honorbuddy encounters an error and closes.
      You'd be my hero if you could tell me where and how i start creating my own profile to do what i described (for now i'll just manually talk to the air elemental, so don't worry about that). Or should i for now use the version in the OP? But will i be able to achieve the order of moves/witch ins i described then?
      Thanks again and sorry if i've made the whole thing confusing. If you need more info just ask :D

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