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  • [Warlock] Kanrethad Ebonlocke (Green Fire) ~ PureRotation Style

    Discussion in 'Archives' started by Millz, Mar 18, 2013.

    1. RememberWouter

      RememberWouter New Member

      Sep 25, 2013
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      Thank you so much for this one! Still took me about 30-40 tries to get the hang of it but I managed to get it.

      For those being stuck on the second Felhunter phase, this is what I did:
      - Before the first Doom Lord phase dismiss your Pit Lord and Enslave him again asap. This can be done the moment the boss starts to summon.
      - After the second imp wave and the Cataclysm spell, start moving your Pit Lord in the gap to move him out of sight. Spam the move button since he will try to do other stuff aswell. The moment the boss starts to cast the second felhunter phase your pit lord should be in his safe spot or really close to being there. Also move to the other side of the room when your Pit Lord did what you wanted him to do and try to aggro the felhunters. Kill them asap and then let your Pit Lord attack the boss again.
      - After the second Doom Lord phase you shouldn't get any Felhunters anymore (dunno if it's based on the amount of felhunter phases, max 2, or based on the health % of the boss) but after the summon cycle has been completed twice, I only got imps which are easy to take down.

      When the boss is stunned when trying to cast cataclysm, spam your Chaos Bolts (you should try to save up enough embers to cast 2-3) try saving one to kill 2 felhunters asap with havoc. Most of the time I controlled my warlock and let the bot control the Pit Lord, this seemed like the best way to do it.

      !TIP! use your soulstone! When the Pit Lord is still enslaved and you die, he won't be dismissed and you will be able to get back up. Also when you die and don't have a soulstone anymore but your pit lord is still ensalved, keep dpsing the boss with the pit lord, I think I was still able to take down 1 or 2 mil health with him when I was dead.

      !TIP! when you get the Doom Lord phase and you don't want to take aggro, select him asap and turn your back against him. Then let your Pit Lord attack him a few times so that the Doom Lord won't switch to you when you hit him a few times during the rest of the encounter. This also makes the banishing easier and more forgivable when you don't banish immediatly. when you get the second Doom Lord do the same thing and then Banish this one. At the end of the fight -5 mil health, don't focus on banishing anymore if they aren't targetting you. Keep up the dps on the boss.

      !TIP! I put my Demonic circle and the LOS position of the Pit Lord on the right hand side of the portal. This requires less travelling time of the Pit Lord to get to the safe spot since the boss starts summoning on the right hand side of the portal. I also tried fighting on the right hand side of the room since that was closest to my Demonic Cirlce. except for the moment he summoned the imps and the felhunters.

      Also don't give up after 10 wipes, you'll get better at it (and nervous when you reach kill point haha), good luck and thanks for this awesome tool!!!
    2. dagoberto1986

      dagoberto1986 New Member

      Mar 15, 2013
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      I have a problem to send the pit out their line of sight, just before it begins to cast summon felhunters, I use this macro:
      / petpassive
      / petmoveto
      to send him around the corner. but I think you think, "hey, now that I hid, it seems to me excellent time to go out and help my master, to kill the felhunter that can take away the control and massacre so my master," because that funny guy at the Pit Lord, every once I hide it, he comes out and releases.
      Too bad they are not as good at playing the warlock, as I use occasionally. I do more dps bot, but I have not the skill to keep me alive, so for the time being are dependent on the bot.
      someone can tell me what causes this thing the pit lord, seized by a fit of free thinking, come out of hiding?
      in the case, does anyone know where I can go and remove the bot, control of the pet?

      PS: i have remove every /petattack macro, for this fight i use only the original spell from the speelbook
    3. tmzko

      tmzko New Member

      Sep 5, 2013
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      What you need to do is:

      Before the felhunter phase, remove kanrethad or anything else as you target, then use the pet move command and it will stay there. If you dont have anything selected during the fight, it will not cast any spells or do anything.

      Hope it helps
    4. RememberWouter

      RememberWouter New Member

      Sep 25, 2013
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      As stated right above your post:
      For those being stuck on the second Felhunter phase, this is what I did:
      - Before the first Doom Lord phase dismiss your Pit Lord and Enslave him again asap. This can be done the moment the boss starts to summon.
      - After the second imp wave and the Cataclysm spell, start moving your Pit Lord in the gap to move him out of sight. Spam the move button since he will try to do other stuff aswell. The moment the boss starts to cast the second felhunter phase your pit lord should be in his safe spot or really close to being there. Also move to the other side of the room when your Pit Lord did what you wanted him to do and try to aggro the felhunters. Kill them asap and then let your Pit Lord attack the boss again.
      - After the second Doom Lord phase you shouldn't get any Felhunters anymore (dunno if it's based on the amount of felhunter phases, max 2, or based on the health % of the boss) but after the summon cycle has been completed twice, I only got imps which are easy to take down.

      I kept spamming the move command till the Fel Hunters appeared, Kanrethad should move to your Pit Lord to attack him in the corner while he stays there.

      Try this, hope it helps.
    5. Mysigt.

      Mysigt. New Member

      Sep 18, 2011
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      Ignore this
    6. sheetka

      sheetka New Member

      Sep 19, 2013
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      Why does my bot suddenly stops working? It's still running though but when the fight has been going on for a few mins, usually around second felhunter phase, it will just stop working. I can click STOP and START again but it will just stand there..

      edit: Maybe it's a hotkey I accidently push? sometimes when this happens I rage and slam my hands on my keyboard and it starts working again, but it's not a reliable option
    7. beblab

      beblab New Member

      Sep 15, 2012
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      I have the same issue, when the bot goes under a certain percentage of Health it just stops working, what i figured is that it is trying to eat food but it cant resulting in not doing anything. i think...
    8. sheetka

      sheetka New Member

      Sep 19, 2013
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      I killed him using tyrael instead of raidbot. This time the bot didn't stop suddenly somewhere around the fight, luckely.

      I don't think the description of what you have to do yourself is that accurate.
      What I had to do:

      - After the Imp stage, kanrethad will cast Cataclysm once, after that he will cast 2 dots and soulfire, after soulfire he will move to the portal and the felhunter stage will start. When he casts Soulfire you should move your pitlord out of LoS.
      Important is that you stop targetting kanrethad otherwise the pitlord will attack him again. So when he casts Soulfire you should press the following macro: /cleartarget /petmove, and click on the location.

      - In my case the pitlord wouldn't attack kanrethad by default, so order your pet to attack him yourself, he will make sure kanrethad is between you and the pitlord so that he also hits you with his breath.

      - It seems that Purerotation doesn't handle the felhunter stage correctly, sometimes he does havoc felhunter1 and casts chaosbolt on felhunter2 but in my case it just blew all these spells on 1 felhunter, killing them 1 by 1.
      If your gear is not good enough and you don't kill them quickly enough (kanrethad will start casting chaosbolt soon and you'll be forced to hide again) I suggest you configure the pauze tyrael function to pauze the bot when felhunter stage occurs and kill them yourself properly.

      - Don't forget to re-enslave your pitlord when kanrethad starts summoning the doomguard (stage 3)

      This is really all you need to know. The bot does the rest, you just do the movement (stand out of his rain of fire, get in range for your demonic portal etc.)
      I used my gateway as an extra teleport for his chaosbolt incase something went wrong (in my case the demonic portal expired...)
    9. wolfsblut87

      wolfsblut87 New Member

      Dec 16, 2011
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      I?ve investet the half day for nothing... it?s not working for me....
    10. tmzko

      tmzko New Member

      Sep 5, 2013
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      If you think u will just one shot this boss u should stop doing it now :)
    11. Mysigt.

      Mysigt. New Member

      Sep 18, 2011
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      I two-shotted him for whatever that's worth. :)
    12. zeroed

      zeroed New Member

      Oct 21, 2012
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      Thank you !!! Just did it,so yeah you have to untarget everything when you send pitlord los and you need purification potion and its piss easy !
    13. Bombardier

      Bombardier New Member

      Oct 14, 2013
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      thanks! downed on 1st try. I died on 5% but pit lord finished him off ;)... Didn't move Pit Lord LOS still worked. 545ilvl
    14. Mirokuforever

      Mirokuforever New Member

      Oct 21, 2012
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      I just wanted to say thank you times a million. I literally tried 60+ attempts and could only get to first doom lord. I was in tears with anger because I wanted green fire. I did timeless isle to get to ilvl 498. I tried so many times, I use honorbuddy a lot but never thought to check on here for a profile. I was reading guides online when I saw it. I tried and it took me 3 attempts after this profile to time everything but I have green fire now and love you so much for it! Even though my warlock is not my main, I will now love to play him more than I did. Thank you!
    15. Millz

      Millz Well-Known Member Buddy Store Developer

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Well done :)
    16. krandt

      krandt New Member

      Apr 2, 2013
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      I have done this twice before 5.4 on my own toons (1 Alliance 1 Horde). This time I did it for a friend and it is a lot tougher since the nerfs to KJC and Demonic Gateway. Not to mention i think it glitched on me cause my gateway disappeared very quickly and so did my circle. So I ended up having to soak all of his Chaos Bolts. But yes, I too died around 5% and the Pit Lord finished him off. Even that was close. If I had never seen the end before I would have thought I lost. Anyway, now my friend also has the green fire. Thanks Millz couldn't have done it without this.
    17. Bombardier

      Bombardier New Member

      Oct 14, 2013
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      I haven't even used Demonic Gateway, maybe it was the ilvl. The funny thing was that I went afk after he killed me and when I came back into the instance sucker Illidian was there with my quest completed. :)
    18. Millz

      Millz Well-Known Member Buddy Store Developer

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Surely the gateway changes make this fight easier? You only need to jump between them every 1 minute (or 45s depending on what your gear is).

      This fight came out when item levels were ~470-480... HoF time - with 520-560 gear it should be a walk in the park.. says the person who hasn't attempted it for months.
    19. krandt

      krandt New Member

      Apr 2, 2013
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      Well, the Gateway used to have a threat reduction component, making Kanrathed stay on your Pit Lord most of the time. That is no longer the case and you have his full attention for the whole fight now. Doesn't matter, my real reason was to say thanks for the routine it has made my several attempts much easier than without it.
    20. Shaddar

      Shaddar Active Member

      Mar 23, 2011
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      Thanks a lot for the effort in creating this, however the routine seems to dismiss "Pit Lord" a few seconds after enslaving him. Somehow this doesn't work, better off doing it manually!

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