hi all. i want to buy botting rig without display mouses keyboard etc. only processor, ram, motherboard, grafic card, hdd i found Core i5 750 Nvidia GTX 260 8gb 1333 ddr3 ram asrock motherboard and 500gb hdd. Are these rig will keep 10 bots? Now i have notebook asus g74 with core i7 2630qm and gtx 560m and 8gb ddr. it isnt optimized for botting. proc used 25% and ram used 6gb on 4 window and other soft. give me some advice for this
Better to have too much than run the risk of it going deficient on RAM just for the sake of a few dollars RAM is cheap anyway.
Wouldn't buy that, for a bit more money you get a lot more power: Intel Core i7-4770K Why such old hardware? -> Radeon R9 290 with 4GB VRam Take 1600mhz ram, also take 16gb doesn't cost a lot and is always nice to have