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  • HB ARCHIVES: Cava?s Profiles--DO NOT DELETE

    Discussion in 'Archives' started by simon1123, Sep 12, 2012.

    1. LiquidBHK

      LiquidBHK New Member

      May 18, 2013
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      Hey Cava <3

      I am exhausted from all these updates, I can't imagine how you feel updating it all. Must be a 24/7 job. Once its all sorted can we not update for a bit, just want it to it to be working :p

      With fresh install, can the settings can be copied or do they have to be deleted? And if there is a shortcut instead of deleting the entire honorbuddy folder. I think you mentioned 3 or 4 pages back a shortcut "just delete these files"

      >delete path_to_bot/quest behaviors/cava
      >delete path_to_bot/default profiles/cava
      >delete path_to_bot/plugins/cavaplugin
      >install cavaplugin 4.0.10

      But to be honest I don't know what that means as the path files I think are backwards? And I don't even have 'some' of those files if I reverse the path.

      I know you put a lot of hard work in so I just wanted to say thank you.

      Also I'm having trouble, because I didn't do a fresh install like many users posting here, so I am not going to waste your time with a log file until I've done fresh install. But I did have the "please enter username and password" thing plus error from the post above me. I'll get back to you and let you know if i have any trouble upon fresh install >_<

      EDIT: Fresh Install still problem Linking both log files.

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    2. LiquidBHK

      LiquidBHK New Member

      May 18, 2013
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      Not impossible. Would require a GM to have honorbuddy in the first place to know the path. Then they would still have to "prove" you are botting. i.e. running into walls every 2 seconds or running back and forth on the same spot for 2 minutes. If you don't monitor the addon and just go afk then yeah the 2 previous versions of honorbuddy (before the recent honorbuddy update) had this problem and I have seen so many people using this profile running back and forth on the same spot for like 10 minutes. Best place for it is Duskwallow marsh on an escort quest no idea of the name which is why I haven't reported it. There are many other spots too odd glitches. I haven't reported it to cava but I have had 3 toons just run back and forth on the spot for like 5 minutes then noticed 2 other players doing it with me LOL. There is alot of path glitches so you need to monitor your bot. It may say 100% afk, but that's in progress. I highly do not recommend afking. Best to go dual screen play 1 game and watch your bot very closely in the other.

      agreed :D

      Edit: I keep forgetting to report currently cava 4.0.10 is having a problem cancelling Demon transformation. I'll wait until I can get this new 4.1 working and test it out. But no luck so far
    3. ShadowJester

      ShadowJester New Member

      Jan 19, 2010
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      Not entirely sure what is going on. Did a fresh install of HB and the new Cava Plugin as on the front page. After going to the new update every time I start up HB, Cava tries to update via SVN. I know that is how it is supposed to update itself, but the SVN pop-up keeps asking for a username and pass to update. And I know there is a donater's version to this. But I thought the one offered here is the free page. Anyway I can make it stop trying to update itself every time? Because that box pops up several times in a row before it finally gives up.
    4. Cava

      Cava Well-Known Member Buddy Store Developer

      Aug 15, 2012
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      Hello -M_M- and thanks for your words

      Im an user like you, im not an HB enployer or something and my advice is "Buy it" this bot does alot work for you not only questing, there are many theorys about bans, but i think if you bot carefuly and smart the change for ban is very low, BUT...theres always an chance.

      this: EXACT same way?...
      whell look carefully the bot dont play EXACT way all time!!! 2 diferents bots, same race, started at same time will have diferent paths, yes they will do same quests, yes most of times they will run over same place but ( my profiles) are scripted folowing zygor's guide, means many many more real players does the same thing, with right extra plugins you can easly avoid attentions.
    5. Cava

      Cava Well-Known Member Buddy Store Developer

      Aug 15, 2012
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      hi lemonlust, thanks for report
      the :[UseItemOn-v580(warning)] its just a warning the behavior is still working, and even devs told that behavior can be replaced with InteractWith behavior thats isnt 100% true some quests cant , i need re-run all my profiles and look every UseItemOn to check if that can be replaced
      for now i will let then run
    6. Cava

      Cava Well-Known Member Buddy Store Developer

      Aug 15, 2012
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      hello again
      devs know that issue
      if you check the log before that the quest for that "EscortGroup-v594(info)" is done, bot still try do that while also try run to turning quest
    7. Cava

      Cava Well-Known Member Buddy Store Developer

      Aug 15, 2012
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      download and install at New hb folder the CavaPlugin 4.1.0
    8. Cava

      Cava Well-Known Member Buddy Store Developer

      Aug 15, 2012
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      hi LiquidBHK and thaks for your words
      yes, its true too many updates at few days, the big point here its the old way CavapLugin updates himself isnt good, donwloading all files every time i update one single file isnt right way, first time an user start cava plugin bot hang up for up to 3 minutes isnt also good, and its only +-150 files(one yesr so far) think about 2 years? 6 minutes to download all?, no thats not the right way. Now with Tortoisesvn the time its now just a few seconds, a diferent way for downloads inst an option its something i need do soon or later.

      But im human and i made 2 mistakes with cavaplugin 4.0.9 and 4.0.10 both of then if fixed (i hope) at 4.1.0, right now (4.1.0 working) and with new download system implemented you will not experience this issues.

      the paths, what you need delete etc, ignore it, thats for 4.0.10, for 4.1.0 just drop CavaPlugin at Fresh (NEW) hb instalation and you are good to go

      about the logs, they show this:
      [05:22:57.358 N] [Compiler Error]: c:\Paint\Paint\Quest Behaviors\Cava\UseElevator_NoJump.cs(90,17) : error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'ConfigMemento' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
      [05:22:57.358 N] [Compiler Error]: c:\Paint\Paint\Quest Behaviors\Cava\UseTransport2.cs(90,17) : error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'ConfigMemento' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
      [05:22:57.358 N] [Compiler Error]: c:\Paint\Paint\Quest Behaviors\Cava\VehicleCanSelfHeal.cs(79,17) : error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'ConfigMemento' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)

      that are 3 quest behaviors i use in my profiles, for some reason you got that issue, todays morning one tester also reported that via skype, latter will check it
    9. Cava

      Cava Well-Known Member Buddy Store Developer

      Aug 15, 2012
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      report it and i can fix.

      probably its an combat routine issue, need log to confirm
    10. Cava

      Cava Well-Known Member Buddy Store Developer

      Aug 15, 2012
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      need log. without log i can bet you are using 4.0.10
    11. ShadowJester

      ShadowJester New Member

      Jan 19, 2010
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      I was not aware of how quickly this updated. And yes it is 4.0.10. Which if that is the case I will just update it to the 4.1.

      Thanks for pointing out the simple oversight on my part.
    12. LiquidBHK

      LiquidBHK New Member

      May 18, 2013
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      I am now using kicks until I can get yours to work, but yours did a similar thing with ^Cancel Metamorphosis at Rest

      Search for ^Cancel Metamorphosis at Rest

      When I get yours working again, I'll see if I can repeat it. I haven't really been a forum person, but I am going to try to report more error's from now on. Just annoys me the subscription email thing, sometimes I forget to uncheck it, then I get 1000 emails

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    13. Bordret

      Bordret New Member

      Oct 20, 2013
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      How can i update my Cava? He ask me for User name and Password...
    14. Cava

      Cava Well-Known Member Buddy Store Developer

      Aug 15, 2012
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      yes isnt profile related i think its CR issue but not sure, report it at right thread, dont forget you need a type a full template for report, also need make an mark in log and upload that log
    15. Cava

      Cava Well-Known Member Buddy Store Developer

      Aug 15, 2012
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      download new CavaPlugin 4.1.0 and install it at NEW HB instalation
    16. cptdmr

      cptdmr New Member

      May 19, 2013
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      Err: Unable to run TortoiseSVN
      Err: Exception The system cannot find the file specified
      Err: There is a problem with checkout Cava Plugin.

      I'm getting this error after updating it (a fresh download and install)
    17. Cava

      Cava Well-Known Member Buddy Store Developer

      Aug 15, 2012
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      do you have tortoiseSVN isntaled? if yes did you renamed tortoiseSVN?

      Err: Unable to run TortoiseSVN
      Err: Exception The system cannot find the file specified

      its because the command to run TortoiseSVN isnt working
    18. -M_M-

      -M_M- New Member

      Nov 18, 2013
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      Thanks so much for both of your responses! I work from home so I'm always able to keep an eye on the bot, except for maybe stepping away for a bio break. You can see how paranoid I am... I'd never leave it running while out of the house or overnight. :)

      And to contribute to bug reports, my latest update seems to be running fine. I've hit a couple of quests in Westfall that got hung up (mainly at the Inn - kept trying to go back and get an old quest) but deleting the Honorbuddy cache folder cleared it up.

      Thanks again, all... glad to be a part of the Cava/HB family. :)

      EDIT - Don't forget to completely delete your Honorbuddy folder after you've uninstalled the software for a fresh reinstall. I was running into tons of problems like other users and remembering to delete the folder cleared them all up. Might be redundant, but I thought it was worth mentioning nonetheless.
    19. cptdmr

      cptdmr New Member

      May 19, 2013
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      Cava thanks for the reply and the great profile :), I did'nt download and install tortoiseSVN.
      After I downloaded it and install it, now it works great
    20. -M_M-

      -M_M- New Member

      Nov 18, 2013
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      Not to steal the thread's thunder and deviate from Cava-related goodies, but what would be a few of these plugins? Cava is the only one I have installed at the moment, and a majority of the built-in HB plugins are enabled. However, I've avoided the plugin thread here on the forum mainly because I have no idea which ones work and/or can be trusted. As I mentioned earlier, I'm not planning on gathering with HB as it seems like that's where the majority of users have problems with getting the b-word.

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