I'm using the Belf Starting Area 1-21 profile. When the bot trains, it trains each skill so fast it doesn't look like a human is selecting the skills. Is there a way to slow down skill buying and make it look human? The bot also runs right into npcs without stopping at a "human" distance. Can this be adjusted?
Wow, that's just overrated, believe me there are other problems than just this little things. But to answer your questions: no.
no these things can't be changed, and if time were devoted to changing these while some of the huge errors/bugs exist... i'd be quite pissed. no one sees the training screen, but you. no one cares if you park on top of an npc for a few moments except you....
Even playing manually I sometimes run right up on top of an npc so thats not bottish at all. I guess there may be some folks that are very consistent with stopping a certain distance from an npc but I bet if you looked at most peoples real play style you would find that most people could give a crap less if they are "exactly 3.67 yards" from an npc trainer/vendor/questgiver or if they are standing directly on top of the npc.
when I buy skills I spamm my button like a dozen times too so can't really say its not human, do you actually look at every spell to see what it does?
^^true that and i have yet to notice any "bot police" standing around at trainers or vendors with a stopwatch checking times
Learning skills too fast? , I've yet to see someone learning their skills very slowly lol, most of the time me and anyone around me whose learning their skills spam the learn button with a 1000clicks/s xD
If this is all you have to worry about, that means Bossland and the crew have created an amazing bot IMO =D
this bot rocks, hands down... i remember back when hb started... you had to change from 1 profile to another manually, train manually, equip manually... and go up hill in the snow, both ways xD
If I understand him correctly, he's not worried about other people noticing him, he's worried about Blizzard picking up on the fact. I think he's got a valid point, and concern. Anything the devs can do to make the bot's behavior seem more realistic and "human", I'm all for it.
ROFLMAO, Seriously, Training fast is Bottish ? Since when, A majority of people don't waste their time and are in and out of the trainer in seconds. If blizzard put a check on "How fast you Train" Their check would hit 99% of WoW Players if not more..