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    Discussion in 'Ban Section - Ban Reports' started by ak2015, Nov 30, 2013.

    1. ak2015

      ak2015 Banned

      Jul 16, 2013
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      1)Were you using Honorbuddy, Gatherbuddy or both on the account?


      2)Which version (and Beta or Release)?:


      3)If so, when was the last time?:

      -> November 28th 2013

      4)What profile were you using?:

      -> RandomBuddy

      5)What combat class were you using? if None Just put Default then the Classname:


      6)What plugins are you using?:

      -> Standard

      7)How many hours per day did you bot for?:

      -> Average 5 hours, (4-8 hours range)

      8)What honest percentage of time did you supervise your bot?

      -> 0%

      9)How many auctions per day did you have?:

      -> 0; had a mule account for that

      10)Did you Use Any Other Bots, Hacks, or Mods?

      -> NO

      11)Was your account involved in gold selling?

      -> No; only made 500k and wanted to save 1000k before selling

      12)EU or US realm?

      -> US

      13)Is the banned account a Scroll of Resurrection or an actual paid account?

      -> NO

      News flash, botting is very dangerous. I see more reports of being banned on this forum then any other botting forum. With the legal action taken on Shadowbot, and other bots being closed prior. I sense the bot is not detectable, but the actions are way to routine.

      To prevent yourself from getting banned, actually level a character and farm at least once. Then bot to see if the imitation replicate the real person's actions. You will realize the bot does look like a bot, and people will notice it. I say to myself, the botting program is undetectable, because they dont check our computer processes as much as many people think. I was watching this video on youtube that detailed a gm talk with a person over a bot. The GM admitted that once a report goes through, and enough tickets are made, they investigate the bots themselves. With realms being combined and increasing the realm sizes makes it easier to ban since u will see 100's of people botting at the same time, in the same path.

      GM's have a view of the toons, and see their movements, getting stuck in a quest, or in a wall = automatic ban. I realized that even the minimum amount of botting is sufficient to stop the bans. Reality, keep to yourself and dont overflow mats in the market (Whether AH or trade chat). As soon as someone says they are selling 500 stacks, that automatically triggers to me a bot. Sell small quantities and farm less. Dont sell 500 stacks to one person, he will report u. Trust me I do it all the time. I reckon, actually taking the time to prospect, or mill the mats is less detectible. Dont post in ah, seen to many people banned that way on this site.

      When selling gold, change your IP and get your account locked, then reset password. Use an ip from China, i always do this and then change password. As soon as that happens, the ban will occur, and you can justify it and it will become impossible to trigger other bans.

      The botting software is not detectable but more pressure is being put on the users who use it, therefore no more botting like 12 hour days. Those who say they are, trust me they are bullshitting, because i spoke to a few hardcore botters, they told me max 3-4 hours if that. I botted since the glider days and to date never seen a bot that matches those times. In cata, i use to bot nearly 18 hours a day for months. Trust me i even got reported 100's of time by all my guildies and friends never banned.other I was even following other players for hours, never banned, even my own toons followed each and never banned. Now i get banned easily just because the movements of bot are easier to detect.

      I have gotten unbanned before from my 11 accounts, with this crazy ticket. I admitted to botting and it got me unbanned. If anyone wants to use my ticket shoot me a msg. I dought i will get these accounts back since they have already been banned. Once u get second ban, that account is lost forever!
    2. shoxyz

      shoxyz New Member

      Jun 19, 2013
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    3. Xerious

      Xerious New Member

      Nov 27, 2012
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      What kind of news flash is that? Everyone should understand that botting is dangerous, that's why most of us like it :D Honestly the ban forum is very low and there aren't really any other communities the size of HB.

      Such a fool you are
    4. Chesnut817

      Chesnut817 Member

      Nov 7, 2012
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      You just admit to reporting botters .?
    5. spongebobbot

      spongebobbot New Member

      Dec 15, 2011
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      Lol he deserved its ban.

      What a dick
    6. PureLife

      PureLife New Member

      Feb 11, 2012
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      A good ban. He deserves it. I hope his keys gets banned as well. Since all he does is use it stupidly.
    7. alexlee922

      alexlee922 Member

      May 22, 2013
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      What a complete and utter fool lol
    8. yevvvy

      yevvvy New Member

      Nov 18, 2013
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      Funny how easily information can be twisted around because people only choose to see what they want to see. Or reading what they want to read and leave out important information that completely changes the meaning.

      Some of you see:
      Which completely leaves out:
      When you think about what the OP was saying, I believe that he was not saying that he reports every person who has hundreds of stacks of items for sale, but that WHAT HE DOES ALL THE TIME IS??he sells his items in smaller quantities or a smaller amount of stacks per person or even a low amount of auctions per day. Or that he takes the time to prospect, or mill the mats or even part of the mats so that he does not have many stacks for sale at once that could arise suspicion amongst other players, thus increasing your chance to be reported by those players.
    9. Phenotype

      Phenotype Member

      Dec 19, 2010
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      Same thought, this guy is a scum for reporting botters.

      Dont burn your fellow gang members. :(
    10. nedaa

      nedaa New Member

      Nov 10, 2012
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      Undercutting people or selling over +6 stacks is more than dangerous. I've said it 100 times.

      Most dangerous bots in order (considered you don't watch them)

      1. [Professionbuddy] (ah undercutting). There are real people who might get angry of you undercutting them = instant report. You can expect many whispers.
      2. Grinding/Questing (Farming mobs with other players always dangerous). Farming materials you are more victim for report because of competitors.
      3. Instances (Players watch what you do and you can get asked questions in chat). Never should run dungeon without watching.
      4. Gatherer (If you don't farm long time and you watch your bot then you're safe. Also never post huge amount of stacks, should be obvious
      -If you see another botter using same pathway, get the fuck out. There is so much competition to get rid of other botters so ah prices go more expensive. Thread started might sound like ahole to you but he has balls to be honest. It shouldn't even be suprise. And besides people who post huge amount stacks deserve to get reported just for stupidity. (Personally I don't bother reports because I like cheap prices in ah). I don't do much gathering anymore rly. Got all gold I need.
      5. Bg/Pve raid (Everyone goes pritty much solo and in raid enverioment you don't see other players. (no whispers eather). Raid enverioment in randoms is just whole another level. There is no particular intrest in you. Rbg/Flex is different story.

      90% of my botting time during 5 years happened in bgs. No bans so far. Could be different story if that 90% was something else. But this defienetly proves that honorbuddy is no way detectable.

      Everything happen because of reports.

      Edit: Well not everything. Blizzard might have other methods they can catch botters (IP,Ah tracking,Online period, How many toons you running again with same IP etcetc but it's nothing with releated detecting hb.

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