Good luck HB/GB Dev's while your workin on the bot im working on learning how to play my class's all over again haha
gl devs. I have a question.. I have beta, if i made some gb profiles for the new areas would they still be valid to use when the shitstorm comes and the expansion is released?
Wow is my honeymoon planned perfectly I leave tomorrow morning and will get back the following week! Hopefully you guys will have perfected everything.
wow, only 7 days downtime sounds short! Take your time and don't sweat it if you have to postpone, id rather have a working bot in 2 weeks than a broken one in 3 days. I hope the CC devs can get the custom CCs up to speed soon as well.
The offsets on PTR servers can change daily or even multiple times per day. Also the offsets from PTR aren't usually the same as on live. So PTR is kind of useless for this type of thing.
I would have to agree with you on this one Liquid. Why don't the devs use the PTR for the coding? Only very few things change from PTR to going live.
reimbursement for what? you should know the ups and downs of paying monthly. Geez a bunch of whinners... atleast these guys are active among the community. i started HB on 1.958 and that was last month and now there have been atleast 3-4 new updates. quit QQing and deal with it young children. i'm pretty damn sure you have already made enough gold or levels that would of already paid for the bot itself. Geez Grow up and quit complaining. go outside for once in your life...
I know that this may be whiining but... the patch will hit korea on thursday(a day after EU) so.. could u leave the auth for just one more day?
NO. It doesn't work the way you think it does. The offsets of the game will be different. A particular offset maybe, your health. it's a magic place inside the game, an address which can be looked at to find out your health, now imagine every variable in wow has one, your health, your mana, your money, your position, your speed, your weapon, each piece of armor. this isn't 100% correct, but well, maybe it will help you see why leaving the auth server on wouldn't help you any. it wouldn't matter if the auth server were still online, the bot wouldn't work.
To those complaining about having to pay for those 7 days. This is what you are paying for.. You are paying for them to be working there ass off to get it back up and operational. Check this out if you want to whine. WOW is down 6 hours every week minimum. Most weeks atleast on my server that's more like 7-9 hours a week for maitenence. Well that's a best case scenario of 13 days a year down time at 6 hours a week. Not to include patch days I'm talking maitenence only. if you used 9 hours a week your looking at more like 19.5 days out of the year.. The 19.5 is likely to be more realistic. I remember one of the patches this past year wow was down almost the entire day. So lets you the average of 9 hours a week (being generous in my opinion I think it's probably more around 10) Okay so your paying for 20 days nearly a full months subscription of wow every year. Take this argument to Blizzard and see what they tell you. Seriously people.. just think you get a nice break from botting, and the developers will be working their asses off for YOU. So ease off and let them have your 7 days as a thank you for doing such a great job.
the way i see it. yes we're paying for this in one way or another..but come on. WE'RE ALL CHEATERS !!! if it takes some time to update the bot , LIVE WITH IT ! for those asking about time not used on monthly accounts...what u gonna sue them for reimbursment for a program thats illegal to use on the game its being used on ? lol. Good Luck Devs. most of us will be waiting patiently and appreciatively.
People really dont need to be getting angry at each other. I know they dont talk to people IRL like that, but you put them in a forum and people get ballsy. But honestly I worked for EQ and I used to take calls when servers were down and people wanted reimbursement. I can understand that you want to pay for a completed product thats never down, and when you cant use it, you look at it as wasted money. However you need to realize that you are also paying for them to keep it up to date and maintenance. I agree with most of the other people here, I have been SICK of the bugs that have overwhelmed recent editions, and I hope they take their time to make a good working version of the game. I hope the devs are hard at work, and that this turns out to be as great as I hope it will be.