So i just got really unlucky. I was running BGbuddy and i came back from just 10 minutes of afk and i was stuck in a wall during a BG. It was near the end and i said "gg" trying to seem human, then the bg leader said screw off we all reported your cheating ass.. I've already gotten a perma bann and an appeal, and i done for good now? also, if i get banned should i beg for a second forgiveness or deny deny? thanks
Where do these 72hr things come from, are you playing EU or something? I've always gotten perm closure on first offense, always.
I haven't botted a BG in a long time, and when i did i was using a caster. Once i got bloodthirsty i stopped. This was US also.
I don't know why people insist on AFK botting the BGs. It's probably one of the most "dangerous" ways of botting right now. It just baffles me as to why folks will put their accounts in this much jeopardy, then when they get banned, they like to blame HB. It's written enough that BGBuddy and BG Bot are two of the most dangerous bot bases to use because they tend to follow the same general path and behaviors. You can clearly pick out the bots in the BGs almost 98% of the time. If you're going to bot BGs, use Tyrael or LazyRaider, and control your toon manually.
That's because you weren't here yesterday, and before yesterday, the months before and year before. BG Botting wasn't safe since 5.0 because of navigational issues. You probably NEVER botted BG, coz you don't know the inherent danger of it's running paths. GB is due to mainly few player reports and LCP detection of some sort. BG is due to all the players noticing your movement and reporting you at one go. Go weigh the risks. And to your question, tomorrow we can make it HB.
SMH you should never assume because it can make you look like a complete idiot. I have been botting for years, dont let my profile fool you, but when you assume you could be wrong. Ex. I can say you have never past the 3rd grade because there is fast spelling/ taking shortcuts, and then there is w/e you are trying to do. But I have been here yesterday and the year before and i will be here as long as honorbuddy is here and i will continue to support the 6 profile i have with them because you are right about one thing there is detection, but there is also stupidity and if you can advoid both, you will never have a problem.
You assumed that GB is the most dangerous and assuming Tyrael is going to be next. I'm not going to engage in a slug fest with you over words, like criticising language. I also never judged your joined date as such, you pointed in out yourself. I was being objective, you are being sarcastic. I even explained why and not, but you picked the language and words to comment. Try to be useful on a forum where we are all botting and help others.
Very unlikely with a permaban already under his belt. In EU they tend to do 3 hour, 24 hour, 72 hour, perma. Once you reach perma you have a small chance of appeal but after that: You're screwed. So to TS: You're screwed. Appeal is very unlikely.