Dear Player/Viewer, You've seen or heard about the changes coming to 4.0.1 (which is today, Wednesday 13/10/10). If not, either check the forums for Tony's post or simply go to The mmo champion is a source you can't miss out on, so try to be there more often to be up to date to some serious changes coming to wow, or classes. Now I've had some trouble because untill 4 days ago, I haven't paid much attention to my talent builds that are coming to 4.0.1. But ofcourse everyone needs to make the swap and some really good changes or bad changes are coming our way. I've invested most of my time searching and combining the best talents I could get for my End game raiding characters, which also fit any other 80 for max heal/dps/tank. These are the talent builds I'll be using, I tough sharing them with you guys will give you a head start again when you start botting again, so your char is ready when he can bot. Talent Specc: Deathknight: - Blood (Tanking) (ElitistJerks) - Frost (Dps Dual Wield) (ElitistJerks) (Dps Two-Hander) (ElitistJerks) - Unholy (Dps) (ElitistJerks) Druid: - Resto Option: 1) (ElitistJerks) (Healing Option: 2) (ElitistJerks) - Feral (Dps - Cat) (ElitistJerks) - Balance (Dps) (ElitistJerks) Hunter: - Beast Master (Dps) (Hunters Union) - Marksman (Dps) (ElitistJerks)/(Hunters Union) (Dps - Alternative) (ElitistJerks)/(Hunters Union) - Survival (Dps) (Hunters Union) Mage: - Arcane (Dps) (ElitistJerks) - Fire (Dps) - Frost (Dps) (ElitistJerks) Paladin: - Holy (Healing) - Protection (Tank Option: 1) (ElitistJerks) (Tank Option: 2) (ElitistJerks) - Retribution (Dps) (ElitistJerks) Priest: - Discipline (Healing) (ElitistJerks) - Holy (Healing) (ElitistJerks) - Shadow (Dps) (ElitistJerks) Rogue: - Assasination (Dps) (ElitistJerks) - Combat (Dps) (ElitistJerks) - Subtlety (Dps) (ElitistJerks) Shaman: - Elemental - Enhancement (Dps) - Restoration (Healing Option: Raid Healing) (ElitistJerks) (Healing Option: Tank Healing) (ElitistJerks) Warlock: - Afflication (Dps) (ElitistJerks) - Demonology (Dps) (ElitistJerks) - Destruction (Dps) (ElitistJerks) Warrior: - Arms (Dps) (ElitistJerks) - Fury (Dps) (ElitistJerks) - Protection (Tanking) (ElitistJerks) Glyphs: Glyphs have changed a lot during this patch and have given us more chance to pick what you like best, so I can't say some are the best for that class while for others they are and are a must have in order to succeed. Empty Space: There are some empty spaces which need to be filled up, I'll do so when I find the best possible talent tree for them. I won't put in crap, waiting for the real theorycrafting talent builds to use. Be patient if yours isn't in yet. Changelog: Code: * Placed talents for everyone to use * Updated talent url's to work again * Updated to EJ's talent builds, more to come! be keeping a eye open for this thread! * Updated with new glyph (balance druid)
or you could just go to and see their builds. they're always right. always. but thanks panyama, always good work from you.
True that, hence why there here now these are from EJ or combined from EJ + mmo. some people just don't know either one of them and get a bad build and wonder why they suck so this is a push into the right direction. I'll use EJ builds when all classes have one, as they are best as far as I know and used them.
I hate the Glyphs of the DK! They're Bullshit. I had Glyph of the Rise Dead and Glyph of Death Grip. For me the most important gylphs. And now they changed them -.-
Well, I just logged in and reviewed talents and tried em out (I always loved playing a disc priest, it's one of many handplayed toons I have). I ended up unlearning my talents and cancelling my half yearly subscription. WTF has blizz been doing this last update. I've played for a good 4 years, and now I'm like some eBay kiddo, that bought his account and can't play it. I'm sure many are happy with the changes, but I for one can't accept them, and am very disappointed with the results 4.0.1 brought. This concludes for me in the end of playing World of Warcraft, at least for the time being. I might just bot my account to death, or something alike, because this patch just made me loose interest alltogether. Regards, LiquidAtoR.
I have to relearn 8 classes now, and it took me 3 hours now to find somewhat decent information that warriors with 8% hit are now worthless and should aim for 27% hit....-_- Solo PvE/a potential raid spec with a lot more AoE capability than in the first post(With the Fire Nova Totem). The 2/3 in Improved Shield can be debated. // Ele spec with a focus on the ghost wolf. // Resto spec with mobility from instant ghost wolf and is a very mana sufficient build if Focused Insight is used
I have 11 80's I have still not made it past my priest. Every time I log in another 80 I just lose interest in searching through the changes. Maybe the changes are good, I won't know till I go out and heal, which I'll be doing in WG. I share the same thought. I'm not sure what blizzard is trying to do, but at the moment it is fairly graphic changes in my eyes. Slimming down the talents was a good idea, but it feels like I don't have as many options as before. Anyway.. time will tell. Morga
Are these supposed to be pre-80 leveling builds? Or PvP builds? Because this build sucks for end-game PvE, Dungeons and Raids. If you could link to the discussions on EJ, I'd appreciate it.