Yeah, I'm a bit mift that they removed my favorite yellow text from the chat system. "A buyer has been found for your auction Lichbloom" Now us auction house whores will have to keep checking more often. Does anyone know if there's a way to get it back?
really, that sucks :/ not that I was ever at my computer to actually read them anyway, now that I think about it.
blizz must have disabled the system message completely, its gone even without using any chat addons and resetting my chat settings to default. no getting it back unless blizz gives it back, or it was a bug and they fix it.
I read in the patch notes very briefly about some text alerts being removed but little did I know that one was included! NOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!
do you not have a mail icon on the top of your screen that shows you when stuff has been bought? or when you get mail? same thing pretty much just you have to move your eyes...
lol I never paid attention to that message. I usually post on my mules and check them every 3 days or so to see what sold or what didn't. So basically I collect my ah twice a week on each toon. Morga
I loled. I just want my yellow text back! I work from home so its nice to see on my laptop next to me when I sell shit ya know? That way I can put more up right away if I want rather than spamming the AH with 30 stacks. Get ready for more spamming from botters then I guess. I know I wont be doing that but alot of dumb botters do.