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  • TuanHA Hunter - The Ultimate Experience

    Discussion in 'Archives' started by tuanha, Mar 1, 2013.

    1. dekadentz

      dekadentz Member

      Oct 2, 2012
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    2. 585daysold

      585daysold New Member

      Aug 8, 2013
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      Back after along break - Installed new HB and TuanHAHunterSpecialEdition - Getting error tuanha unhandled exception has occurred
    3. cmavo87

      cmavo87 New Member

      Sep 17, 2012
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      Hey guys,

      Just want to check in and say that Hunter CC is working amazingly well - best it ever has, as of right now = rev. 102 with HB .708

      Was playing priest/hunter/ret paladin with my teammates from last season (got 2350/duelist with them), we were on our undergeared alts (ilvl 504).

      We qued into Saveboyswag / Beanslayer / Chanimals playing RMP (all multi-rank 1 players, Chanimals won Blizzcon this year on his lock) @ 2100 mmr and destroyed them.

      Well done on an amazing update Tuan.
    4. tuanha

      tuanha Well-Known Member

      Nov 29, 2011
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      If you beat Chanimals then I have nothing else to do lol. I watched him last blizzcon and he's one of the best player in history of wow.

      Look like hunter need no more update rofl >.<
    5. rulcherkizovo

      rulcherkizovo Member

      Nov 3, 2012
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      What can be not so? I have sometimes in raid for 5-7 seconds not shots my hunter. I use Survivel build.
      I tried on all types of the bot of Tyrael, Lazy and Combat.
      My config attachet this post.
      Maybe optimize my config for raid Thx!
    6. rulcherkizovo

      rulcherkizovo Member

      Nov 3, 2012
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      I Found problem it is true Kill shot use 30% and routine is stupid. 20% Routine now work again. ! pls fix it !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
      +bug Assurance of Consequence

      Equip: Increases the cooldown recovery rate of six of your major abilities by 39%. Effective for Agility-based damage roles only.
      Equip: Your attacks have a chance to grant you 11761 Agility for 20 sec. (15% chance, 115 sec cooldown)

      Rapid fire routine use 3 min. Coldown Rapid fire reduce 2 min. Pls fix it !!!!!!!!!!!!
    7. Laven

      Laven New Member

      Sep 6, 2011
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      Seems like my hunter doesn't use traps and scatter shot in pvp. Does this function available in payed (pro) version? How can i get it?
    8. beblab

      beblab New Member

      Sep 15, 2012
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      Can you please change the Kill shot so i can disable it and manually use it? every time it uses it, it lags and this is your only profile that does this. Really annoying. Also your monk profile is almost flawless, thx for your time :)
    9. dekadentz

      dekadentz Member

      Oct 2, 2012
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      the kill shot issue i postet befor... tuanha liked it so i think he will fix it ;)
      this issue happend in the special version for me...
      dont know how it is in public ?!
    10. Lastwords

      Lastwords Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Hello. I haven't played WOW in over 18 months and recently added gametime and got my hunter up to snuff for arenas (Full honor gear atm) I was hoping someone who has gotten this CC up to 2k rating could PM me and help me. I'm willing to pay for your time. Thanks in advance.

      PS. Just send me a PM on forums with your skype and Ill add you later today. Thank you and Merry Christmas.
    11. pzebra

      pzebra New Member

      Aug 19, 2013
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      Can someone tell me how the short cut keys work? I have the full donate for version and I am trying to work out how to manage cc`s.

      My ideal:

      I play mostly 2s so I was wondering. Is there a way to set it up so that the hunter CC`s the opponent I dont have focus on? IE the healer or DPS that I am not hitting?

      If not... this is the current problem I have:

      When I focus on someone to cc them my dude automatically attack them. So I dont know how to focus on someone and cc them without hitting them while the bot is running? I understand there are shortcut keys but I am not sure how these work.

      Do you have a video showing how best to do it or perhaps an instruction manual on how to configure it?
    12. QuaLiT1

      QuaLiT1 Member

      Aug 12, 2011
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      Im not longer Tuanha hunter user, I rerolled to Tuanha Shaman because my hunter was banned yesterday at 2298 rating, at high rating if youre not really good player (like me, im just a normal skilled player) you need to take risks, in my case I setup the interrupts at 500ms :p so I get banned, of course was my fault not routine, so I will try leave here some tips of my adventure here, maybe it can helps for any user interested on hunter 2v2 :

      Player tips
      ? The cr is amazing like all of tuanha's , but it cant drive you to high rating for itself . This is the difference between normal CR pvp player, and the players who go far using combat routines
      ? Take time reading all tabs on routine GUIS, I can't say (nobody cant) you exactly how to config your routine, each spec, and each player its kinda different.
      ? Dont use Antilag option on WoW unless its really neccesary, slows "a lot" the routines sequence. (I mean if you have good ping 20-70, if you have more than 100 ping of course use it lol)
      ? Before start arenas, when you're full honor geared (500 ilevel) spend time, making more BGs with Tyrael and CR, meet it, test features, test interrupt timers (dont setup it at -1000ms , its risky I was banned for this :D)
      ? For be good botter, be good player, read some PvP Guides of hunter, reforge, enchants, gameplay, MACROS (very important) on noxxic website you will find all you need
      ? Dont use routines hotkeys tabs, right now inyecting macros directly from wow client, Tuanha says me, and yes its true, its faster than do it from gui , so spend time making nices macros
      ? Freezing trap Dot/hot clean glyph its a must have.

      On arenas:
      This is must have macro:
      #showtooltip Scatter shot
      /focus [@focus,noexists]
      /cast [@focus,exists][@mouseover,exists][@target] Scatter shot
      With this macro, you have 50% of arena victory, just enable the feature to cast Freezing traps or other CC when you hit scatter/binding shot on any enemy, on all arenas press this macro at begin to lock a focus, so you only need to make dps with your partner to your target, and press macro button one time, and CR will CC all time your focus, never fails the freezing trap , this tip is your best friend before you take 2000 rating, on low rating players, like I say you, its 50% of victory, if you work to learn how make this together with your CR, you go for right way.
      Note: This is an example macro, you will need to make this with all your spells, like binding arrow, silence shot ... and you can introduce a mod:shift feature for example, to cast macros in target, and with mod key cast the same on focus, I use the other method, because its my gameplay, maybe yours its difference, the important here its know you must have macros and work together with CR

      ?On arenas too, agains healer setup the CR to only silence/interrupt the healer, forgot waste your interrupt/cc cooldowns on DPS, the CR make a lot of damage, even if you have less gear than another hunter player, you will make more dmg, so focus if your target is a dps, focus him will all, but save your interrupt stuff for healer

      ?On arenas IF possible NEVER target a lock (for example) , your targets always must be cloth/leather classes, but be smart, you should know, a lock right now its cloth, but his survivality its amazing, so your CR is not smart, at least not like a human, and its really stupid target this classes, because if they use shields or other shits (like lock) normally a hunter player, kite and wait to save abilitys, but the CR will follow casting the routine, so you're fucked, take care with this, like I say you at begin, CR is really good, but dont have Artificial intelligence, just use logic.

      ?NEVER use Auto deterrance feature, just disable it, use it by hand with macro to enable/deactivate it

      ?If possible, use too disengage manually, if you set it auto, sometimes a melee hits you, and CR will try disengage, but what happends if you have a wall behind you? its useless, you will dont take range, so use it manually, and use it to take enough range.

      ?In 80% of arenas youre going to use spider as pet, so please, macro his root, dont leave CR use it, because it will use always when are on cooldown, this is not good, use by yourself when youre needed.

      ?For old CR users, please last updates about freezing traps and CC in general, are AMAZING, please take time to read and setup this.

      ?Your burst must be setup with HOTKEY, never choose the "At enemys health.." feature, choose a Hotkey, and dont be like nuubs hunters, dont use it at start of game, always TRY to force some defensive CD's from enemy before use this, if is not possible then burst , but always try force.

      ?Dont use stop 300ms if player do action feature, Tuanha says its a powerfull feature, maybe hes right, but on my advice, dont use it, sometimes, when you use this you break the routine at the mid, so you dont know follow it like cr, so youre loosing DPS, and you need to think in mid of battle whats is the need, if you wanna make a action, just spam the button, and your toon will do it, I think its better, just its my advice.

      ?The serpent sting multidot feature, only must be enabled on BG's , if you use it on arenas, you will only get bad news, you will break your partner CCs, your CCs, and all for nothing.

      ?Dont use health pet features on arena, no one will focus your pet there, so dont lost time making the CR work on this

      ? I dont have a lot of experience with new CR features, but if youre playing with a rogue as partner for example, maybe its good idea deactivate your freezing traps, and enable the new feature of "use freezing traps when enemy is on rooted/interrupted cced by a teammate" , agains healer can be amazing combo: Rogue blind, and without you make nothing, the cr will auto trap the healer, so if he dont have trinket, he will stay on CC a entire life, thanks to this new feature to combo your CC with partner CC

      ?Maybe youre an artist, but if isnt your case, you will need at least 12 hours of training with your new friend, the CR, to start looking good numbers, take a week 2 hours daily to test, and setup all, and the next week you will start to see the results, for sure

      My final tip, its the most important tip, dont ask tuanha to add more auto features to CR, keep this in mind, more features enabled, its not BETTER, use only neccesary feature for each moment, remember less features, less CR lag and it means too youre better player because you dont need have all in automode, so if youre good player , youre good botter, if youre good player&botter you will go really far on rating :D

      I hope this can helps at least for those who sent my PM asking to config hunter for PvP, but remember, this is all personal tips, this is how it found really well for me, maybe other user thinks im crazy giving this tips, so take it just and advice or story.

      Have fun hunters! you can find me on Tuanha shaman post now, I have a lot to learn there :D:D

      sry 4 poor english :D

      PS: If you go far on arenas, 2.2 - 2.3 - 2.4 or something like this, please, dont be typical stupid player, you're really interested on stay in shadows, dont spam the general talking about how good u are, and trying be popular on your server, dont go like pro making steramings/ YT channels... just play 4 fun, but remember youre not skilled , keep it in mind, youre nothing without your CR , and is not a good idea have always all eyes of the server in you, because soon or late, you will have bad end, and dont try always to have better rating if you have enough rating just dont play more with your luck, dont cross the line, Blizzard on high end PvP have a really hard hand, I just be reported on 2 following arenas, Im sure of this, and they investigate me, just for 2 team reports, GM come on invisisible to catch me, so take care with this, dont be fool like me :D
    13. beblab

      beblab New Member

      Sep 15, 2012
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      Appreciate the answer QuaL, and i'm looking forward to a possible fix. Have a good day man :cool:
    14. Nizaden

      Nizaden New Member

      Nov 3, 2013
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      Your website appears to be down and the login is not working for the script through Honorbuddy.
    15. shoop

      shoop Member

      Sep 11, 2013
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      Yep! same here.:confused:
    16. xxxstar123

      xxxstar123 Member

      Aug 3, 2012
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      yes same here it's better to pm him or send email
    17. giorgos9334

      giorgos9334 New Member

      Oct 31, 2013
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      Same here.
    18. tuanha

      tuanha Well-Known Member

      Nov 29, 2011
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      Website is back... I think i need better hosting service :S

      Sorry for inconvenience.
    19. rulcherkizovo

      rulcherkizovo Member

      Nov 3, 2012
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    20. QuaLiT1

      QuaLiT1 Member

      Aug 12, 2011
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      0 - Cannot open file for writing log

      The requested resource was not found
      An error has occurred while processing your request.


      Not yet back Tuan :p

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