First you need to choose the routine that you want for your character. Link. Each routine comes with his explanation of how to install. Follow the steps. Almost always asks you to install LazyRaider or Tyrael. Once everything is installed, the tab for bot (grindbot, Professionbuddy, RaidBot etc) choose the one you need for your routine. (Appears Tyrael / LazyRaider, if you've installed it). Then click on classbot if you want to change any parameter that is set in the routine. And you give start PD:Sorry for my english
That explanation is for user guided botting, meaning you have to move by yourself, for afk LFR you must use Dungeonbuddy, but not all LFR wings are scripted by now
HI, I would strongly recommend against any AFK play in LFR, though I think Healers can get away with it better than Dps. However you can try: DungeonBuddy > Raid > Select 'Use best raid available'. I can't remember the exact option but I'm sure you'll find it. Also you may wish to download the plugin: Luckydo Coin Spender Again, I'd not recommend any of this myself but good luck if you wanna give it a spin! G
afking dungeons/LFR is a really, really bad idea - last time i used it, it looked like the bot didn't know to wait for tanks to pull.. so my guy was just running into trash by himself