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  • Are you breaking even with gatherbuddy?

    Discussion in 'Honorbuddy Forum' started by lckwjl, Nov 1, 2013.


    Is gatherbuddy still profitable for you?

    1. Yes.

      0 vote(s)
    2. No.

      0 vote(s)
    3. Sometimes and let me tell you why.

      0 vote(s)
    1. biohazerdinc

      biohazerdinc New Member

      Jun 12, 2013
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      I have seen a lot of other players using the same bot or a bot with close to the say set ups on my realm... This indeed dose kill the AH lot.... How ever, If you take the time to make the bot work how it is able to to you can make a killing. What i mean is make the bot farm for transmogs, BOA`s, and mounts etc.... Yes, this dose make the gold incoming slower, however I am still able to bring in 20k a week. this is enough to keep you going. The other option is to use it on a separate account and mass lvl toons... At this point you can sell them to other ppl for in game gold or time.... Blizztards have said again and again. you can not buy wow gold. however they do not say you cant use the same system to not have to pay for the game...
    2. Proceed

      Proceed New Member

      Dec 3, 2011
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      there are gold buyers out there who can give you keys or sor accounts or gametime for gold, but game time is often made by recruiting the goldbuyers toon, him paying one month of gametime and then cancelling the payment, and this can get your account in trouble, sor accounts are okay but not to bot on ;)
    3. biohazerdinc

      biohazerdinc New Member

      Jun 12, 2013
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      See, That is why i do 30day card only... they go for about 20k on my server... that recruit a friend is a big joke....
    4. deewie

      deewie New Member

      Sep 12, 2013
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      Only got banned when 1x my first week in to HB -I used the AH bot with no undercutting or selling limits...undercutting stacks and stacks of crappy stones as I didn't have the mritemremover plugin at the time :D

      I make minimum 7k gold a day with 1 account and sell it at bulk rates like .7/k so lesse
      7k*30days/month=210k/month * .7/1k = 147$ - 16$WoWsub= 131$/month
      I don't sell ALL my nerd gold tho... not for lack of demand though

      I use TSM to make/post some nerd stuff instead of AH bot and bulk sell a majority of what I gather using bulk buyers either f2f or cod to avoid spamming AH.
      I also use logemeout to go ahead and log me when I get ganked with gb2, 2 deaths is limit also 50 consequential stucks.
      Sometimes I run dungeons too, when I am not afk, so I don't have all green items on my level 90s lol.
      Oh and I learned wtf a glyph was and how to reforge my itams! That makes me look like I know how to play rather than just a silly bot.

      ty HB staff/devs, you are my besties <3
    5. Bounty

      Bounty Member

      Mar 5, 2011
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      So what I'm reading here is basically that farming herbs/ores in MoP isn't worth it anymore?
      I'm leveling up a farmer as we speak and was going to make him farm (''carefully'').

      I used to make 10k a day with the shoulder enchants but I heard that was nerfed.

      Basically you make gold with AH bot these days?
      I'm looking to make myself some gold for my main account to make my life easier.
    6. PaYnE18

      PaYnE18 New Member

      Dec 2, 2013
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      Like others say, it depends on your realm, just 20 mins ago I put 15 stacks of Ghost Iron Ore on the AH and after 5 mins they were gone lol some guys bought the ore, I also was reading a guide of Blackrock Caverns that greens were easily to sell, it depends on your realm ofc, I sold 10 greens out of 15 in the last hour, just try to search or see whats good on your realm, I'm just starting to bot and looks like I'm getting the feeling of whats good on my server.
    7. justinmcd

      justinmcd New Member

      May 15, 2013
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      A lot of people are complaining about getting banned easily.

      Let me tell you about me and honorbuddy
      in 5.3, I botted for 11+ hours straight, in consecutive days. Literally, I would leave it running whenever I slept and when I was at school.
      I NEVER got caught. This is on my main account too. I farmed obsidium, colbalt, and fel iron ore daily. those were my main sources of income.
      Whenever I was able to play, I would play auction house and inflate crafting mats.
      I would also spam trade chat to buy crafting mats in bulk to profit from. Mounts too.

      Maybe they don't want to ban an 8 year old account? I don't know. But I've made 240,000g in 5.3 thanks to gatherbuddy.

      Sometimes gatherbuddy isn't very efficient at farming. When that happens, i just use a different profile or level a character through botting. (I level two character from 1 to 90 in 5.3 soley by botting 24/7.)
    8. User0828

      User0828 New Member

      Mar 1, 2012
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      gathering these days is verrry risky. i suggest that if you do it, take every precaution you can. on my server, herbs barely even sell. i have to constantly relist them to get them to sell. but ghost iron sells almost immediately. so when i use gatherbuddy, i uncheck gather herbs in the bot settings, and just gather the ghost iron instead. sells for roughly 50g per stack.

      i use randombuddy, set to max hotspots, all settings checked except for 'optimize based on player location' or w/e its called, it causes massive lag. i also use player report detector, avoid players, gather dismount, and log me out - all plugins. on top of using all that, i never bot more than 1 hour at a time. i know i know im paranoid as heck lol.

      but anywayz, its def hard to make a dollar gathering. ive tried fishing, but the dang fish wont sell just like the herbs. best bet? use all the plugins i mentioned, and gather ore in 1 hour sections. after each hour, list your ore on the AH, then do a RF or heroic dungeon for some valor etc etc.

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