This is my 8th account im loosing and very fast, in 2 week period i got permanent ban and i was farming 2-4 hours per day. I also added 60day prepaid card and i havent used it cause the free month doesnt passed. It was a paid account totally new (with 15 euros) and i was only using Gaterbuddy version 708-711. I dont know what to say maybe i was reported in these 4 hours or maybe they have a fucking program scaning our programs in RAM, so if we can create a fake image with programs runing in RAM we will get no bans
They don't. If they did there would be nobody botting anymore and everybody posting that they were banned. You fucked up. Plain and simple.
You will be flagged with hwid and ip - I imagine you will prob always be banned Plus farming you will always have idiots reporting you regardless And they can get snapshots of your processes but how and when we cannot answer
With Honorbuddy questing but i have lvl like this like 40 chars and 15 chars on my main account. Never got banned for lvling cause i most lvl the chars with bot after 80 lvl.
Anyway just telling here so ppl know, i dont care for the bans i got many accounts ready to get started, since they only cost 15 euros The only bad thing to this is that i added the 60 days prepaid cards, i should use them on my main acc instead
This sounds like a territorial dispute, maybe you're farming on another farmers spot, we all know some people aren't friendly when it comes to farming. The only thing I can think of is you got caught flooding the auction house, It doesn't matter how long you've been farming if that's all that character does and no socializing etc, the pattern becomes easy to put together. I suggest you send all the stuff you're selling to a diff account via trade so it involves another person and it's not that big a deal. Ofcourse do it to the point that it's obvious a friends only helping you out.
The only way I got around the IP and HWID thing was to set up VMware PC's to use my bots on. As far as I know it will show a different HWID with them and the IP is easy but I can't say it here since it's blocked. But yea. Try out VMwares and you should be good.
Im from Greece and we dont have static ip here it changes automatically every ~24 hours. I think its what Phazekiller said, i must have bots without any guild so ppl that hate me putting too many auctions dont know who i am at all. It's ok till January 1st accouts only cost 15 euros
Okay let me put in like this. Got banned today: When running, the World of Warcraft client may monitor your computer's random access memory (ram) and/or cpu processes for unauthorized third party programs running concurrently with World of Warcraft. An unauthorized third party program as used herein shall be defined as any third party software, including without limitation any addon or mod, that in Blizzard Entertainment's sole determination: So they do scan our ram and processes. Got my account banned today.
Is there any way for us to confirm - as in "see" or know when they actually scan it? Seems like we should be able to detect them doing that but I'm no techie
In my opinion they can see your RAM processes, but they don't do it by default, only when you're suspected of botting. About your problem, you're probably targeted and therefore every new account you make is banned so fast. The exact way of how they recognize you isn't known to me, but probably it's IP and some HWID/windows number/wow install number in win registry. I definitely recommend you to change as much of this as you can before you start a new bot acc.
Ye another Ban today but only using gaterbuddy. I got 2 bots in bg and 1 gatering for 3 days like 15 hours per day. Only the gathering banned in the 3rd day (today at 12:45 server time). I think something like our frined Leticislon says exists or at least maybe some retards scanning areas ans check ppl and reporting. Dunno really....
Beginning to think this myself. I always run my bots in 2 hour cycles, 2 bots up at a time, they log out 2 more log in. Different servers different tasks, none were GB2 farmers. 2 bots to a VM, each VM different IP. They always ban them both at the same time, took out 8 last month. Each one lasted about 2 weeks.
OMG. Before 1 hour 2 more accoutns got banned the one i had it online 3 days in a row unstopable and the other 3 hours per day. Both without Guild, new chars and got banned same time. Also i dont have static ip.