It starts off fine and gathers ores but after a while it just skips everything . This particular bug apparently wasnt fixed from .13 to .14 ... im not sure it was suppose to but yeh its not fixed. If you need logs ( im sure youre aware of this bug by now ? ) let me know what kind you need , i run various machines so ... It shouldnt depend on the machine either way so i guess you can check this for yourselves on your own machines if you dont have enough logs even... either way let me know. thanks P.S It is obviously , also , profile independant which i failed to mention earlier
Yes, I am having the same problem as well. I purchased the 3 day trial, and it seems that my trial will be up before I even get a chance to see how well it works. I am beginning to get frustrated that it hasn't been fixed in the last 3 releases. I guess I should have read the forums before trying the bot.
if you would, please post a full log as an attachment so we can see whats going on.
Here's the logs to mine--I'm having the same problem. I ran it for slightly over an hour. Its my multi-gatherer. Should be harvesting herbalism and mining nodes. I'm pretty familiar with honorbuddy, and my settings are the same as they always have been for farming.
Please go to Bot Config -> Gatherbuddy Settings -> Advanced and tick "Diagnostic Logging" like this: logging.png
Here is my diagnostic log, and a video. The bot completely ignores nodes after a while. no gathering - YouTube logging.png Are you sure you have this set? I am seeing no diagnostic logging at all.
i have the same problem if i start hb again it wil do 5 min oke then i skipp ores so i go watch evry hour and restart hb I make a log I post it when I make a full round