Click the [log] button on the bottom left and paste it here ~ then you will receive help on the diagnosis
The fix was posted: > Right click your HBRelog folder (which should be SVN checked to "") > Click "TortoiseSVN" > Click "Switch" > Select the "Revision" radio-button, add "188" > Click "Ok"
Now it doesn't log in, and it doesn't start honorbuddy either. It starts wow and then nothing happens.
Yes, everything is correct, I can double check. It got the right acc and name on, just it doesn't put in the pass for some reason. Yup everything is correct.
wow I got it to log in.. worked ONE time, now it doesn't. NO idea why it decided to work. it starts wow, closes wow and then repeats that cycle, doesn't login, start hb or anything else.
[23:29:49] Starting D:\World of Warcraft\Wow.exe [23:29:50] Waiting for Wow to start [23:29:53] Wow is ready to login. [23:29:54] Setting Window location to X:1698, Y:2 and Size to Width 640, Height:360 [23:29:55] 0x120062528 [23:29:55] Sending letters to AccountLoginPasswordEdit and then nothing happens.
Are you using TeamViewer? HBRelog is incompatible with TeamViewer. If you do, just shutdown the TV and try again...
I just get the message in HBRelog "Waiting on external application to start WoW" and nothing ever happens. Only start happening after all this problems with HB and updating HBRelog. Thanks.
For some reason I can only maximize WoW once before that command will no longer work, the same goes for bring HB to foreground I'm pretty sure it won't unminimize it. Although I can use the resize option multiple times, it just isn't nice to do when there is a maximize option and then I can resize it easily once I am done working with it.
I'd like to know if there's a way to disable HBRelog from relaunching HB and WoW if they are closed. Reason being is when I launch a Botbase which does some things, I've set that Botbase to close HB and WoW once the required tasks have been complete. But then HBRelog is relaunching them because they've been closed. I'd rather HBRelog just waits for the set interval before moving onto the next task, rather than rebooting the current task which my Botbase is closing on purpose. Any advise?
[0:16:49] HBRelog Version [0:16:50] 1111111: ********* End of Task list *********** [0:16:50] 1111111: Warning: Possible corrupt \WTF\ file at line #:58.\n\tReason: Number of elements does not equal 3 [0:16:50] 1111111: Starting C:\Program Files (x86)\World of Warcraft\Wow.exe [0:16:51] 1111111: Waiting on external application to start WoW