Um, not sure you can do that and why ? Don't think that Blizzard hands out IP bans if that's what you want to be protected from.
Use a VPN Service. All your data you are sending are going through the VPN Server and all your data you are recieving are going through the VPN Server Result: -about 5-10 % slower internet connection -Hiding your IP adress, becuse Blizzard would only see the VPN servers IP. Not yours. There are a few free ones, but I would recomend that you get a payed one. You pay about 1-5 $ per month and you get awesome service for it, and you can do what ever you want on the internet and know that no one can trace you! (Sure there could be Some exceptions, the VPN company could give out your IP if you do something against the law. But still, most VPN company's aren't saving IP logs and therefor not even the cops can get IP logs with some companys') Hope this information helped you out.
masking your IP is instant ban i heard from reading some oldnews about VPN... now all (normal)VPN does not mask any IP no longer...
Just use VPN from companys in your country, Blizzard cannot have eyes on every single VPN server company in the world
I dont really care if the account using the IP hiding gets banned, the idea is to separate the IPs between my farmer accounts and my gold seller accounts.
I hate to tell you. But them not saving ip logs can't save you. The IP is logged, and they can just take out a court order to YOUR isp to see if you were connected to that vpn ip at the time. What it all boils down to. Are you running 40 accounts? Are you running around on the internet harrassing people and acting like a twit? If not you probably don't need a vpn. I had 26 of my 27 accounts banned. I'm back up to 8 and they aren't even following me around checking. I'm on the same static ip I've had for years. No blizzard will not ip ban you unless you become a constant pain in their back side. Even then they would probably just flag your MAC and ban you every time you logged in. So all in all. Unless your a twit, or a major gold seller, as in making ten or twenty grand a quarter off it, you probably shouldn't even bother hiding your IP.
Seems like you really know what you are talking about. But if, he want to feel safe from Blizzard somehow (Even tho I dont think blizzard bans IP's) he could use a VPN, becuse VPN Companys would only give out information to the police/goverment etc etc, not a private company as they dont have to
No they aren't. The real funny thing is, he could very well get his account locked the moment he logs in under the VPN. I've definitely seen stuff like that happen before.
I always use a VPN on my botting accounts. They shouldn't ban you for using a VPN unless it's in another country, or you switch IPs too fast (like back and forth from the vpn to your home connection, or you keep getting disconnected from the VPN and they give you a different IP each time). I'm not saying it protects you, and based on what i've read blizz seems to go after MAC address, not IP. Just my 2c.