Just bought honorbuddy and can't get it to work because of this. Tried the .Net and BuddyWizard Fix. It still doesn't work. Any way I can fix this?
All it says is... [20:58:14.781 N] Honorbuddy v2.5.9001.716 started. [20:59:14.718 N] Logging in... [20:59:17.296 N] Attaching to D3D9
are you sure wow is running? that your fully logged in and in game before starting honrobuddy? that on the login screen it says X86 in the lower left hand corner so you know your running wow in 32bit mode? also check and make sure your not running any programs that can interfere with honorbuddy. http://www.thebuddyforum.com/honorbuddy-forum/honorbuddy-guides/108771-help-desk.html#post1292171
Yes, i'm logged in to WoW. I'm sitting in the starting area with my level 1 Tauren Paladin before I start Honorbuddy. Yes, it says x86 in the lower hand corner. I have everything uninstalled that's listed in the Help Desk thread. I've been uninstalling even more than that. I'm pretty sure Gamebooster is completely gone because the folders I could find for it were completely empty.
Okay. It's either like before or like this. Then I have to cancel the session and wait the 30 seconds, which is when what happens in the original post happens again.
do you have skype? if you would please pm me your ID so we can get in contact with you about doing a teamviewer session.
Do a Clean install into a new folder using the latest beta build. you can grab the latest beta from here. http://updates.buddyauth.com/GetNewest?filter=HonorbuddyBETA