My friend and I both have HB and we are RAF linked. What is the best way for us to level AFK? We have a healer and a tank.
Hi, if you have an account with a level 90 you should try the botanist profile 'symbiotic" it's working pretty nice it's not 100 % afk as it should but my raf toons are level 77 now and /played of 1 day and 10 hours. If you don't have an account with a 90 then as long as i know there is not really something to level afk... You could do random dungeons but that would be risky more over with a tank and an healer
Yes you are right,but when i said if you got a 90 i didnt mean on your account where you raf toon is i meant : one account With your friend char, a second With your raf char and a third account With the 90 (booster)